Is she a jokester? Does she find nearly anything funny? If so, you probably have a bit more free reign in deciding how to prank her. Is she sensitive and/or easily embarrassed? If so, you should be careful about what kinds of jokes or pranks you want to pull on her. You don’t want to cause lasting hurt feelings that could put your relationship in jeopardy.

Is your sister a jock? If so, then you could design a prank aimed at this, while being careful to not cross the line and destroy something that really matters a lot to her. For example, if your sister is a soccer fanatic, you can let a little bit of air out of her ball each night. She’ll have to continually re-pump the ball (which will be fun to watch!) but you won’t have destroyed her property. As another example: perhaps your sister is book lover who scorns pop lit. If so, you can remove her favorite classics from their dust jackets and replace them with the Hunger Games series. She’ll be in for a surprise when she pulls Great Expectations down from the shelf and instead is confronted with Katniss’s dilemma! And who knows—she may decide to read it and see that the series is popular for a reason!

You may think of yourself as very easy going, but if you and your sister don’t always see eye-to-eye (perhaps she isn’t as laid back), then choosing the wrong prank or pranking too often can hurt your relationship. Try to think of ways in which you and your sister connect: if you both love to cook, for example, then choosing a prank which plays upon this shared interest could result in a prank you’ll be able to laugh about together.

Finding the fine line between pulling off a prank where your sister is mildly embarrassed, surprised, or confused and those where she is mortified or terribly scared can be tricky. Nonetheless, it’s important to not move into this cruel territory. One guideline to keep in mind to help keep you from crossing that line is to think about how you would react if the tables were turned. For example, if your sister hacked into your phone and switched her contact info with your girlfriend’s, would you be mildly annoyed and/or embarrassed, or would you feel that your privacy had been violated? If you would be unable to trust or forgive her for pulling a particular prank on you, then don’t pull it on her!

You can find lots of prank ideas which set people up for physical falls, or which have you set up booby-traps where things will fall upon the unsuspecting victim. When nothing goes wrong, and no one is hurt, then these can be funny. Keep in mind though, that it’s typically out of your hands as to whether or not the prank will work as designed. For example, there will be nothing to laugh at if your sister falls the wrong way and hits her head on the counter because you greased up the kitchen floor.

Keep in mind that the very best pranks, though, are those that are inventive, creative, and designed specifically around the particular person you’re trying to prank. With that in mind, stretch your creativity to find unique pranks that will have your sister asking you “How did you think of that?” instead of “How could you do that to me?”.

If your sister is more cautious (maybe she’s on to your pranking ways?) and guards her bowl, you can always premix the salt into the cereal, but you risk wasting an entire box or accidentally having one of your parents get to it first.

Watch her struggle to figure out what’s going on as she grabs the spoon and picks up the entire bowl! You can also freeze her orange juice at the same time.

Yes, this one is a classic too, but it’s remained a classic prank for a reason! Nothing beats a surprise syrupy spray in the face!

You can step this one up by actually prying off all of her soda tabs and then watching her discover that every one of her precious drinks is “defective”.

This is a great one to keep in your back pocket for when your sister has a slumber party but won’t let you hang out. You can prank both her and her friends at the same time!

When your sister and her friends come down for breakfast in the morning, they’ll think that your parents left them a special treat. Have your camera ready to snap pics of their first (and only!) bites! You can buy jelly-filled donuts instead and replace the jelly with barbecue sauce: disgusting!

Peel a few raw onions (making only one will probably look suspicious) and place a popsicle stick in the end of each one. Take a 14oz bag of individually wrapped caramel candies and unwrap them. Place the candies in a microwave-safe bowl with 2 tablespoons of milk and microwave until melted (about two minutes, stirring once or twice). Dip the onions into the caramel, making sure they are fully coated, and then place in the refrigerator until they firm up.

Be sure to hide the evidence: put the honey back in the kitchen and wash the spoon you used.

It may help to grind the bouillon cube up a bit so that it will dissolve more quickly once the water runs through it and so that you’ll be able to screw the shower-head back on tightly. This pranks works best if your sister has her own bathroom; you don’t want to accidentally prank your parents! Otherwise, you’ll have to slip into the bathroom right before you know she’ll be using it. If you want to be extra devious, try a sugar cube instead of a bouillon cube. She’ll probably be really mad (and sticky), so plan your escape route!

