It seems like several developers also thought there should be a better way than this and launched several apps that give you a free version of Twitter Bookmarks. Some let you bookmark tweets within Twitter, while others require a different app or extension. But they are all free and have plenty of ways to organize your saved tweets, so you can easily search for them later.

1. TweepsBook (Web): Best Bot to Save Twitter Bookmarks on Twitter

There are quite a few Twitter bots that let you bookmark tweets by tagging them. Of them all, TweepsBook is the best implementation, in our opinion. It’s simple to use, completely free (and ad-free), and lets you organize bookmarks.

Sign in to TweepsBook via your Twitter login to create an account, and then follow their handle on Twitter. When you want to save a tweet, reply to the original tweet, tag @tweepsbook, and write the keyword “bkm”. You can add a label as a hashtag after the “bkm” to put the tweet directly into a folder in your dashboard.

When you want to see your tweets later, head to the TweepsBook website and sign in. Your saved tweets will be available here, neatly sorted into the label folders. Unfortunately, TweepsBook doesn’t have a search function to find a saved tweet quickly, but hopefully that will be a feature soon.

2. SlideIt (Web): Bookmark Tweets to Save in a Notion Database

We’re big fans of Notion, the online database tool, and are always happy to see creative and productive ways to use Notion. SlideIt is a fantastic idea wherein you can save tweets to Notion automatically, neatly arranged in a table.

The first step is to sign into SlideIt with your Twitter account and duplicate the Notion template they’ve created. There are a few steps in the setup, but it’s all straightforward and explained in a tutorial video on the site. Once you’re done, it works a lot like TweepsBook. If you want to save a tweet, reply to it, tag @heyslideit, and write the keyword “notion,” followed by labels as hashtags.

On your Notion page, you will see a table with four columns for every saved tweet: the username who tweeted the original, the tweet itself, the date you saved it, and hashtags you added. Also, Notion features a robust search function in all its database tables, so you can rely on that to find tweets quickly.

Because Notion is free, SlideIt will also remain free forever. And more importantly, your saved tweets are likely to stay online for longer with a reputable brand like Notion rather than a third-party website that might be unable to keep up with server costs.

3. MarkFolder (Chrome, Firefox): Best Browser Extension to Bookmark Tweets

MarkFolder is the best way to manage your Twitter bookmarks if you primarily browse Twitter on a computer. The powerful extension sits in the toolbar and lets you quickly save tweets to different folders. It’s one of the best apps to improve Twitter without Twitter Blue.

You can also create new folders on-the-fly. For example, in the video demonstration above, you can see how the user creates a new folder for book recommendations from within the extension’s little drop-down pane and saves a tweet to that folder.

It’s easy to use, and once you visit the dashboard, it’s easy to browse too, as a list view or a grid view. You can also make a folder public and share its URL with others for anyone to see through a series of tweets saved by you.

But just because it’s an extension doesn’t mean you can’t use it on mobile. You can DM any tweet to the MarkFolder Tweet Bookmarker account, and it’ll be auto-saved in your inbox.

The free version of MarkFolder doesn’t include keyword search, unfortunately. That’s a Pro feature, along with a few other additions, which costs $3 per month.

Download: MarkFolder for Chrome | Firefox (Free)

4. Tweet Catcher (Android, iOS): Bookmark Tweets for Later and Organize Them

If most of your Twitter browsing is on the phone, you don’t need browser extensions or apps to view bookmarks on a browser page. Instead, you need a mobile-first app. Tweet Catcher is a free Twitter bookmarks app for iPhone and Android, making it really easy to save tweets and find them later on your phone.

You can create folders and add your tweets to them, with the ability to put a tweet in multiple folders. So, for example, create folders for your read-later list, watchlist, and “best threads” to browse them later.

The main page shows all your bookmaker tweets and searches them through a powerful search tool. It’s also a nice, concise interface that feels good to read on, displaying your saved tweets in mini cards of their own.

Download: TweetCatcher for Android | iOS (Free)

5. Tweetflick (Web, Chrome): Save and Organize Tweets and Full Threads

Tweetflick is a full-fledged Twitter bookmarks manager for power users. You can save individual tweets by replying to any tweet with “@tweetflick save,” much like the other apps in this list. But you can also save an entire thread by replying “@tweetflick thread,” saving yourself the hassle of going through each tweet in that thread. It’s a pretty cool feature.

When you log into your Tweetflick dashboard, you can organize and sort your saved tweets differently. You can give each tweet tags and add notes to make it easy and memorable for the future. You can also create collections and put tweets into those. All of this is useful for the powerful Tweetflick search, which searches content in notes and tweet content and lets you filter by tags too.

The free version of Tweetflick limits you to 50 saved tweets, 16 tags, and two collections. The $5 Pro version lifts all restrictions and sends a weekly digest of your saved tweets. You can also set it to auto-save tweets from favorite handles.

Tweetflick also has a Chrome extension that adds a Tweetflick icon inside Twitter as a shortcut to save tweets. However, when we tested it, it didn’t work and kept going in a loop of logins.

Download: Tweetflick for Chrome (Free)

6. Dewey (Web, Chrome): Organize Existing Twitter Bookmarks for Free

Despite Twitter’s current convoluted method to bookmark tweets, you probably have saved a few tweets for later. Dewey stands out from the other apps in this list by importing your existing Twitter bookmarks and organizing them.

Once you install the browser extension, run it and let it go through your backlog of bookmarked tweets. Dewey will take a few minutes to identify all the tweets and then import them to your Dewey account.

In this account dashboard, you can now categorize and organize your tweets. You can add tags and notes to tweets to search for them more easily in the future. You can also create folders or collections and categorize tweets into those folders.

Now you can go about using Twitter’s default method to add bookmarks on mobile or PC, and every once in a while, fire up Dewey to grab the new bookmarks. If you add a bookmark on the browser where the extension is installed, you’ll also get a drop-down to add a note or tags to Dewey for that tweet. It’s one of the best extensions to improve Twitter on desktops.

Download: Dewey for Chrome (Free)

Try a Classic Bookmark Manager

If none of these dedicated Twitter bookmarking apps meet your needs, you can get creative. Perhaps try a classic bookmark manager and use it only for Twitter, thus creating your own dedicated Twitter bookmark manager with powerful features.