Sprint Triathlons: The shortest (though still arduous) varies in specific length, but many of them have around a 0. 5-mile (0. 8-kilometer) swim, 15-mile (24-kilometer) bike ride and 3-mile (5-kilometer) run. [2] X Research source The distances are not as concrete as longer triathlons that have set parameters. The Olympic Triathlon: This is the most common triathlon out there. It’s a 0. 93 miles (1. 5 kilometers) swim, a 24. 8 miles (40 kilometers) bicycle route and a 6. 2 miles (10 kilometers) run. The Half Ironman: This one is a 1. 2 miles (1. 93 kilometers) swim, a 56 miles (90 kilometers) bike ride and a 13 mile (21 kilometers) run. The Ironman Triathlon: This 2. 4 mile (3. 9 kilometer) swim, 112 mile (180 kilometer) bike ride and 26. 2 mile (42. 2 kilometer) marathon is probably the most famous.

Before you sign up for a race, you should look into the race details, which you can usually find on the triathlon’s website. For example, is the race extremely hilly or flat? Is the swim in a choppy ocean or flat lake? If you’re a new swimmer, you might want to choose a body of water that is easier to swim in. Some triathlons are off-road, which may appeal to you if you prefer to mountain bike rather than ride on a paved road

Swim suit, goggles, and cap. If you will be swimming in cold water, consider a wetsuit. A wetsuit will help keep you warm in cold water temperatures. [4] X Research source Be aware that the tradeoff of wearing a wetsuit is that it may hinder your range of motion or swimming stroke. If you’re going to wear a wetsuit in a race, be sure you practice in it ahead of time. A helmet that fits you and bicycle that is reliable. Road bikes, mountain bikes, and hybrids all work swell. A special triathlon bike or time trial bike isn’t necessary, though if you have one, by all means, use it. Cycling shorts for training. Worn without undies, these will keep your woes from piling up (your legs hurt enough as it is – why add your butt and skin into the mix?) Cycling shoes and clip-less pedals have their purposes, but you can make do without them just fine. A water bottle. This will be your best friend. A nice pair of running shoes. Don’t spend your entire paycheck on them, but do go to your local running store and get a pair that fit your feet properly. The folks will insist on helping you and let them. They know what they’re doing. [5] X Research source

Rest is imperative. Your body needs time to heal. Don’t think of it as slacking – you’re just being smart about training.

The Base stage has increasing distance, low intensity The Build stage has distance maxing, moving toward moderate intensity The Peak stage has decreasing distance, moving toward high peak intensity The Race stage has decreasing distance, decreasing intensity from high toward moderate The Taper stage has decreasing distance, decreasing intensity from moderate to low There is some taper pre- and post-race, depending on the racing schedule.

Sprint distances may take 4-6 weeks to train for, while Olympic distances may take 3-6 months. If you are training for a 70. 3 or 140. 6 race, be sure to adopt the training stages (base through taper) to ensure that you train properly and safely. Training for these can take 6 months to a year.

Also, think about the type of race you’re running. What kind of water will you be in? Are you biking and running on hills? What kind of terrain? If you can train in a similar state, the race will be a lot less surprising.

Even if you can swim like a fish, run like you’re being chased by wolves, and cycle like there’s no tomorrow, if you can’t do them back to back, you won’t do well in a triathlon. Doing brick sessions will teach your body how to cope when the actual race comes around. You can change what you’re doing based on the day of the week; you may want to devote one day to swimming, one day to running, one day to biking, one day to stretching, one day to rest, then two days to brick sessions that combine the types of exercise.

Ask your swim coach where he/she would train and what open water is available for you to practice in. Pools are good, but they’re just not the same as a lake or river. If possible, swim in squares in the pool or do not push off of the walls; you won’t have the chance to rest ever 25 yards when you are in the open water. Becoming a proficient swimmer will help your triathlon performance overall, but keep in mind that the swim is the shortest (and some would say least significant) portion of the triathlon.

It’s also a good idea to eat and drink while you are training. You can get a snack in after your swim and before your run. Stay hydrated and be sure to keep up your carbs while you are in training.

Sprints are a good jumping off point. You can never start at the top of the ladder for anything, so a smaller triathlon is a good place to begin. It’s also safest for your body.

