Plus, they’re explained and demonstrated in a clear way, so you can get into the swing of things quickly, even if this type of exercise is new to you.

Here are a few beginner-friendly arm workouts to get you started off right.

1. Tone and Tighten

No dumbbells? No problem. The 15-Minute At Home Arm Workout Without Weights video from Tone and Tighten will walk you through an equipment-free arm workout. Best of all, it’s guided by a physical therapist, so you’re getting top-notch instructions for free.

Follow along with Jared Beckstrand, PT, DPT, for a series of overhead claps, swimmers, and Pike push-ups. Beckstrand explains each workout clearly, going into detail about why it’s beneficial.

The overhead claps, for instance, work your shoulders well, in addition to other areas of the arms. Understanding the reason behind each exercise can help motivate you to keep going.

The movements in this set are generally simple to learn and perform, but don’t get fooled—your arms will start feeling it pretty soon.

Check out the rest of the Tone and Tighten channel for far more fitness content from a PT perspective. Exercises to help improve your posture, strengthen your core, and much more are on this informative and helpful channel.


The 8 Min Beginner Arm Workout (No Weights) video from Osvaldo Lugones shows you how to get an upper-body workout without using additional weights.

Note that you will need access to parallel bars or similar equipment for a few of the exercises, so it isn’t an equipment-free workout. If this is an issue, then just follow the first part of the video for simple (but challenging) bodyweight exercises.

Follow along with Lugones for low plank to high plank transitions, tricep extensions, and modified push-ups. If you’re looking for exercises that are a little different from standard strength routines, then this is a great video to try.

Explore more of THENX’s channel for ab workouts, calisthenics routines, and much more arm work. It’s a robust resource for anyone interested in fitness content.

3. Juice & Toya

Join Juice & Toya for a fun and challenging fitness session with the 20 Minute Upper Body Dumbbell Workout. Shoulders, back, and chest all get a turn. You’ll need a pair of dumbbells for this one.

By outlining the exercises at the beginning of the video, the trainers ensure you have a clear idea of what’s on tap for this workout. It consists of nine upper-body exercises for three rounds. They also remind you to focus on form over speed, which is great advice for anybody starting out with weight exercises.

Timers count down each exercise, and you can check your form against Juice and Toya’s examples. Once you get into the groove, following along with the workout becomes second nature.

As their 10 Things You Should Know About Our WORKOUTS video shows, personal trainers Juice and Toya put a lot of care and effort into their fitness content, so check out their channel for many more quality workout videos. Their upbeat, positive approach to exercise makes following along a blast.

4. Yoga With Bird

Follow the 10 Minute Yoga Workout For Arm Strength & Toned Arms sequence from Yoga With Bird to work on upper body strength in the course of a yoga practice. Although yoga may be best known as a way to increase flexibility, the practice can also increase your strength as well.

During the course of this practice, you’ll work on tabletop variations, plank, downward-facing dog, and many more poses. Bird offers instructions in a calm, encouraging tone that makes it fun to follow along.

Check out the rest of Bird’s channel for much more yoga content, as well as guided meditations and breathing techniques. If you’d like more ways to develop a practice, then consider the many free courses and apps for yoga beginners available now.

5. Hybrid Calisthenics

The engaging, informative video from Hybrid Calisthenics, How to Do More Pushups, offers a deeper look into this common exercise. It presents different push-up variations, as well as tips to increase your push-up output over time. If your goal is to do a certain number of push-ups at some point, then this overview is a great place to start.

Best of all, Hampton brings a positive and welcoming energy to the video. It feels like you’re chatting with an old friend who just happens to know a lot about push-ups. Whether you’re trying to do five push-ups or over 100, there are many ways to reach that goal, as Hampton explains.

Visit Hampton’s channel for much more fitness content, including plenty of calisthenics workouts that require little to no equipment. If you’re into the idea of workouts that don’t rely on additional equipment, then check out the best bodyweight workout apps.


Bicep curls, shoulder press, and pullovers are a few of the exercises in this 20 Minute Upper Body Dumbbell Workout from ACHV PEAK.

DJ leads this helpful and challenging upper-body workout, outlining everything at the video’s start. Bicep curls, shoulder press, and pullovers are only a few of the workouts covered here. DJ offers helpful reminders throughout the video, and you can always check your form against his example.

The rest of ACHV PEAK’s channel offers full-body, HIIT, and many more workout routines you can follow along at home. There’s also a whole section of dumbbell workouts if you’re getting into weights.

Try These YouTube Arm Workouts to Buff Up Anywhere

When you’re looking to gain strength, build muscle, and tone up, these YouTube arm workout videos are here to help. As these fitness creators prove, there are plenty of different ways to work on arm strength, whether you prefer lifting weights or following equipment-free workouts.

Find the approach that works for you by trying out these engaging and challenging arm strengthening videos.