To ensure that you look your best, exercise, eat right, practice proper hygiene and wear clean, flattering clothing. Don’t be afraid to capture attention.

Make sure that your personality shines through and he/she knows about your likes and dislikes. Being passionate about something is very attractive and others will take notice. Be proud of your accomplishments and confident in your abilities. Confidence is something that people admire, so don’t be shy about what you have accomplished. [2] X Research source

Don’t try to be someone you are not to get someone to fall in love with you. Make sure that the person you decide to be with is compatible with you as you are. [7] X Research source

Ask about what your love interest wanted to be as a child and what they want to do now. This will tell you about the person’s hopes and dreams, as well as other things that they want to get out of life. Ask about likes, dislikes, interests, hobbies, and goals.

For example, if the person is a big fan of a sport that you don’t know much (or anything) about, ask them to tell you more about it or teach you how to play. Or, if the person is really into a certain kind of music, listen to a lot of that music and find some songs that you like too.

If your significant other tells you a secret, keep it. If you find out something that embarrasses them, don’t bring it up or tease him or her about it. Share your secrets with your significant other and reveal parts of yourself that no one else sees. Allow yourself to be vulnerable with your significant other and let them comfort you.

Sometimes you can support someone by offering to just listen and provide physical comfort. But other times, you may need to do something more. For example, if your significant other is struggling in school, you may need to help him or her study.

For example, don’t force your significant other to change their diet or personal style. If you make suggestions along these lines and they say “no”, respect that and don’t bring it up again.

Do things on your own or with your friends a couple of times each week. Don’t force your significant other to spend every waking moment with you or they may feel suffocated.

For example, say thank you when your significant other does something nice for you. Make sure that the “thank you” is sincere and specific. For example, “Thank you for putting away the dishes and making coffee this morning! That made my morning so much easier! I really appreciate it. ”

Most importantly: tell your significant other “I love you” every day.

Do something daring like skydiving or rock climbing. Take up dance classes or learn to paint together. Learn something new together, like furniture building, which can be used to fill your living space with things you create together. Try introducing a board game night, which will give you the chance to have fun together and indulge your competitive sides.

Think about your compatibility: Do you enjoy the same things? Do you have the same goals in life? People that make good couples tend to be kind of the same in terms of how they handle drama and what they prioritize in their life.

Tell your special someone something like, “Hey, I’d really like to go to the zoo this weekend and I would love it if you’d be my date. "

Choose date activities that will be fun for both of you. If you don’t know each other very well, choose something that will give you and your date something to talk about: like a movie. If you do know each other well, choose something that’s outside the norm for both of you. This may allow them to see you in a new light Try a thrilling date, such as an action movie or a trip to an amusement part. These activities have been shown to increase feelings of attraction between two people. [17] X Research source