“Currently exercising my phone to get rid of the ghosts…see ya!” “If you wanted to scare me away, all you had to say was ‘Boo!’” “Your ghost impersonation is so great! It spooked me so bad that I’m ending this!”

“BRB calling the Ghostbusters to get you out of my contact list. ” “Wow, I somehow summoned a ghost even though I didn’t say Beetlejuice 3 times!” “Just so you know, I’m not like that kid from The Sixth Sense. I don’t see dead people. ”

“Nothing says ‘I like you a lot’ like being ghosted. ” “Your constant texts all day are too much! You’ve got to give me some space. ” “You’re so right, ghosting is the best way to get to know each other!”

“Did your phone die? If you needed a charger, all you had to do was ask. ” “I know you said BRB but it’s been a couple weeks…care to explain what came up?” “It’s been 3 weeks so I’m going to assume you lost your phone. ”

“I didn’t realize we were playing the ‘who can last longer without texting’ game. I guess you won, but too bad, you didn’t win anything!” “I’m so glad you showed me who you are! Delete my number. ” “Funny how you can’t text me back but can still post on Instagram. ” Don’t start an argument with your text. If you feel like your text is more angry than funny, wait a few days before sending it to make sure your head is in the right space and to keep you from sending something you might regret. [6] X Research source

“I can’t remember why I was ever interested in you. Blocked. ” “I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt but actually you don’t deserve it. Lose my number. ” “I can’t believe you wasted my time like this. Don’t bother contacting me again. ”

“Hey! Just checking in that everything’s all right with you. ” “It’s been a minute since we’ve talked and I’m getting a little worried. Is everything okay?” “I was just wondering how you were doing!”

“Just curious if you always ghost when you know you’re not interested? If so, that’s not cool. ” “So do you always ghost people?” “I hope this isn’t a regular thing for you, it’s not fun to be ghosted. ”

“Leaving me hanging isn’t cool. Just be straight with me if you can’t be in a relationship right now. ” “We’re not in elementary school anymore. Just tell me if you’re not interested. ” “We are too old for this. Just tell me how you feel. ”

“I really hope you learn your lesson and are honest with your feelings in the future. ” “Don’t do this to the next person. ” “Next time, don’t ghost. I don’t want anyone else to feel like I do. ”

“It hurts to be treated like this with no explanation. Please just be honest with me about your feelings. ” “I’m shocked that you stopped talking to me. I didn’t expect this from you. ” “It’s really surprising to be treated badly like this. I thought you were different. ”

“It’s been too long since I’ve heard from you, so I don’t see this going anywhere. Good luck with everything. ” “I don’t see this working out. I need more communication than this and I deserve better. ” “I had fun with you, but we want different things so I’m moving on. Best of luck to you. ”

“I don’t know if I should wait for you to explain what’s going on, or block you. ” “I’m surprised you stopped texting me because I thought things were going well. If there was anything that happened, I’d like to know. ” “I’m sad that you stopped texting me. Did something happen?” “I feel like we had enough of a connection that at least warrants the conversation about why this isn’t working out from your perspective. Care to tell me?”

“I know how much you love dogs, so I had to share this TikTok with you. ” “Just thinking about that time we got ice cream and you dropped your cone as soon as we got outside. That was too funny. ” “I was at the bookstore and saw this book I thought you’d like. ”

“I’m going out for drinks with friends tomorrow if you want to join. Just let me know!” “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and still want to see where this could go. If you want to hang out again, just let me know. ” “There’s this new pizza place that I’ve been wanting to try. I’m going tomorrow if you want to join. ”