Everyone has traits of both introversion and extraversion, but people tend to lean to one side or the other. [2] X Research source Shyness (social anxiety) is not a predictor of introversion or extraversion. Introverts look inward, and thus, do not necessarily fear socialization. Both introverted and extroverted types can be shy. [3] X Research source [4] X Research source

Intuition is not supernatural (even if it appears so). Sensors tend to be more in-tune with their body. Although intuition starts with an “I,” the system uses an “N” to signify it. Most people can’t force out intuitions.

Feeling is not equivalent to “emotions”, and thinking is not the same as “intelligence”. Do not conflate them.

No preference is better than another. All eight help the world thrive. [10] X Research source [11] X Research source The dichotomies exist on a spectrum. People tend to lean more to one side or the other, but it is not possible to not use one or the other. [12] X Research source A sign of a well-developed type is incorporating your weak points into your life.

Extraverted functions are more objective and interested in the outside world than introverted functions. Introverted functions are more personal and subjective. Judging functions tend to be more organized and systematized than perceiving functions. Perceiving functions are more spontaneous.

The functions are abbreviated to the first letter of the preference (or an N for intuition) and the first letter of the function’s attitude. For example, introverted feeling is “Fi”, pronounced “eff-eye”.

Ti tends to learn for the sake of learning, while Te users tend to learn for an objective gain. Te tends to be more efficient and practical, whereas Ti is more impractical yet thorough. As thinking functions, Ti and Te are both judging functions.

Fi users often have a strong sense of identity.

Se users tend to live more in the moment than Si users. Si users often have good memories for the past (though, this is not always the case and Si should not be confused with memory). [16] X Research source

Ni tends to be more focused on one idea than Ne. Ne enjoys novelty often in unconventional manners. Ne users may be the ones to suddenly go vegan, move across the world, or decide to learn Esperanto. Likewise, Ne users are known to start way too many projects at the same time and not finish things. [18] X Research source Intuition often has intuitions that are underdeveloped and may not make sense to others or even the intuitor themself.

This function is in the opposite attitude and J/P orientation of the dominant and the opposite attitude but same J/P orientation of the tertiary. The auxiliary provides balance to your psyche. [21] X Research source The auxiliary function complements the dominant function and aids the dominant in its goals.

For example, an IxFJ (INFJ or ISFJ) may enjoy brain exercises as these work their Ti. The tertiary function often comes easily to a type, so it may be over-utilized. The tertiary function is directly oppositional to the auxiliary function (opposite attitude and preference). The tertiary function was initially proposed to be in the opposite attitude as the dominant, but most models now say that it is the same attitude as the dominant.

The fifth function is usually called the opposing role or sometimes nemesis. The sixth function is called the witch/senex. The seventh function is called the blindspot, PoLR (point of least resistance), or trickster. The eighth function is called the demon function. (Other alternate names exist that are not in the mentioned above. ) Varying, contradicting ideas stem from shadow-function theory. Some say that people do not have shadow functions, while others disagree.

For example, an ENxP (who has inferior Si) may become hyperaware of the little things that bother them. ENxPs may also overanalyze events that happened months, years, or even decades ago.

An INTP in the Ti-Si loop may become extremely reclusive. They may overanalyze an event from the past (Si) with Ti.

“Jumping” is disputed within the MBTI community, with some typologists saying that jumpers are actually just developing (and thus, more reliant on) their tertiary (or other) function.

The NTs (INTPs, INTJs, ENTP, ENTJ): These types are known for their insatiable curiosity and rational minds. The NFs (INFPs, INFJs, ENFP, ENFJ): NFs are known for their intuition and empathic abilities. The SJs (ISTJs, ISFJs, ESTJs, ESFJs): SJs are characterized by their orderly, efficient personalities. The STs (ISTPs, ISFPs, ESTPs, ESFPs): SPs are known to be spontaneous and practical. Other categorizations include categorizing based on function groups (ISTJs, ESTJs, INFPs, and ENFPs because they all use Si, Ne, Te, and Fi in various orders) or by the E/I and J/P axes (IPs, IJs, EPs, and EJs).

People usually develop the functions in order with the exception of the inferior function.

Your shadow type is said to “shadow” you, and you resort to it in times of stress. Likewise, people shadowing each other (e. g. , an ESTJ and INFP) provide contrast and new viewpoints to each other.

Extraversion Sensing Thinking Perceiving

INTP: Ti, Ne, Si, Fe INTJ: Ni, Te, Fi, Se ISTP: Ti, Se, Ni, Fe ISTJ: Si, Te, Fi, Ne INFP: Fi, Ne, Si, Te INFJ: Ni, Fe, Ti, Se ISFP: Fi, Se, Ni, Te ISFJ: Fe, Si, Ne, Ti ENTP: Ne, Ti, Fe, Si ENTJ: Te, Ni, Se, Fi ESTP: Se, Ti, Fe, Ni ESTJ: Te, Si, Ne, Fi ENFP: Ne, Fi, Te, Si ENFJ: Fe, Ni, Se, Ti ESFJ: Fe, Si, Ne, Ti ESFP: Se, Fi, Te, Ni

One of the most common “MBTI” tests is the 16 Personalities test despite actually being a Big 5 (OCEAN) test that was mashed with MBTI. [26] X Research source This does not mean it’s useless, however; it’s just not completely accurate to MBTI. These results can vary greatly and may change based on your mood, the wording of the questions, and other factors. Many tests have acquired a bad reputation because of this. Most tests use the dichotomies, not the functions, as the dichotomies are simpler to explain. Remember to answer on how you actually feel and/or act, not how you want (or how someone else wants you) to act/feel. Don’t be afraid to admit to some of your traits; there are no wrong answers. Even if the results aren’t completely accurate, they tend to get at least 2-3 letters right. Using one of the other methods in this section is still a good idea, however.

