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Although people who are used to city management games may do just fine in Captain of Industry, there are other folks who might be new to this genre. These upcoming beginner tips should help these players ease themselves into the game so they would be able to get past its learning curve.

7 Build A Lab

The lab is going to be one of the most important things that a player will have in their city, and should be built as soon as possible. After a player builds a lab, they will be able to unlock more machines that can be built, along with getting little quality of life perks to can be used during gameplay.

Although these perks are not necessary to complete the game, they will make things much easier to go through. As such, a lab is a relatively quick and easy building to set up that provides a lot of benefits in return, making it a good investment.

6 Do Not Stop Mining

Once a player gets into the game and builds a lab, they need to start mining as soon as possible. It is essential to gather materials that can be used for all sorts of things (such as more buildings, researching efficiency, and gathering energy).

A player who starts mining should not stop at any point. Mining will continue to give the user multitudes of resources, and there is no benefit to stopping production. A player should simply get it started and then check in to collect resources.

5 Learn About Food Production

Food production is equally important for players to get the hang of, as all of their citizens will need food. A player should learn how to be more efficient in their production of food, in order to ensure they can keep their city-goers fed, as easily as possible.

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Once they unlock the farm, a player will have to start clearing out space so they can find an area with water in the ground. This discovery will be necessary for growing crops (and thankfully, the player can locate groundwater by checking through the layers of the world).

4 Always Fuel Vehicles

After a player is able to unlock and build vehicles, they will also have to learn how to fuel them; otherwise, there is no point in having these tools available. To do so, they will have to gather diesel.

A player will have to pump oil out of the ground and convert it into diesel. A distiller is going to be necessary to turn said oil into diesel, and it will be kept in a fluid storage. After that, the fuel will be ready to be put into the vehicles that need it.

3 Maintain Vehicles

Just as it is crucial to fuel up the player’s vehicles, it is just as important to maintain them. As the player uses vehicles, they will realize just how useful they are in transporting other resources.

Captains need to ensure that they at least perform basic maintenance on their vehicles, to keep them in top condition. That includes making sure it is always fueled, there are no problems in their vehicles, and so on and so forth. It will not take too long to check up on vehicles to ensure that problems are caught early.

2 Do Not Be Afraid to Trade

Trading is important in quite a few sim games, and that is especially true in Captain of Industry. By building a trading dock in the water of the player’s colony, players will be able to initiate trades with other villagers.

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Although it may seem like a double-edged sword to give up particular resources in exchange for another, trading can be really helpful. This option can be a lifesaver in a pinch when a player is low on resources. It is best to trade for resources that are otherwise rather difficult to gather by themselves in the player’s colony (such as coal, or other uncommon materials).

1 Build the Chain of Production

Above all else, a player should really ensure that they have a good chain of production in motion as they gather more resources. This is to ensure that the player is as efficient as possible in their resource gathering, minimizing time and maximizing the number of products gained.

The chain of production in Captain of Industry should be analyzed as much as possible. This is to constantly ensure that the chain of production is efficient, and there are little to no “wasted” steps; that is to say, steps that are otherwise useless and just slow down how quickly a player can collect resources.

Captian of Industry is available on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Macintosh operating systems.

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