Sometimes your friend or someone you barely know just needs someone to talk to. It is best to just listen because some people don’t want to discuss it back and forth, sometimes they just need people to Listen, that is it, listen and not say anything because it could be a sensitive subject or they just don’t want a full-on conversation.

If it seems appropriate, you can say something along the lines of: “I feel for you. Nobody deserves to be treated that way. " Or, “I am here for you and I am so sorry that happened. I would be hurt if someone spoke to me like that/did that to me too. I am here for you. "

Try to practice empathy by imagining what another person is thinking or feeling. [2] X Expert Source Mary Church, PhDResearch & Clinical Psychologist Expert Interview. 6 August 2021. Think about a person’s past experiences, as well as their past, present, and future concerns. [3] X Expert Source Mary Church, PhDResearch & Clinical Psychologist Expert Interview. 6 August 2021.

So, the next time someone goes through something terrible, think first, and never make judgments about their mistakes because everyone makes them. Be sensitive and listen.