Many players have started to play Nightmare Reaper because of how much of a fun blast to the past it is. However, there are some unique mechanics that players should also watch out for.

7 Don’t Waste Topaz Coins

There is a minor mini-game for a player to enjoy in Nightmare Reaper. It is a Pokemon-esque mini-game that players can go through when they find the Topaz cartridge. The game, although it may not seem so important, can be used to buff the player’s character in the long run, and Topaz coins are used as currency.

There are only a few ways to get Topaz coins, including in the mini-game. One of the best ways to do so is to simply finish levels of the main game - every time the player exits, they’ll get 100 Topaz Coins.

6 The Map Is In The Upper Right Corner

There are quite a lot of areas for the player to explore in Nightmare Reaper, and it is easy to get lost if a player does not know where they are going. This is where the map can come in handy.

Although the map only shows areas that the player has already explored and any doors that haven’t been opened, it can still be useful. Having a guideline of where the player has gone can keep them from backtracking and end up going around in circles while in an attempt to progress.

5 Purchase The Dash Skills - They’re Useful

A lot of the player’s strategy in the beginning of the game is going to involve running. The Dash charge will show the player how much dashing energy they have left (only after they purchased it in the skill tree).

A player will only be able to dash for a limited amount of time before it has to recharge. However, purchasing more dash skills from the skill tree will reduce the cool down of how long it takes to recharge the dash skill. It’s a good idea for a newer player to make it as easy as possible to run.

4 Learn More About Weapons

Weapons are one of the most important game play aspects of Nightmare Reaper. Of course, these weapons enable a player to blast down any enemy in their path.

It’s worth noting that weapons are rather complex. They can come with all sorts of different stats for a player to use, along with how rare they are, and so on. It can be a lot for a player to take in at first, so it’s best to take a moment to read up on the different weapon types and stats. This way, a player can have an idea what weapons are good and which ones aren’t.

3 Play Around With The Skill Tree

The skill tree is where the real customization comes into play. A player can tailor their character to their heart’s content with the skill tree, as it offers a wide variety of buffs for any game play style.

The player can purchase all sorts of skills from the tree. These skills can include more health, higher damage, a faster walking speed, and so on. A player can customize their skill tree, or they can read up on what the best skills to acquire are to achieve a more efficient run.

2 Take A Look At Pill Mutators

Essentially, Pill mutators are another type of buff that a player can acquire (similar to the skill tree). However, these mutators are more for effects during battle, instead of buffing the character - such as giving the player more gold. There can also be negative effects as well, called Toxic effects.

These pills and toxicities can be found and experienced via the Topaz cartridge. A player should take a look at all the different pill and toxicity types, and make a wise decision based on that, as each pill comes with a specific toxicity to watch out for.

1 Watch For Random Events

One of the more interesting parts of game play when it comes to Nightmare Reaper are the random events a player can experience. They only occur after a player has cleared out a room, and there are three types of random events - dangerous events, neutral events, and beneficial events.

There’s no way to ensure a player gets a “good” event, as to be expected from the term random events. The dangerous events are going to be absolutely painful, though, and the player will need to destroy the source of the random event in order for them to disappear. A player should read up on all the random events, so they know what to expect when they get specific events.

Nightmare Reaper is available on Windows PC.

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