However, over the years, there have been some Superstars The Undertaker has been unable to get over, whatever the reason might be.

#6 Nathan Jones

We start off our list with Nathan Jones, the ex-con from Bogga Road, who WWE had massive plans for. WWE was so keen to push the big man, they put him on the main roster way sooner than he was ready and he was immediately positioned as The Undertaker’s protege.

WrestleMania 17 was set to be Jones’ breakout moment as he teamed with The Undertaker to face Albert and Big Show. However, even after training with Taker ahead of the big match for a week, WWE still deemed him not good enough and wrote him off with an injury angle. Jones only played a small role at the end of Taker’s handicap match, helping him win.

#5 Maven

We move onto Maven, the winner of the first ever Tough Enough. Maven made a huge splash at the 2002 Royal Rumble, eliminating The Undertaker from the Royal Rumble. However, Maven was nowhere near ready for this spotlight and despite a shot feud with The Deadman and later a shot at the world championship, his career in WWE fizzled out.

Maven even challenged The Undertaker for the Hardcore Championship during their feud and beat him with help from The Rock, but it wasn’t enough. Too much of his feud against Undertaker did nothing to get him over and just showed he was nowhere near ready to face the likes of the Deadman.

#4 Heidenreich

For some reason. WWE saw fit to give Heidenreich a massive push as soon as he made his television debut. His character wasn’t particularly interesting and he was barely passable with his in-ring ability.

What happened next? WWE saw fit to put him in a high-profile singles match against The Undertaker at Survivor Series 2004. The match was terrible, mostly because of how terrible Heidenreich was at this point, and even Undertaker couldn’t get him over.

#3 Mabel

Vince McMahon saw Mabel as the next top heel in the mid-’90s and it was a total disaster. Mabel was too limited in the ring and even a high-profile feud against The Undertaker following his loss to Diesel at SummerSlam 1995 wasn’t enough.

Taker and Mable actually feuded for a while and it all eventually led to a casket match at In Your House 5 which lasted a paltry six minutes as Taker beat his larger opponent without breaking a sweat.

Mabel also injured The Undertaker, breaking his orbital bone with a legdrop. A number of others wrestlers also said Mabel was unfair to work with and this led to his departure in 1996.

#2 Giant Gonzalez

Until Brock Lesnar beat The Undertaker to end the streak, it was Giant Gonzalez who came closest to breaking the streak. Vince McMahon trusted Undertaker to get the big man from Argentina over at WrestleMania 9 but even the Deadman couldn’t get the lumbering Gonzalez over.

The Argentinian was very immobile and struggled to do even the most basic of wrestling moves. Despite this, The Undertaker only won the match by DQ after Gonzalez used chloroform during the match.

#1 Roman Reigns

Before you get your pitchforks out, let me do some explaining. Yeah, Roman is great inside the ring and one of the top stars right now, that does not negate the reaction his match and victory against The Undertaker at WrestleMania 33 got.

Of course, it was the right decision for Reigns to beat ’the Deadman’, but that doesn’t negate the fact that the Undertaker failed to get Roman Reigns over with the majority of the WWE Universe, at least, the section of the fans WWE needed him over with.

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