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Since the game is a unique experience, many players who are new to the game will want some beginner tips before diving in. This is because the game has some rather unorthodox mechanics, and it takes some getting used to when it comes to how the portal mechanics work.

7 Learn About Portals

Portals in Unbound: Worlds Apart work differently than in most other games. In most other games featuring portals they transport the character around the area, from one place to another. In this game, though, they offer various mechanics that can be used to attack enemies or to make escape easier — though, not in the way of simple teleportation.

For example, one portal could shift a character into another plane of reality, ensuring that the player avoids their attack. Another portal could be used to make spikes and other obstacles disappear, teleporting them away from the player’s path. There are many portals for a player to learn about and use, and it’ll take some experimentation to learn.

6 Watch Out for Different Types of Enemies

As to be expected, there are many enemies that a player will encounter during Unbound: Worlds Apart. A player will have to learn that enemies all have different mechanics, and they will all react differently to the portals that a player will use.

Players should take their time and get familiar with how each enemy will react to portals. For example, one enemy could become visible and can attack a player once they came into contact with a portal. It’s best for players to learn more about each enemy before going on, and remember how they react to different portals.

5 Use Double Jump Vigorously

As players progress through the game, they will gain more character traits that can be used for the platforming mechanics. One of the first abilities that a player will gain is the ability to double jump, and that is going to be very important.

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Double jumps are going to be one of the most important mechanics a player will have to use during game-play, in order to jump and run away from enemies, along with getting to higher-up places. A player will have to master double jumps quickly before they can go on in the game.

4 Learn the Surroundings

Unbound: Worlds Apart is a platformer, so it will take all sorts of jumps and good timing in order for a player to succeed. For a newer player, this can be rather frustrating at first, especially for those where platforming isn’t their strong suit.

As such, players should take some time to explore their surroundings, both with and without the usage of portals. It wouldn’t hurt to know what obstacles are coming up where, so players can jump or use a portal in time. Before rushing through the level, take a moment to get familiar with it.

3 Don’t Be Afraid to Explore

One of the best parts of Unbound: Worlds Apart is how beautiful the game is to explore. There are many secrets for players to discover as they roam around the world, which can be great for completionists or those who want to find the true ending.

With such a beautiful world, there’s absolutely no downside to a player taking the time to go through the world and discover all sorts of new secrets.

2 Watch For How Reality Changes

Reality-changing portals can be a great way to traverse the worlds of Unbound: Worlds Apart, but they also come with a few downsides. Namely, it can become a bit more difficult to tell how reality is going to change in one specific scenario unless a player tries it out. It’s hard to predict outcomes before taking action.

For example, an enemy that doesn’t have a form in the real world can easily attack and kill a player once they use a specific portal. Players need to learn how different parts of the world react to different portals, or it might have deadly consequences later on.

1 The Player Character Can Only Take One Hit

As it turns out, players have figured out that only one hit can be taken before their character dies. This can cause the game to become significantly harder for a player who doesn’t have the best hand-eye coordination, or for those who are unfamiliar with the surroundings of the platformer.

Players need to be especially careful when traveling through parts of the game that they haven’t been to before. One wrong move and a player could die a very preventable death. Luckily, though, there are checkpoints scattered throughout the world, so it shouldn’t be too hard to restart progress.

Unbound: Worlds Apart is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox One, and PC.

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