Make sure you know how to apply makeup effectively. If you are obviously wearing makeup, you are sure to be caught. If you use makeup, try to avoid being touched. You’ll be found out if someone puts their hand on your face and the concealer comes off.

To remember what being dizzy feels like, wait until you are in private and spin around until you get a little dizzy. Make note of how it feels and how you’re acting. When you’re in front of others, replicate that behavior, but only slightly.

Pretend to shiver while in bed, even if under the covers.

Take a hot shower without getting your hair wet. Blow on your face with a blow dryer. Rub water on your face to make it seem sweaty. Heat your face for a few minutes with a heating pad or hot water bottle when no one is looking. Rub your face vigorously with your hands. Lay down on your back with your head hanging off the edge of your bed so that all the blood flows to it.

Drink hot water before putting the thermometer in your mouth. Touch the thermometer to a hot light bulb for a second. Shake the thermometer vigorously by the metal tip. This will push the mercury out towards the high end of the thermometer. Of course, this doesn’t work with digital thermometers.

Most of the time people won’t want to see your vomit, so this sound performance should be enough. You can also make fake vomit and pour it in the toilet while you pretend to throw up. If you are eating soup, put broth in your mouth and pretend like you swallowed it. Then make your cheeks wide, like you brought the broth back up, and run to the bathroom to spit it in the toilet.

You could also make yourself sneeze, by sniffing pepper. For some sleight of hand, sprinkle pepper in a sweater and pretend to rub your nose on it. Sniff in the pepper to make yourself sneeze.

Migraines usually last 4-72 hours. Migraine headaches are good to fake because they’re not contagious, so you’re less likely to worry other people. Plus, it’s hard for a doctor to “test” for a migraine.

If you’re looking for a doctor’s note, it’s not a good idea to pretend that you have a fever because they can easily check your temperature.

Speak slightly slower. Pause occasionally for a second in the middle of your sentences. Don’t be too quick to answer. Remember, you are sick and sluggish. Try to breathe through your mouth to sound like you have a stuffed-up nose.