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People who are new to Besiege may end up getting lost along the way, though, as the game isn’t the best at explaining mechanics to newer players. As such, new players will need some starting tips.

7 Creating and Destroying is the Name of the Game

Besiege is all about creating and destroying. The area is packed with things that a player can break, and the creation mode is very in-depth, making it perfect for any player who wants to let their imagination run wild. Almost all problems in the game can be solved by creating something that can break a specific obstacle.

If a player doesn’t succeed the first time, there’s no shame in going back to the drawing board and trying something new. It’s entirely the point of the game, so a player shouldn’t be afraid to build whatever whacky idea comes to mind.

6 Remember There is No Tutorial

One thing that some people aren’t a fan of in Besiege is that there is no tutorial to ease players into the game for the first time. Players will load up the game for the first time and essentially be left to their devices and try to figure out what’s what. This, of course, can cause many players to meander or hit a roadblock because they don’t know what to do.

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With that in mind, it would be a good idea to check out a fan-made tutorial online before delving any further into Besiege. Other players may have struggled with the lack of tutorial as well.

5 Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment

There’s no better way to improve at Besiege than to start experimenting. There are all sorts of combinations that a player could create and throw together in order to solve a problem — it may be a rather unorthodox solution to a problem, but if it works, there is no harm in deploying it.

Many players agree that the best part of Besiege is seeing if their particular idea to solve a problem works, and, if it does, seeing how it plays out in the game. Overall, newer players can learn very well from Besiege with some tinkering around.

4 Learn the In-Game Mechanics

There are many in-game mechanics that a player will have to learn the ropes of in order to win at Besiege. For example, a player would have to learn about how freezing and fire work, because there are a few blocks that rely on knowing about those mechanics and how they flow.

On top of this, stone — which is the hardest block in the game to break — does have a few ways of being broken that don’t rely on the blocks that are specifically made to break it. This can include explosives or throwing items until it breaks.

3 Get the Hang of Steering

A player can build vehicles within Besiege and use them to their advantage. Unfortunately, though, many players consider it difficult to steer their creations, and it will take quite a bit of time until a player can get used to the controls enough to steer their creation.

Steering is considered by many to be one of the largest roadblocks of Besiege, as a plan that relies on a vehicle that needs to be steered cannot be pulled off if a player can’t, for example, take their vehicle to the right place. As such, players should learn to steer early on.

2 Build with Many Pieces

Besiege has a large variety of blocks and other items for a player to choose from. The only limit as to what a player can create with the resources they’re given is their own imagination. Many blocks and items have different mechanics for a player to get used to and use to their own advantage.

They can use all sorts of accessories on their siege machine in order to complete the objective of the game, as long as a player knows what each piece does. Drills, explosive, and more; all a player has to do is play around a bit.

1 Undoing Mistakes is Quick

With a game with as large a roster of items as Besiege, a player is bound to make a mistake here and there. Whether it’s an accidental click of a button, a block placed down in the wrong place, or even thinking of a new plan that interferes with the old one; there are times when a player will want to undo their previous actions and start anew.

Thankfully, it’s easy to undo a mistake within the game. It’s even easy to undo an entire action, if a player deleted too many parts of their creation and needs it back.

Besiege is available on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, macOS, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Macintosh.

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