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Although this interesting experience is already most known for the endless kinds of builds and play-styles a player can try out, some people new to the game will want to know any beginner tips that can make progression much easier during game-play. This new game can have a steep learning curve at first.

7 Destroy Debris

Like most other roguelikes, debris can be an annoying hazard to deal with; nothing more, nothing less. In Warm Snow, though, destroying debris can give the player all other sorts of items. These items can range from many kinds of things that players can benefit from.

For example, a player could find items that could help their game-play during the long run. Other items, however, are more story-important, and they would divulge more information as to why the phenomenon of the snow that’s warm to the touch is happening, and so on and so forth. The debris that hold items are particularly common around mini-boss areas.

6 Unlock Story-Related Items

The story-related items aren’t just used to create more world-building tidbits or to let a player complete the game 100%. The Warm Snow community has figured out that, once the player collects a certain amount of items that are related to the story; they will also be able to unlock the true ending of the roguelike.

There are 35 story-related items in the game. Acquiring many of these items (if not all of them) is the first step towards acquiring the true ending of Warm Snow, so a player will have to get hunting if they want the true end.

5 Sun Piercer is a Great Class

It’s been figured out already that a great class in Warm Snow – if not one of the best classes – is the Sun Piercer class. Picking this class will be a great choice for a player, as it will make it far easier to pick off swathes of enemies.

Sun Piercer’s shining benefits include the fact that the damage is much higher than in other classes, can penetrate through enemies – though this penetration does not go through walls, sadly – and the range of the attacks are quite long. Though all of the classes are good in some way, the Sun Piercer is one of the best classes to go for.

4 Watch Out for Instant-Kill Attacks

Unfortunately, some of the roguelike bosses in this game do have an annoying tendency to have instant-kill attacks. Usually, the boss that is about to activate their instant kill attack will have a warning in some way – such making a movement to grab the player.

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However, newer players may not even know these attacks exist. Other people may know they exist, but they don’t know the warning signs, and will walk right into a trap. As such, it would be the best choice for a player new to a particular boss to start watching these attacks closely and learn the pattern, or at least what the warning signs are.

3 Reroll for Items at the Camp

There is a particular area within the game with a treasure-hunting NPC and a girl dressed in white. More specifically, this area is within the camp. The girl will be able to let the player change their sword, but the treasure hunter will have three items for the player to choose from.

Many players have figured out that, if the selection of items isn’t to their liking yet, they can simply quit out of the game and enter it again. The game wouldn’t save, and there would be a new chance to get something better from the treasure hunting NPC.

2 Look For Stat Boosters

It will be possible to find an NPC that, once unlocked, will return to the player’s camp and be able to boost their stats. However, this NPC must be found first, before the stat boosts can be used. It’ll take a little bit of hunting through dungeons, but it shouldn’t be too hard if a player knows where to look.

Similar to finding story-related items, a player can actually find this NPC by destroying debris or anything else that can be broken. After they find this NPC, the player will be able to increase their stats once they get to camp.

1 Damnation is an Excellent Tome

The Damnation tome is considered to be a “high risk, high reward” tome, but is otherwise one of the best tomes in the roguelike. This is especially so when it’s paired up with the Sun Piercer class.

Damnation, although it greatly decreases the player’s defense, will also greatly increase the player’s Attack power in the same percentage. On top of this, the player’s defense will also start to rise the lower their HP gets. As such, the Sun Piercer class and the Damnation tome combined will become one of the strongest builds in the game.

Warm Snow is available on Windows PC.

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