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“Perfection” is a subjective term, but this list will include any characters that are exceptionally multi-talented, well-liked, morally just, enviable, or just plain allergic to failure of any kind. Here are some of the most perfect characters in the world of anime.

7 Alphonse Elric — Fullmetal Alchemist

Older brother Edward may be the main protagonist of FMA, but Al is much closer to the idea of a “perfect” anime character. Al is incredibly talented in a plethora of different ways. Not only is he an expert alchemist, but he’s also an amazing combatant due to his skill level, his invulnerability to extreme temperatures, inexhaustible stamina, invulnerability to bullets, and even more advantages that his suit of armor grant him.

Al isn’t just perfect in the field of combat; he’s also a perfect gentleman as well. He’s one of the most selfless characters in the series, not to mention one of the most intelligent as well. Edward may be the more skilled alchemist, but in the end, it’s Alphonse’s well-rounded abilities and likeability that makes him the true best boy of the series.

6 All Might — My Hero Academia

All Might, despite currently being retired, still remains the true symbol of peace for many citizens in the world of My Hero Academia. In his golden years, All Might was the epitome of the perfect hero, not only to the citizens within the anime but also to the fans of the show. All Might is a perfect hero: he’s got power, a huge heart, and a kind personality as well. Even after citizens witnessed him in his “deflated” form after his incredible fight with All For One, the general public stayed on his side and still respected him for the hero he once was.

Even after passing the torch, the mighty Endeavor felt burdened to carry the weight of being the hope and light of the people. It speaks volumes about All Might’s character that someone as powerful as Endeavor is still not warmly welcomed by the general public as a true symbol of peace.

5 Saitama — One Punch Man

The protagonist of One Punch Man seems almost burdened by his perfection. As the title of his anime implies, protagonist Saitama can defeat any monster or villain alike, all with a single punch. In the realm of heroes, Saitama is a perfect one. After his tough training regimen of a hundred sit-ups and push-ups every day, Saitama achieved the uncanny ability to win any fight he participates in with a single move.

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On paper, Saitama may sound like the perfect hero, being undefeated by any evil forces; his only real downfall comes from boredom. Saitama’s perfection is what takes away the thrill he once felt during a fight. Perhaps perfection has its negatives as well.

4 Miki Makimura — Devilman Crybaby

Miki may not have any supernatural powers or superhuman abilities, but it’s obvious to see she’s perfect in many other ways. Miki is clearly the “it girl” of her school; she has it all. She is beautiful and popular, not just for her looks but also because of her talents and kind heart. Miki is very athletic, and has even been recognized as the fastest runner on the track team. She is a model student, and is one of the most sympathetic characters of the entire series.

Miki isn’t just talented and beautiful, she’s also caring, kind, and understanding (almost to a fault). It doesn’t matter what situation she’s in, Miki will always rise up to be the bigger person.

3 Yu Narukami — Persona 4: The Animation

Yu Narukami may serve as a simple vessel in the Persona 4 video game, but in the anime, he’s his own person altogether. Yu is a man of few words, yet still manages to grab all the ladies’ attention. He is athletic, a ladies’ man, a calm and collected leader, a fairly talented cook, and a loyal friend.

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Yu, being the protagonist in the game, has many paths to choose from, and in the anime, it seems as if Yu has successfully mastered every elective or hobby there is. Yu’s role as the protagonist naturally entails his well-rounded abilities that end up making him perfect both in his academic and social life.

2 Daisuke Kambe — Balance: Unlimited

It seems Daisuke has it all: smarts, dashing good looks, an exciting job, a great partner, and all the money he could ever wish to spend. It’s true that there’s much more to life than monetary gain, but it certainly helps. In the realm of normal people living mundane lives, Daisuke leads a rather perfect one and definitely stands out from the crowd.

Daisuke isn’t just a pretty face, however. He’s also a very capable detective, and rarely cracks under the pressure. Daisuke’s otherwise heartless view of the value of human life is thankfully offset by his partner, Haru. Luckily, Daisuke has Haru by his side to keep him in check to maintain his unofficial title as “Mr. Perfect.”

1 Sakamoto — Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto

Sakamoto is the epitome of perfection in the anime world. He’s flawless, never fails, and is well-liked by (almost) his entire school. While his unfathomable levels of perfection may earn him some envious enemies around school, it’s nothing that Sakamoto can’t brush off. Even when forced into embarrassing situations, Sakamoto still manages to come out looking as cool as ever — quite effortlessly as well!

On top of being “prank-proof”, Sakamoto has a wide range of strange talents and skills that he showcases from time to time. It seems Sakamoto can do no wrong, as even his absurd behavior is often praised by his classmates.

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