ALSO READ: 5 Things WWE got wrong at SummerSlam 2019

#6 The Fiend takes out Paul Heyman

‘The Fiend’ Bray Wyatt finally made his in-ring debut at SummerSlam last night. After an incredible entrance, The Fiend steamrolled Finn Balor in a short match, with Balor passing out while in the Mandible Claw before being pinned.

Wyatt is one of the hottest acts in WWE now and if WWE play their cards right, Wyatt could be one of the top guys in the company soon. The best way forward would be to have him face Brock Lesnar and beat ‘The Beast’. Lesnar is ’the guy’ on the roster and a win over him would immediately cement The Fiend as a force to be reckoned with.

A great way to lay the foundations for The Fiend vs Lesnar feud would be to have The Fiend attack Paul Heyman on RAW and lay him out.

#5 Sasha Banks returns and attacks Becky Lynch

A lot of people thought that Sasha Banks was returning at SummerSlam last night but it never happened. If things are in place, WWE could do it tonight. We all know Becky Lynch needs an exciting feud and who better than ‘The Boss’, especially as a heel.

Banks could return and attack Lynch on RAW during a promo or after a match. Sasha could help elevate Lynch even more because we know that she’s one of the best women WWE have. Her incredible match with Ronda Rousey proved that.

#4 The OC ‘welcome’ the Street Profits

The Street Profits have been in backstage segments for a few weeks now and it could finally be time for them to debut. One great way to introduce them would be for WWE to book Gallows and Anderson to attack the Street Profits either backstage or on the way out for their debut match.

This could lead to the NXT Tag-Team Champions challenging Gallows and Anderson for the RAW Tag-Team titles at Clash of Champions next month.

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#3 Johnny Gargano makes his full-time debut

Johnny Gargano and Adam Cole put on an incredible main event at NXT TakeOver: Toronto. After 3 Stages of Hell, it was Cole who left with the NXT Championship and it’s now time for Gargano to move up to the main roster full-time.

That could happen as soon as the RAW after SummerSlam later tonight. If that does happen, we hope that WWE treat him more like they treated Ricochet after his call-up than what happened with EC3. Gargano is a great talent and there’s no reason why he can’t be successful on the main roster.

#2 Braun Strowman is revealed as AJ Styles’ next challenger

AJ Styles beat Ricochet once again at SummerSlam last night and it looks like it’s time for a new challenger. One man WWE could pick which would both surprise and excite fans is someone who wasn’t even on the card for SummerSlam - Braun Strowman.

Strowman is a popular babyface and would be a different kind of challenge for Styles. With the help of The OC, WWE can get a nice long feud with some really interesting matches out of this if this is the direction they decide to go.

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#1 Could Seth Rollins be next?

Seth Rollins vanquished ‘The Beast Incarnate’ at SummerSlam and decisively so this time. It’s time for WWE to continue pushing Rollins as the top guy and who better for his next opponent than Goldberg - the man who just destroyed Dolph Ziggler?

Goldberg has been booked as a monster since his return matches for the last few years and having Rollins in the ring with Goldberg and eventually beating him will help cement Rollins as a star in the eyes of fans.

Rollins can make Goldberg look like a monster even in defeat and will be able to carry him to a great match. Goldberg versus Rollins would be a great main event for Clash of Champions and WWE can start the build up tonight if they choose to do so.

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