Speak with the owners of other Internet cafés and ask about the advantages and disadvantages of this type of business.

You can find prices for equipment, furniture and software on the Internet, in catalogues or in office supply stores. Do not choose an area where residents have a high income level, as chances are people have their own computers at home. You also do not want to locate near a library where people can use computers for free.

Your business concept: The focus here is on describing your business and the market for your café. Market research: Market research is critical, as it describes the nature of the market you are entering into. Identify who your major competitors are, who your target market is, and the preferences and needs of your target market. A marketing plan: This should describe how you plan on addressing the needs of your market, how you will communicate with customers, and how you will advertise your café. An operations plan: This will describe your operations on a day to day basis. It would include, for example, a timeline, hours the café will be open, and the people and equipment required. A financial plan: This would outline how you will finance your business, what your expected costs are, and five-year projections as to your revenue. Make sure to make your business plan clear and understandable and be able to explain it to anyone, especially those who do not know the technical jargon.

Operating expenses include licenses, permits, insurance, rent or mortgage, a security system, employees’ salaries, computer equipment and software, and professional services such as an accountant or bookkeeper. You can lease equipment or purchase used equipment to save money on operating costs.

Popular micro lending sites include Kiva, Prosper and Lending Club.

You should know who your clients are. Then position yourself in a suitable area. It is better to start at a small level. You can earn money while you build the shop.

A good alternative would be to take over an existing Internet café that has a loyal client base. A commercial real estate broker will know about these opportunities as well.

When you find a potential location, observe the area for a few hours and analyze the foot traffic in the neighborhood. Is it near public transportation or highways? Is there enough parking?[4] X Research source You will want to also analyze the demographics of the area. Does the income level match the type of clientele you hope to attract? Your local librarian or commercial real estate broker can help provide this information. Once you find a location you will need to purchase insurance policies for general liability and fire insurance.

A static IP address is for one customer only. A dynamic IP address will provide a different IP address each time you log on to your computer. Having a dynamic IP address means that you are sharing an IP address with several other customers. [7] X Research source

Install a firewall on your router if it does not already have one to protect your network from worms, viruses and other outside attacks. Find a software solution that will protect your computers from viruses such as virus protection software or live CDs.

Your local police department can run the background checks for you.

Consider having a grand opening with door prizes or discount coupons. Advertise the opening in newspapers, radio stations, Facebook, and on your website. You could also offer local entertainment and food.