For example, computer training that you learned at school and from your previous work experience, along with your ability to work under pressure, could be great points to make for an IT position.

For instance, if you’re applying for a sales position, you could mention things like your personal skills and communication abilities, while skills like multitasking or software knowledge may not be as pertinent.

For instance, if you’re applying for a position as a data analyst, you could say that you’re naturally shy and sometimes struggle with standing up for yourself. Avoid mentioning things like having trouble staying focused, which could turn off interviewers.

For instance, you can say something like, “When I start a task, I have to make sure it gets finished properly or it’ll bug me the rest of the day. ”

For instance, if the job posting says that they’re looking for a qualified candidate for a fast-paced position, you could choose strengths like your education, your experience, your punctuality, and your ability to work under pressure. Technical skills like writing or using specific computer programs are a solid option to include as well.

For instance, saying something that doesn’t really matter for the potential job like, “Sometimes, I can be really hard on myself. It’s tough for me to let go of the mistakes that I make. ”

For example, you could say something like, “I used to have issues keeping everything organized, but then I started using digital calendars and organizational tools to help stay on top of everything. ”

You may be asked about your strengths and weaknesses separately.

It’s also a safe bet because most employers won’t expect you to know exactly how to do everything on the first day. You could say something like, “I haven’t used the specific programs you guys use, but if they’re anything like the ones I’ve worked with before, I’m sure I can pick it up quickly. ”

For instance, for a weakness like time management, you could say something like, “I can sometimes lose track of time, like if I get too focused on finishing a project I won’t even realize it’s been an hour. ” For a strength like being a team player, you could add an example like, “So, for a project with multiple people, I know that finding the best role for each person can make it smoother, and I’m willing to take on the part of the job that other people don’t want to do. ”

For instance, saying, “I can sometimes come off as overly eager” is a better example than, “I have trouble getting to work on time. ” It’s perfectly fine to say something like, “I’ve never used the programs you use before, but I’m sure I can learn it. ”

For example, you could talk about your leadership skills and ability to resolve conflicts if you’re trying to land a job as an office manager because they make sense for that role.