The boy, who was visiting the U.K. from France with his family, was hurled from the viewing platform of the Tate Modern gallery in London on August 4.

Teenager Jonty Bravery, 18, pleaded guilty to the attempted murder of a child earlier this month and will be sentenced for the crime in February.

Now, the boy’s parents have said the youngster is speaking as well as starting to move his limbs again. In a post on a GoFundMe page that has raised more than $190,000 (€170,000) for the boy’s medical bills, the family said: “We have very good news to share with you. Our little knight begins to speak!”

They added: “He pronounces one syllable after another, not all of them, and most of the time we have to guess what he means but it’s better and better. It’s a wonderful progress!”

The family said the child is feeling pain as he regains sensation in his limbs. “He also begins to move his four limbs now,” they said. “However, as he begins to move, sensations come back and he feels more pain, above all during the night, which is very exhausting for everybody, but he is very courageous and we stay strong for him.”

They also thanked the people who donated on the fundraising page and said the money had been a great help. “Thank you, all of you,” they said. “We are very grateful for what you are doing for us. Your help makes it possible to offer our son the best rehabilitation, and for us to take care of our little boy everyday, to stay with him as long as he needs with the best doctors and therapists.

“Thank you also to keep us strong with all your kind messages. You can’t imagine how much it is helpful.”

Bravery was 17 when he was arrested for throwing the youngster from the viewing platform at the London attraction. The child was found on a fifth-floor roof with extremely serious injuries, police said.

As he was arrested, Bravery told officers that he hoped the attack would be reported in the news because he wanted to raise awareness of his treatment for autism, the Evening Standard reported. “I wanted to be on the news, who I am and why I did it, so when it is official no-one can say anything else,” Bravery told police.

Bravery, who also has obsessive-compulsive disorder and is believed to also have a personality disorder, told police he had to prove a point to those who claimed he didn’t have any mental health issues. He claimed he heard voices that told him to hurt or kill people.

A trial had been set for February next year, but will now be avoided after Bravery pleaded guilty. He will be sentenced on February 17.

After news of Bravery’s conviction was announced, the injured boy’s family issued a statement saying life “stopped” for them on the day of the attack. “Life stopped for us four months ago. We don’t know when, or even if, we will be able to return to work, or return to our home, which is not adapted for a wheelchair,” the family said in the statement.

They added: “We are exhausted, we don’t know where this all leads, but we go on. We wish to thank all of the people, family and friends who have supported us throughout this horrific experience.”