They are one of the more common typed Coromon available in the game which may make it harder to pick the right one to fit into a team. Players with proper knowledge going in though will find themselves far more successful.

7 Caradune - (Evolves from Sanscale)

Sanscale are rather common making it easy to catch one and evolve into a Caradune. It evolves into one at level 30. It’s a perfect choice for players who want a straightforward Sand-type for their team. It’s one of the best attackers of its type with an impressive move pool that utilizes its high Attack stat.

Deep Cut, Crunch, and Mud Ball can allow for consistent damage across three different typings. Phantom Spike not only allows for Caradune to launch a Ghost-type attack but can even increase its Attack to even higher levels when used correctly. Get it on a roll and Caradune can clobber an entire opposing team.

6 Dugterra - (Evolves from Digmow & Moffel)

Both Moffel and Digmow are common to find making it easy to train one up into a Dugterra. Moffel evolves into Digmow at level 17 and Digmow evolves into Dugterra at level 31. While Lucky might seem like a great Trait on the surface as it helps raise the chance of a critical hit, Vigilant will likely be a better choice due to Digmow’s pathetic defenses.

It’s not exactly a glass cannon but once it gets the Speed upgrade from Vigilant, it can potentially wreck opposing teams. With equally high Special Attack and Attack, players have a choice of anything in its move pool to deal damage with.

5 Kyraptor - (Evolves from Kyreptil)

Kyreptil and Kyraptor can be a bit harder to find but are worth hunting down. Kyreptil evolves into Kyraptor at level 37. Kyraptor is the perfect definition of a tank — massive attacking power with equally massive defensive power. It may not be able to deal with special attacks very well, but having the trait Prepared can help it outspeed those threats and take them out before they strike anyway.

It also has an impressive move pool to choose from able to attack with Sand, Foul, Cut, Normal, and even Ghost-type moves. It also can make use of Phantom Spike to try and raise its attack with a timely knockout, making Kyraptor an impressive revenge killer.

4 Malavite - (Evolves from Molbash & Mooby)

Malavite and its counterparts are rather rare. Players that do manage to track down a Mooby can train it to level 22 where it evolves into Molbash and then to level 44 where it becomes Malavite. Its Trait Dry Wind whipping up a Sandstorm the moment it comes into battle can be extremely helpful.

Not only does it have an impressive Attack stat, but it can even heal itself while raising its defense thanks to the attack Reconstruct. With attacks like Dirty Snow, Taser, and Toxic Cloud to drop status effects, it can become quite the amazing Coromon to stall with. Of course, it can also simply be used to unleash some massive attacks or take the opponent with Transcending to attack first and take an opponent out.

3 Millidont - (Evolves from Centilla & Decibite)

There are plenty of places to pick up this uncommon Coromon and its prior evolutions. Decibite evolves into Centilla at level 16 and Centilla evolves into Millidont at level 36. One of the best reasons to use Millidont is that it has one of the highest Defense stats in the entire game and many attacks to help support it.

Not only can it learn Energy Drain and Super Drain, but it can learn Reconstruct as well to help heal itself. Bringing in a sandstorm with its Trait Dry Wind can help make up for its middling attack stats as well so it can still deal damage. Players can also go for Poison Chomp to try and use status effects to deal even more damage while stalling.

2 Sandril - (Evolves from Dunpod & Tinshel)

Sandril is a curious Coromon that might not stand out compared to other Sand-types but is easy to get for players. Tinshel evolves into Dunpod at level 18 and Dunpod evolves into Sandril at level 32. It has some unique Crab themed attacks, most of which are focused on giving opponents the Hazy status effect. It does have a strong defense and weirdly enough gets a speed boost in the rain over a sandstorm as long as it has the Trait Wet Coat. It could serve as a curious Coromon that fits into specific teams that use rainy weather.

1 Skelatops - (Evolves from Skuldra & Skarbone)

Skelatops isn’t able to be found in the wild, so players will have to train up a Skarbone or a Skuldra to get one. Skarbone evolves into Skuldra at level 18 and Skuldra evolves into Skelatops at level 34. This Coromon has several ways to raise its defenses with its Traits by either using Scrapper or Dirt Coat. It’s also possible to take on a more creative approach, using Crippler to drain the opponent’s SP so they may not be able to attack at all.

This can result in a stalling build using Reconstruct alongside one of its many Poison-type moves to hack away at the opponent’s health. It can simply be a straightforward attacker as well with its wide and varied move pool.

More: Best Normal-Type Coromon & Where To Catch Them