The doctor will examine your baby and come up with a customized treatment plan.

Liquid infant acetaminophen: give 1. 25 ml if your baby weighs between 12 to 17 pounds (5. 4 to 7. 7 kg) or 2. 5 ml if they weigh between 18 to 23 pounds (8. 2 to 10. 4 kg) Liquid infant ibuprofen: give 2. 5 ml if they weigh between 12 to 17 pounds (5. 4 to 7. 7 kg) or 3. 75 ml if your baby weighs between 18 to 21 pounds (8. 2 to 9. 5 kg). Infant ibuprofen drops: give 1. 25 ml if your baby weighs between 12 to 17 pounds (5. 4 to 7. 7 kg) or 1. 875 ml if they weigh between 18 to 21 pounds (8. 2 to 9. 5 kg).

It’s really important to prevent dehydration when your baby has a fever. Encouraging your baby to drink even for a minute or two can help them feel better and help them stay hydrated.

Never walk away from the baby while they’re in the bath. If your baby can’t control their head yet, don’t forget to support their neck. A cold bath might seem like a good idea, but it can actually shock their system. If your baby shivers a lot, their body temperature will actually go up. [8] X Research source

It’s a good idea to keep taking your baby’s temperature so you can see if it gets higher. When your baby has a low fever, they may seem a little fussy or clingy. Give your baby extra cuddles and attention to help them feel better. Monitor their symptoms. If the fever lasts 2-3 days and/or they seem lethargic, call your doctor. [11] X Expert Source Joel Warsh, MDBoard Certified Pediatrician Expert Interview. 20 July 2021.

Watch for other symptoms of illness and keep track of how long your baby has had a fever. If you have to call the doctor or a nurse hotline, they’ll ask you for details about your baby’s fever.

It’s really important to get medical attention for a high fever. If it’s after hours at the doctor’s office, take your baby to the emergency room.

If your baby sweats through their clothes, change them right away. Leaving wet clothes against their skin could actually make them chilly. If your baby starts to shiver, it’s a sign that they’re a little cold. It’s totally fine to lay a thin blanket or sheet over them, but don’t automatically dress them in heavy clothes or they may overheat.

The doctor will probably ask you to bring the baby in for an exam to rule out other medical conditions.

Your doctor might have you bring your baby in or they may give you medication instructions.

You should also call the doctor if your baby has a lower fever that lasts for more than 2-3 days.