Properly setting this will block pornographic images from your searches; even provocative searches, such as for the word “sex,” will return images that may be suggestive, but no more so than you might find on network television.

You’ll need to log in with your account and password, and SafeSearch will remain active until you turn it off. Furthermore, you can tell at a glance if it’s active: large colored balls will appear in the top right of the screen as long as SafeSearch Lock is enabled.

Unlike Google, setting strict filtering on Bing will block everything. For example, searching for the word “sex,” Bing gives no results at all. This indicates that Bing is not filtering content of the results, but prohibiting the search completely. Depending on your own personal feelings, this may either be a good thing or a bad thing. Either way, there is a very clear difference between Bing searches and Google searches. Note: Bing does not offer a way to lock strict filtering.

If Family Safety isn’t installed, go to the Windows Live Family Safety download page, and click Download. Follow the prompts to install Family Safety.

If Family Safety isn’t installed, go to the Windows Live Family Safety download page, and click Download. Follow the prompts to install Family Safety.

If Family Safety isn’t installed, go to the Windows Live Family Safety download page, and click Download. Follow the prompts to install Family Safety.

If Family Safety isn’t installed, go to the Windows Live Family Safety download page, and click Download. Follow the prompts to install Family Safety.

If Family Safety isn’t installed, go to the Windows Live Family Safety download page, and click Download. Follow the prompts to install Family Safety.

To monitor somebody not listed, you will need to create a new Windows account. Microsoft recommends that each person in a household have their own Windows account. Disable guest accounts—kids will use that to get around the filters.

To monitor somebody not listed, you will need to create a new Windows account. Microsoft recommends that each person in a household have their own Windows account. Disable guest accounts—kids will use that to get around the filters.

To monitor somebody not listed, you will need to create a new Windows account. Microsoft recommends that each person in a household have their own Windows account. Disable guest accounts—kids will use that to get around the filters.

If you already use Family Safety, match each Windows account to a name on the Family Safety members list. If a Windows account doesn’t have a matching Family Safety name, click the option to add it. When you’re done, be sure to click the Save button.

It’s important that all of your Windows accounts have passwords. Without that, kids could log on to that account and bypass their Family Safety settings, get to websites you don’t want them to see, and you won’t be able to see reports of their online activities.

It’s important that all of your Windows accounts have passwords. Without that, kids could log on to that account and bypass their Family Safety settings, get to websites you don’t want them to see, and you won’t be able to see reports of their online activities.

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Works with any web browser: (IE, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome). Password protected, so that only an administrator can bypass the blocker. Come with a built-in list of filtering criteria. Have a whitelist to manually list sites that shouldn’t be filtered. If you have an Apple Mac OS X computer, make sure the filter you purchase is compatible with your version of the Mac OS.

Locate your HOSTS file. The hosts file is located in different places depending on your Windows version. For XP/VISTA/7 it is located in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC directory. For 2000 it is located in the C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC or C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC folder, depending on the nature of your Windows install To view the contents of this file, browse to the location of the file and double click on it. You will be asked whether you want to search the internet for a program to open the file or if you wish to choose from a list. Choose the list option and open the file with Notepad. You can now view all of the websites that are being blocked. To manually block a site, go to the bottom of the file and on a new line type “127. 0. 0. 1 siteyouwanttoblock. com” without using quotes. This will block siteyouwanttoblock. com. Repeat the process for any other sites you wish to block, and then save the file by going to File>Save.