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The Irish native has been lost in the shuffle since returning from injury. But after his win over AJ Styles on TLC 2017, he was destined for greater things. However, the next night on RAW he was squashed by Kane. After that, he got lost in the shuffle again. This guy has a tremendous passion for this business and he has been overlooked by the WWE officials for long. It’s time for him to be a big presence in the main-roster once again.

So with the right booking, he can be a main-event superstar.

#1 Turn him heel

Back in New Japan when he was still Prince Devitt, he was just like his current character but when he turned heel and formed the Bullet Club, he became one of the most popular wrestlers in NJPW. They laid waste to everyone who went on their path including the current leader of Bullet Club Elite, Kenny Omega. His promos are cool and very heelish. He had outstanding performances in G1 Climax and BOSJ and had amazing feuds with the likes of Okada and Tanahashi.

RAW lacks plausible heels right now in the main event. Most of their top stars are babyfaces. Another problem is that most of their heels are not believable enough to be a main-event star. Baron Corbin is not really connecting with the fans and he needs more work with his in-ring prowess. Jinder Mahal doesn’t have the traits of a main-eventer and his current gimmick is not a gimmick of a world champion. Elias lacks experience and needs more build to be credible. But, Balor is already a proven and tested heel. His “Demon King” character will make more sense with his heel persona.

So turning him heel will rejuvenate his character and put him back on track. It’ll also bring more intensity to his feuds.

#2 A stable with Authors of Pain

Balor said in an interview that he wants to put the AOP in his team alongside Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. How amazing it would be if they actually teamed up on the main roster and wreak havoc in RAW.

He’ll be untouchable and only a few people would try to mess with him or nobody at all. He’ll also have a big chance of beating Brock Lesnar in a match with the help of these two. They could start by establishing this by laying waste to the commentators, destroying the ring, attacking the cameramen, and mocking the crowd.

Imagine the feuds and rivalries that can take place if this happens. Feuds with the likes of The Shield, SAnitY, The Club, The New Day, etc.

#3 Add some mid-carders or women to his stable

If he creates a stable with AOP, they should add some mid-carders who are heel or lost in the shuffle. Jason Jordan, Chad Gable, Mojo Rawley, and Bobby Roode are some names they can add to the stable.

They should also add women like the Riott Squad or Ember Moon, to make the stable bigger. If there’s another mixed match challenge, Finn Balor can already have a woman to team with.

Adding a cruiserweight would be great for the stable so they can have a representative from Balor Club in 205 Live. Names like TJP, Neville, Lio Rush, and Hideo Itami can fit in the group.

Not only it will it elevate these superstars, it will also make the stable diverse and a more dominant force.

#4 Win the Universal Championship again

Finn Balor is the first ever Universal Champion, as he mentioned many times on RAW. But he was Universal Champion for a day because of the injury he sustained from the hands of Seth Rollins. He never got the championship reign and the rematch clause he deserved.

He can threaten the GM to give him his rematch and his stable will interfere in the match and help him win. His stable will gain a lot of heat for this. Winning the championship will establish Balor Club as one of the biggest stables in WWE and it will elevate him back to the top again.

#5 Win the Cruiserweight Championship; thus becoming a double champion

Okay so hear me out on this first. A week or month after becoming Universal Champion, Balor Club will invade 205 Live and Balor will challenge the champion to a match since he’s eligible to be a cruiserweight because he weighs below 205. Then he would go on to win the Cruiserweight Championship, making him a double champion.

Then a few months later, Balor will lose the Universal Championship. After that, he’ll vacate the Cruiserweight Championship to focus on becoming Universal Champion again. This is the best time he can add a cruiserweight to his stable and be a force in 205 Live. The best names they can add are Hideo Itami and Neville since Itami is Balor’s ally or they can bring back Neville to make his long-awaited return and be the King of the Cruiserweights again. This will help in elevating the championship to greater heights and help the show gain more viewers.

#6 Bring back The Demon

Bringing back The Demon in his most important matches would make the feuds more compelling and interesting. His entrances would surely be breathtaking, especially if it’s a WrestleMania entrance. What a sight would it be if he’s The Demon King and the Balor Club is on his side. Very intimidating.

Also, feuds with the likes of The Undertaker and Aleister Black would be fantastic.

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