Players who don’t know the best way to use their Coromon, let alone where to find the ones that cold perfectly complete their teams, will find themselves in a load of trouble. Fortunately, it’s not too hard to study and pick out the perfect Water-type.

7 Atlantern - (Evolves from Shimshell)

Extremely reminiscent of Lapras, Atlantern is also a powerful Water-type in its own right. It evolves from Shimshell at level 38. It’s impossible to not see how massive Atlantern’s Defense stat is as one of the highest ones in the entire game. It also has a fantastic move pool it can use to take that stalling power it possesses to the next level. Players can combine Zen Cure with its Empathetic trait to try and give the opposing Coromon statuses, allowing Atlantern to heal in greater numbers. It even has access to a Fire-type move in Smokescreen allowing it to increase its evasiveness high enough to avoid many attacks.

Players can also simply try to make it into a powerful physical attacker, focusing on Crystal Barrage and Head Bash while taking on the Heardheaded trait.

6 Chonktoad - (Evolves from Fibio & Taddle)

Taddle evolves into Fibio at level 18 and Fibio evolves into Chonktoad at level 38. The most tempting reason to pick up Chonktoad is to use one of the strongest Water-type moves in the game — Crushing Waterfall. It does a whopping 200 damage just to start and it can be made even more powerful by combining it with the Humidifier Trait to have added rainfall.

It does take a turn to charge, but players could try and use Zen Cure to try and help restore health after the attack they’ll likely suffer. Outside of this, it does also have a few Poison-type attacks it can utilize.

5 Daricara - (Evolves from Flowish)

Flowish does have incredibly weak stats, but evolving it into Daricara at level 39 still may be one of the easier ways to get this Coromon. The hard work will be worth it when players see just how high that Attack stat is. Combine this with the Trait Wet Coat and some rain happening and it can become a sweeping nightmare.

With access to physical moves with a wide variety of types such as Heavy, Water, Normal, and even Sand, it has something that can strike at any foe. This can make using its Trait Amplified tempting as well for those who can successfully get the extra damage from launching super effective attacks.

4 Gelaquad - (Evolves from Gellish & Gella)

Gella evolves into Gellish at level 21 and Gellish evolves into Gelaquad at level 34. The biggest thing of interest for Gelasuad is how it has access to the Electric-type move Bolt Bomb which allows it to potentially be a hard counter to other Water-types.

Outside of this, it does have a solid Attack stat and a few interesting physical moves it can use to utilize that. Sadly, its Traits don’t necessarily push it over the top, so it is best served as its counter role or to potentially set up rain on the field.

3 Megalobite - (Evolves from Sheartooth & Nibblegar)

Nibblegar evolves into Sheartooth at level 17 and Lampyre evolves into Megalobite at level 35. In most games like this, starters tend to be quite strong. This is because players become quite attached to them, and they need to be able to keep up for the entire game. Megalobite does this by having an impressive spread of defensive stats, allowing it to stay in the battle for quite a while.

With Power Nap, it can even heal itself and almost be capable of being a solid stalling Coromon with the use of Poison Chomp to deal passive damage. It does have access to plenty of moves making it the most flexible starter in the game.

2 Swampa - (Evolves from Quagoo)

Quagoo evolves into Swampa at level 32. Swampa’s defining trait is that they have multiple ways to conserve SP or to simple have a bit more to start the battle thanks to its Traits. Its access to the unique attack Health Link — which forces the opponent to even out its HP with Swampa — can lead to a curious stalling scenario as well. While it is by no means a tank, it does have Zen Cure and Poison Chomp to make a stalling style of build work.

1 Ucaclaw - (Evolves from Fiddly)

Fiddly evolves into Ucaclaw at level 34. Ucaclaw deals in the world of physical attacks, in both its defenses and how it deals damage. It has an incredibly high Attack and Defense stat and when its Trait Humidifier is added to the mix to increase Water-type attacks it dishes out, it can become an intense sweeping presence.

It has access to a solid variety of moves like Body Blast, Feint Spurts, and Stone Fist to help cover a variety of different types it might come up against as well. Out of all Water-types, Ucaclaw is by far the most offensive powerhouse.

More: Best Ghost-Type Coromon & Where To Catch Them