As soon as you can, get outside. You’ll want to be able to get accustomed to the handle of the bike. Cycling outside is a very different experience than cycling indoors, stationery.

Monday: Rest day Tuesday: Bike 30 minutes Wednesday: Swim 750 yards Increase to 1000 yards in week 3 Thursday: Run 30 minutes Friday: Do yoga for 30 minutes Saturday: Bike 15 miles and swim (brick training) Sunday: Run 3 miles and swim (brick training)

Monday: Rest day Tuesday: Bike 30 minutes Increase to 45 minutes in weeks 6 and 7 Wednesday: Swim 1500 yards Increase to 2000 yards in week 7 Thursday: Run 30 minutes Friday: Do yoga for 30 minutes Increase to 60 minutes in weeks 6 and 7 Saturday: Bike 20 miles and swim (brick training) Increase to 25 miles in week 6 and 30 miles in week 7 Sunday: Run 4 miles and swim (brick training) Increase to 5 miles in weeks 6 and 7

Monday: Rest day Tuesday: Bike 60 minutes Wednesday: Swim 2000 yards Increase to 2500 yards in weeks 10-12 Thursday: Run 30 minutes Friday: Do yoga for 60 minutes Saturday: Bike 35-40 miles and swim (brick training) Sunday: Run 6 miles and swim (brick training) Increase to 7 miles in weeks 10 and 11 and 8 miles in week 12

Monitor your heart rate. As you get into better shape, your resting heart rate slows down. It should be its slowest in the morning right when you wake up. Try counting your heart rate for 10 seconds first thing in the morning. Keep track every day so that you know your normal rate. If your heart rate is higher than normal, you may be getting sick or your body may not have recovered from the previous day’s training. If your rate is too high, skip training for the day. Don’t exercise if you have a fever or other symptoms of illness such as muscle aches or chills. Pay attention to symptoms such as shortness of breath, fainting, lightheadedness or chest pain. These can be indicative of heart issues. Stop exercising right away and see a doctor if you are concerned. If you’ve been sick, make sure you return to training with patience and reasonable expectations until you are fully well.

Strength training is also important for preventing injuries. Work in 15-20 minutes of strength training at least 1-2 times per week. Increase this frequency by 10% every week as you work through your triathlon training schedule. Decrease your strength training every 3 weeks for a week to allow your body time to recover.

To build muscle endurance, focus on doing higher repetitions with lighter weight or resistance. Do 5-10 repetitions of each of the following exercises at first, building to 20-30 reps as you get stronger: sit-ups, push-ups, squats, reverse lunge, side lunge, and plank hold. Do this circuit 10 times. To build muscle strength, try lifting free weights or machine weights. Perform 15 reps of the following: bench press, triceps dips, pull-ups, seated dumbbell shoulder press, seated dumbbell bicep curl, leg press, standing/lying hamstring curl, standing calf raise, and stability ball abdominal crunch. Try this circuit 2-6 times. [10] X Research source

Get an agility ladder to help you with these drills. An agility ladder is a flat rope ladder that is placed on the ground. You can also make one by drawing on the sidewalk with chalk or laying out string or rope on the ground. [11] X Research source

Calculate the necessary carbs and fluids you will need. Then determine how many carbs are in the drinks and foods you’re consuming. You try to consume 30-60g (1-2 oz) of carbohydrates per hour, but remember that your size, gender, and age may alter what you need. Talk to your doctor and tell him/her what you’re doing; they’ll be able to point you in the right direction. Carefully monitor your diet. You need whole grains, vegetables, fruits and lean meats. Stay away from processed foods! You want to carefully control any weight loss to a pound or two a week in order to maintain energy.

Make sure you have the right nutrition at hand at the finish (pre-planning makes this simple). Chocolate milk, salted nuts, or a peanut butter sandwich are good options to see you through until the next meal.

Eat a bigger meal for lunch and a smaller meal in the evening. Your evening meal could be: Beans Eggs on toast Vegetable bean soup with bread Sushi and a fruit smoothie

Plan your snacks so you never go without food or drink for longer than four hours. Good snacks include low fat yogurt, a small handful of mixed nuts, fruit smoothies, fruit salad, good-quality bars such as Eat Natural or Nature Valley Chewy bars, malt loaf or Ryvita with cottage cheese and tomato.

Calculate your daily calorie requirement, but be sure to think about the calories you are burning while training.