Shortness of breath Nausea or vomiting Light-headedness or dizziness Cold sweats Pain in the left arm, jaw, and neck.

Studies show that chewing the aspirin tablet is more effective at treating the clot, easing the chest pain, and preventing damage than swallowing it. Slowly chew on a 325 mg tablet of aspirin while waiting to receive emergency attention. Get the aspirin into your system as soon as possible.

Shortness of breath Heart palpitations Low-grade fever Fatigue or nausea Cough Swollen legs or abdomen

Call emergency services or ask someone to take you to the nearest emergency room. Just like with heart attacks, early treatment is the best way to prevent the condition from worsening.

Consult your doctor before taking these medications. With physician approval, take these medications three times a day with food. You should take a total of two to four grams of Aspirin per day or 1200 to 1800 mg of ibuprofen per day.

Get to an emergency room as quickly as possible. Lung conditions may require emergency surgery to alleviate symptoms.

Fever Coughing up mucus or phlegm Fatigue Nausea, and vomiting

You have trouble breathing The chest pain worsens significantly You have a fever of 102 F (39 C) or higher that won’t go down Your coughing won’t subside, especially if you’re coughing up pus Be especially careful with children under two, adults over 65, and anyone else with a compromised immune system.

In delicate patients such as the elderly or long-term asthma sufferers, the intense coughing from pneumonia can sometimes cause a lung blockage or tear in the lung.

Both conditions require immediate medical attention. The blood leaking into the chest cavity or the air escaping into it can rapidly collect and compress your lungs. These conditions will not resolve on their own, but require medical assistance. Call emergency services or get to an emergency room as quickly as possible.

The condition is usually triggered or worsened by fatty or spicy meals, especially if you lay down after eating. Alcohol, chocolate, red wine, tomatoes, citrus fruits, peppermint, caffeinated products and coffee can cause acid build up and reflux.

You can also try doing some gentle movement, such as rocking in a chair or walking. This may help to improve your digestion.

Prilosec is an over the counter proton pump inhibitor that stops acid production in your stomach. Take 1 tablet at least an hour before your meals to slow down acid reflux. Make sure that you read the insert carefully to ensure you understand how this medication will affect your overall digestion. Zantac works achieves the same effect by blocking receptors for Histamine. Place a tablet in a glass of water and wait for it to dissolve. Drink the mixture 30 to 60 mins before your meal to reduce acid production.

DGL-licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) extract can help coat the mucous lining of the esophagus and prevent the damage and pain of acid reflux. Take 250 to 500 mg capsules three times daily, chewed either one hour before or two hours after meals. If you take this for a prolonged period, visit your doctor to have him check your potassium levels. Licorice can reduce the potassium content in your body, which in turn can cause heart palpitations and arrhythmias. Buy deglycyrrhizinated capsules to prevent side effects such as swelling.

Zhongwan (CV 12) Bilateral Zusanli (ST36) Sanyinjiao (SP6) Neiguan (PC6)

Be sure to follow the medication insert’s advisements on changes you may experience in digestion.

Increased breathing Increased heart rate Shaking Heart palpitations (feeling that your heart is jumping out of your chest)

Count to three in your head on each inhalation and each exhalation. Controlled your breathing instead of letting air rush in and out of your body. By controlling your breath, you can take control of your anxiety or panic. [21] X Trustworthy Source HelpGuide Nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free, evidence-based mental health and wellness resources. Go to source If you have to, use a breath volume limiting device like a paper lunch bag held to your mouth and nose to limit the amount of air your body takes in. This can cut off the cycle of hyperventilation.

Schedule a 35-minute massage that focuses on indirect myofascial release (trigger points). Also ask the massage therapist to focus on muscle restrictions in the shoulder, cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine, the neck and back of head, and the bony area on top of the buttocks. Find a comfortable position on the massage table, using blankets or towels to make any adjustments you need. Play music that makes you relax, and take slow, deep breaths. [23] X Research source Sherman K. et al. Effectiveness of Therapeutic Massage for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Depression & Anxiety Journal. 2010. May; 27(5): 441-450. Ask the massage therapist to use Swedish massage techniques between muscle groups to transition between them. Ask the the massage therapist to place warm towels or heating pads on your muscles. When he or she transitions between muscle groups, remove the heat to experience cold transitions between groups. Take slow deep breaths during the session.

Therapists sometimes prescribe benzodiazepines or antidepressants to people who experience panic attacks. These medications treat the symptoms during an attack and prevent you from having future ones.

To tell the difference between musculoskeletal and cartilage joint pain, press on the the ribs around the sternum (bone in center of your chest). If there’s pain next to the sternum, chances are you have costochondritis.

Take 2 pills or tablets with water and food. The food helps prevent irritation of the stomach.

Lift your arms straight over your head, then stretch as far to the back and sides as you can. Really let your chest muscles expand and relax as you do this. While facing a corner, stretch your arms out fully and place one hand on each wall. Move your hands further apart from each other, letting your chest come closer to the wall in the process. With your feet planted on the ground, get a firm hold of the sides of an open door. Lunge your chest forward, holding your body up by your grip on the doorframe. You can also simply walk forward while holding onto the doorframe.

Taking a warm bath with a cup of Epsom’s salts in the water can also ease the pain in your cartilage and muscles.

Seek immediate attention if you were in an accident involving chest trauma. A broken rib can damage the lungs and heart if left untreated. Your doctor may perform an x-ray to note any broken bones.