You want your honey “shampoo” to be thin enough to actually squeeze out of the bottle, so you may want to experiment with mixing it with a bit of water, or even mixing the honey in with a small amount of shampoo or conditioner to get the right consistency. Make sure that it’s still mostly honey, though!

Unless your sister is half-asleep when she’s showering, she’ll probably notice that her suds are neon colored, but it will still be fun to hear her screams, and she’ll have to scramble to find real shampoo to get the color out!

When she turns it on, she’ll be blasted with a powdery spray! Back to the shower she goes! A variation: try Bentonite Clay instead of baby powder. She’ll be livid, and you’ll be cracking up!

To be even craftier, you can do this with her face moisturizer in addition to her body lotion. Try to find a self-tanning lotion that has a similar scent to her regular lotion or she’ll be on to you before it can take effect.

Start with all of the small objects on her dressers and bookshelves, and then move to the large objects in her room, including her bed.

Alternatively, you can be more subtle, and hide the pictures of you in random places. Place one over her computer monitor, another over the bathroom mirror, one in her closet, another on her pillow, etc. You don’t need to hide all of the pictures all at once. This one can be a running joke, where you randomly hide one picture every day or two.

Buy a few fan magazines and print out pictures from the internet, and then go wild making over your sister’s room to make her look like the biggest fan-girl ever. If you can afford it, spend some cash to get a full-sized cardboard cut-out to place in a prominent place in the room. Now just be ready to watch her try to explain to her friends that she’s really not this lame!

For example, if her bed is on the left side of the room, move it to the right, switch all of the items on her dresser to the opposite sides, reverse her closet, etc. Make sure to keep everything neat, folded, and organized (assuming that’s how it all started), but just in reverse-order. When your sister comes home and asks who rearranged her room, pretend that you have no idea what she’s talking about: “Everything looks exactly the same to me—are you feeling ok?”

For example, if your sister has a partner, switch their name to yours in her contact list. You’ll now be able to read all of her secret texts to her significant other! If you change her password, write it down so you won’t forget it and she won’t have to go to the store and pay to get her phone unlocked. Alternatively, you can delete all of the names in her contact list and replace them with mystery names: Guess Who #1, Guess Who #2, etc. It will take her ages to sort it all out!

Consider changing all of the passwords to something like “Mysisteristheworsthumanbeing”. She’ll never guess it.

Choose something totally embarrassing: for example, do your best imitation of her voice when you record “Hi, you’ve reached Kaitlyn, president of the Justin Bieber fan club. I’m too busy following Justin on Twitter to take your call, so leave a message at the beep. ” When you are done, set her phone to silent so that she won’t hear calls. When her friends call, they’ll be sent to voice-mail and will hear her new embarrassing message. [5] X Research source

For example, whenever she tries to text “On my way,” it will now fill in “I love Justin Bieber forever!”. Alternatively, you can choose something random and annoyingly long, like a full paragraph from a book.

She’ll run to the mirror and be convinced that she’s got chicken pox (or worse)!

Watch her run around frantically trying to get ready until she finally notices that it’s still dark out. If your sister doesn’t pay attention to the days of the week or is younger, you may be able to pull off convincing her that she’s late for school on a Saturday. You don’t even need to set the alarms to get up early for this one!

Be sure to set your own alarm to go off a few minutes before the first one so that you can watch the craziness. Your sister might be a bit cranky in the morning after having lost so much beauty rest, so keep your distance!

Then, make a banging noise sufficient to get her to wake up, and cover your ears as she screams at the “intruder”. If you don’t want to spend the money to buy a life-sized cardboard cut-out, you can recycle cardboard boxes: find the largest sized boxes you can, and using strong scissors or box-cutters, cut out a human figure. If you’re not great at drawing, place them on the floor and have a friend trace around you. You may need to make the figure in pieces and tape it together (use a strong tape like duct tape), but you don’t need perfection. You just need a rough human shape: your sister will be mostly asleep when she discovers it.

Next, put cushion inserts into her shoes. You can usually buy very simple inserts for just a dollar or two at the store: just trim them down to your sister’s shoe size. The inserts should make her shoes feel tighter; if her shoes are fairly roomy, put two inserts in each. Now, when your sister tries to get dressed in the morning, everything will be too short and too tight!