Wash your hair regularly. Gently towel-dry it and let it air-dry as often as possible; blow-drying is hard on your hair. Condition your hair to keep it looking healthy and vibrant. Find a formula that works for you; nothing is one-size-fits-all.

A touch of base, a hint of blush, a bit of eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara can help bring your face to life. To avoid looking like a painted lady, choose colours that compliment your natural colouring. Go natural if that’s what feels best to you. Be sure to eat right, drink lots of water, and pamper your skin to make it glow.

Being fit is always more attractive than not being fit. And don’t think you have to be a skinny model to be fit; fitness is about being able to move, breathe, and keep up during a physical activity. Exercise is also a secret potion for happiness and well-being, and being happy always makes you more attractive.

A lack of hygiene is a huge red flag for interpersonal relationships; after all, if you aren’t willing to take care of yourself, why should anyone else be?

Pants are not as noticeable as shirts (pretty much all jeans look alike) and can be worn more times in a row than anything else. Just be sure they stay relatively clean and don’t lose their shape; jeans can become stretched out after just a few uses.

If you have a nice figure, it will be obvious in modest clothes. If attracting a boyfriend is one of your goals, you may be surprised to find out how many boys actually prefer it when things are left to the imagination. More importantly, a lot of the guys who want to see normal girls in ridiculous little outfits aren’t the ones you want to be attracting in the first place.

Seek professional help, if necessary. A counselor or therapist can help you overcome self-confidence issues and be your best self.

Stand up for what’s right. If someone puts you down, be your own knight in shining armor; no one has a right to treat you with disrespect. Do the same if someone else is being abused. Don’t be afraid to stand up – even if it means standing alone; remember, it only takes one person to make a huge difference. Respect yourself and your body. Think twice about drinking liquor, smoking cigarettes, and eating bad food. Illegal drugs should be avoided. And be careful if/when you engage in sexual activity.

If you think it’s nerdy or uncool, don’t worry; it can be private and no one needs to know you keep it.

It may help to make a new sheet of paper for each goal and write why you want to do it, how you’ll make this happen, and when you’ll have it done by.

Do your best at school. People look up to smart, active people in the community. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from teachers and other students. There’s no such thing as a stupid question; that’s how you learn! Read|Read]]! Read bestsellers, classic literature, how-to manuals, self-help books, and pieces you don’t necessarily agree with. Always carry around a book to read so that you can fill your heart and mind with good things and great ideas.

Don’t put others down, tell them they’re stupid or ugly, or call attention to their flaws. Everyone has flaws, but by learning to recognize the positive things in others, you’ll be able to appreciate and develop them in yourself.