If there are any sharp bits of plastic clinging to the pegs, shave them down with sandpaper or an emery board.

1 plastic car 1 flat, circular token the same color as their car 1 large “person” peg (all pegs fit into the holes in your car) 1 small “pet” peg (give your pet a name!) 200K of paper money

The banker is still a player, and keeps their own money separate from the bank’s stash.

If you pick Career, look at the top two cards of the Career deck. Pick one to put face up in front of you, and put the other on the bottom of the deck. You start on the shorter path and will start earning money sooner. If you pick College, pay the bank $100K. You start on the longer path and don’t have a career yet, but you’ll have a better chance at a high-paying job later.

Read your Career card for special “bonus number” instructions. Other players have to pay you a certain amount of money if their spin lands on your bonus number. [5] X Research source

Keep the card—it’s worth money at the end of the game.

Keep the card next to you after you’re done, since it’s worth money at the end of the game.

When you land exactly on a Payday square, collect your salary plus a 100K bonus!

You can choose to do nothing. You can buy a house: Draw two cards from the House deck. Pick one to keep, pay the bank the price listed on the card, and put the second card on the bottom of the deck. You can choose one of your houses to sell, if you have one: Spin the spinner, and look at the inner circle to see if it landed on red or black. Collect the amount of money listed on your House card next to that color. Put that House card on the bottom of the deck.

Graduation: Look at the top two College Career cards, pick one to put in front of you, and put the other on the bottom of the deck. Spin and move again. Get Married: Add a blue or pink peg (your spouse) to your car. Spin and look at the inner circle: if it’s red, everyone gives you 50K each; if it’s black, everyone gives you 100K. Spin and move again. Night School: You can choose to pay the bank 100K, draw the top card of the College Career deck, and (if you want) replace your old Career with the new card. Spin again and move on the Night School path. Or you can choose to not pay anything, spin again, and move on the Life path. Family: Spin again and move onto either the Family path (if you want kids) or the Life path (if you don’t). Spin for babies: Follow the instructions on the square, add that many people pegs to your car, then spin and move again. Risky/Safe: Spin and move again onto either path. The Risky road has some squares with special instructions that can make or lose you money. [12] X Research source

The first to retire gets 400K. The second gets 300K. The third gets 200K. The fourth gets 100K.

Sell your Houses by spinning the wheel for each one and looking at the inner wheel color (red or black). You get the amount of money listed on your House card next to that color. Get 100K for each Action card and each Pet card. Get 50K for each baby you have. Lose 60K for each bank loan certificate you have.

Match the letter piece with the correct letter on the board. For example, the “J” piece should go into the “J” slot.

Next attach the spinner dial to the spinner base. The spinner base should have a letter on it that corresponds to the letter on the board. Snap the assembled spinner into place on the board.

The advantages of starting your career right away is that you will start earning PAY DAY money sooner and you will not have any debt. The disadvantages of starting your career right away is that you will not earn as much money and there are some career cards that you may not take. The advantage of going to college is that you will earn more when you do get a career card. The disadvantage of going to college is that you will have $40,000 in debt and it will take you longer to get your career card.

Orange spaces have instructions written on them that you must follow. Blue spaces have instructions on them that you may decide to follow or not follow. Green spaces are PAY DAY spaces. Collect the amount shown on your PAY DAY card whenever you pass or land on a green space. Red spaces require you to stop moving, even if you have enough moves left to go past a red space. You have to stop whenever you encounter a red space. Follow the instructions on the space, then spin and move again.

If you own the career card, then you do not have to pay anything. If no one owns the career card, then you need to pay the amount indicated on the space to the bank.

If no one has this card, then pay $5,000 to the bank. If you have the card, then you pay nothing.

Auto insurance costs $10,000, but the homeowner’s insurance policies depend on the home that you own. You can find the cost of a homeowner’s insurance policy on your deed card.

You may only buy one stock card, but you may get another stock card if you land on the Stock Market Zooms space.

If you move to Countryside Acres, collect one Life tile. No one may take this Life tile from you and you may include it in your cash total at the end of the game.

You can take this game with you while babysitting. Even if the house is full of toys, whatever you bring along will be exciting and special for the kids. Parents will notice that you are proactive and are better than other babysitters who arrive empty-handed.