We’ll show you a number of Alexa features you can start using to make working from home easier.

1. Use Reminders to Keep on Top of Your Schedule

When working from home, it’s easy to let your home life bleed into your work life, especially if you don’t have a dedicated work environment. An hour can quickly pass while you sit down to watch the TV with lunch, and before you know it, you’ve accidentally missed that important meeting.

Or, maybe you need a reminder to walk the dog, take a drink of water, or stretch your legs. Whatever it is, Alexa can help keep you on track. You can ask Alexa to remind you by saying, “Alexa, remind me to attend my meeting at 2:55 p.m.” If you want to repeat the reminder every weekday, you can say, “Alexa, remind me to stretch at 11 a.m. every weekday.”

To create a reminder in the Alexa app (available for iOS and Android), tap More in the bottom-right corner and press Reminders. Select the blue plus to create a new reminder, then fill out what you’d like to be reminded of, the date and time, and whether you’d like it to repeat.

To find out more about how Alexa can keep you organized, take a look at our article on using Alexa as your personal planner.

2. Add Items to and Check Today’s Calendar

A little-known feature of Alexa is that it can actually connect with your Google, Microsoft, or Apple calendar, whether personal or corporate. It’s quite common for many companies to use Outlook as their dedicated email provider, which means you’ll be able to link your work email using the Microsoft integration if that’s the case.

Once you’ve linked your account, you can say things like:

“Alexa, what’s on my calendar?” “Alexa, when’s my next meeting?” “Alexa, schedule an event for 2 p. m. tomorrow. ” “Alexa, move my meeting. ” “Alexa, cancel my meeting. ”

To link your calendar, just open the Alexa app and navigate to the More tab along the bottom row. Tap Settings, then scroll down and find Calendar. Press Add Account, and select your calendar service (don’t forget to switch voice profiles if it’s not your name next to “Hi ”). Then, follow the steps to log in with your personal or work account.

Now, you can use any of the commands above to test out the functionality.

3. Set Up Work From Home Routines

Alexa Routines are at the core of Alexa’s automation capabilities. Routines enable you to chain actions that you usually need to ask for individually, like turning off your lights, switching off the TV, and locking your doors—all with one phrase.

Two specific Routines can help you be more productive while working from home, or at the very least, make it more enjoyable.

Work From Home Routine

You can have Alexa switch on the lights in your office, read your calendar, turn on the radio or your favorite podcast, and set a reminder to have a quick break in a couple of hours. To do this, open the Alexa app and tap More, then Routines. Press the plus sign to create a new Routine.

Enter a name and a trigger, like “Alexa, let’s start work.” Then, under Add action, tap Smart Home and set your lights to switch on. Then press Calendar, and select Today’s Calendar. Scroll down to Music & Podcasts, and enter the name of your favorite podcast. Finally, choose Customized and type “remind me to take a break in two hours.”

Pomodoro Technique Routine

This Routine is based on the Pomodoro technique, which you can learn more about in our article on how to use the Pomodoro technique while working. It essentially breaks up your workday into manageable with frequent but short breaks.

To create a Pomodoro Routine, start by choosing a trigger like “Alexa, start Pomodoro.” Under Add action, tap Alexa says and then Customized to have Alexa confirm the Routine has started. Then select Wait, and set it to 25 minutes.

Choose Send Announcement or Notification to have Alexa tell you it’s time to take a break, then Wait for five minutes. Set another Announcement or Notification to tell you break time is over.

You can either trigger the Routine each time your break is over or repeat the process above to create four work blocks, after which you take a 15-30 minute break, then trigger the Routine again.

4. Drop In on Your Other Echos

If you’re working with a family in the house, you’ll know that, unless you have ironclad discipline, it’s all too easy to ask a quick question and end up chatting for 10 minutes. If you’re trying to make the most of your work time, relying on willpower might just not cut it.

Instead, you can keep your interactions brief if you have another Echo in the house with Alexa. Using the Drop In feature, you can quickly drop in, ask your partner what they want for dinner, then resume working with minimal disruption.

To Drop In with your voice, you just need to say “Alexa, Drop In on (name of Echo device)” to start instantly communicating through another Echo. Alternatively, you can use the Alexa app. Tap Communicate along the bottom, then Drop In. You can then select the device you want to Drop In on and start talking.

We explore this feature in-depth in our article about how to set up and use Drop In.

5. Call Colleagues and Join Conference Calls

Alexa can also make quick work calls that much quicker by allowing you to call a mobile number directly. This means you can say “Alexa, call (name)” to instantly start a call—even if you don’t have your phone with you.

To start, you just need to make sure your contact list is imported from your phone. Open the Alexa app, tap More and Settings. Select Communication and Manage Contacts, then turn Import Contacts on. Alternatively, you can add contacts individually under Communicate by tapping the person icon in the top right, then Add Contact.

By linking your work calendar, you can join Zoom and Skype calls with Alexa (but not Microsoft Teams or Google Meet calls, unfortunately). When you have a scheduled meeting with a meeting ID and PIN attached, Alexa can automatically use these details to join when you say, “Alexa, join my meeting.”

6. Play Music to Help You Focus

Being isolated in a home office or with no one around can make working from home a tedious experience. With nothing to fill the void, your attention can quickly wane—despite your work being the only thing to focus on.

7. Ask Alexa Quick Questions

Finally, Alexa can give you the answers you need to every question that isn’t worth opening up your phone or another tab to search for. For example, if you need to work out a quick multiplication, you can ask Alexa and hear the answer by the time you’d unlock your phone.

Or, if you need to spell a word, you can have Alexa spell it out for you.

Additionally, you can ask for things like definitions, synonyms, or even how many days there are between two dates. Of course, you can also ask for the latest weather forecast or what the traffic’s like when it’s time to step out of the house.

Boost Your Productivity With Alexa

While working from home has its benefits, it can undeniably lead to some unintentional slacking off, especially without a dedicated work environment. But with Alexa, staying on track becomes much easier when you have a smart assistant helping you out.

The next time you sit down to work, try setting frequent reminders to get up and move around. Your body (and productivity) will thank you for it.