Know that these can still be inaccurate, and confirming your type in some other way is a good idea. Just like when taking a free test, you must answer based on how you think/act, not how you want yourself (or someone else wants you) to think/act.

Try to find a typologist with credentials and good testimonials. Check for psychology degrees and certification as MBTI practitioners. If the price is too high or booking a session is otherwise undesirable, you can use the other methods mentioned. A typologist is only human, and they will never know what it is like to be you. Since they may make a mistake, it’s a good idea to confirm your type in another method. Typologists may also answer any questions you have about MBTI and typology as a whole.

Try asking questions in wikiHow’s Q/A or on a message board.

Know that people often have online personas (which can be especially true for people of certain types!) and may not show their true selves. Additionally, they may have mistakenly mistyped themselves.

Likewise, things such as gender or sexual orientation should not be used either.

One person’s definition of “ISTJ” could be wholly different from another’s. Keep this in mind. Only you can know your type. No one else knows how your mind functions. Even if everyone keeps telling you you’re an ENTJ when you think you’re an INFP, you are the only person who could know.

Sensors are not “stupid”. Thinkers aren’t always nerds with no social skills. Introverts do not hate socialization, and extraverts do not loathe alone time. Not all NTs are scientists or mathematicians. STJs aren’t “neat freaks” who never have fun. INTJs aren’t evil masterminds. NTPs don’t always play video games. Feelers still use logic. ISTPs aren’t always craftspersons.

MBTI is not a predictor of happiness or life satisfaction. MBTI should not dictate your friendships or relationships. People of any type can have a relationship. Although MBTI is often employed in relationships and careers, it’s used to understand employees/partners, not choose partners or employees.

If you’re actually an ESTP but you benefit from life tips for INTJs, that’s okay! You aren’t harming INTJs by applying tips to your life or posting in an INTJ forum. These are archetypes. If they were complete blueprints, there would only be 16 different types of people and they’d be a lot more obvious.

Talking to like-minded individuals can help you identify areas in which you lack. Consider if you enter loops or grips. Try to see what you can do to get out of loops/grips and/or channel loops/grips healthily. Your weaknesses aren’t in stone. You can overcome your weaknesses.

Some enthusiasts believe your type is in-grained at birth and that changes are just different phases of development. You can overcome your weaknesses but not rewire your brain.

Preferences or dichotomies. The four different personality axes (introversion/extraversion, intuition/sensing, thinking/feeling, judging/perceiver). “Dom”, “aux”, “tert” are shorthand for the dominant, auxiliary, and tertiary functions, respectfully. (Function name) dom indicates a type with that function in their dominant slot (e. g. , Ne dom is either an ENTP or ENFP). IxFP, ENxJ, etc. An “x” stands for either dichotomy (ENFx or ENFX stands for either ENFJ or ENFP). Likewise, ENF or ENFJ/P also stands for either ENFJ or ENFP. Some people will write their type with an “x” to signify they are not sure of their type or that they consider themselves both types. Carl Gustav Jung was the Swiss psychiatrist who devised the concepts of MBTI. Psychology Types is a book written by Carl Jung describing the functions. Isabel Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs are the mother-daughter team who applied Carl Jung’s concepts and wrote the book Gifts Differing. ”16p” is shorthand for 16Personalities. com (the online test). A “jumper” is someone who doesn’t follow the traditional function stack for their type (e. g. , an ESFP preferring Te to Fi). Socionics is another personality system that was birthed from MBTI. The Five Factor Personality test (OCEAN or sometimes CANOE) is another personality assessment. The acronym “OCEAN” stands for the five traits on the scale (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism). [30] X Research source Enneagram is another typological system. [31] X Research source The “functions” refer to the cognitive function explained above. The “T” or “A” at the end of the letters (such as “INFJ-A”) stands for turbulent or assertive. This letter was added by the site 16 Personalities. The turbulent versus assertive scale was based on the neuroticism scale on the Five-Factor Personality scale (OCEAN).

Try typing some of your favorite characters or celebrities. It can give you some typing practice and a fun activity. Note: If you’re typing a celebrity who is still alive, make sure to be respectful, especially if you’re doing it with other people.

Taking a test can help you better understand your friend/family member and can be a fun activity.

The attitude of the tertiary function. (Is it the same or different than the dominant function’s attitude?) Whether or not the function stacks are set in stone. (Are there people who don’t follow one of the sixteen functional stacks? Do “jumpers” exist?) Shadow-function theory. (Do we use four or eight functions?) Whether or not type is lifelong. Whether or not you can be multiple types. (Do ESTP/Js exist?)

Similarly, you may enjoy learning about other personality systems, such as Big 5 (OCEAN), HEXACO, True Colors, or Enneagram.