When he joined WWE a few years later, he was pushed as a singles star and his star wound up rising higher, until he was challenging the Ultimate Warrior for the Intercontinental title–and beating him.

Likewise, Mick Foley toiled in Japan and in WCW for years, but never made the main event picture, until he joined WWE. Mankind’s WWE championship victory is one of the biggest fired shots which won the Monday Night War. Sometimes, a particular wrestling promotion just isn’t a good fit for a wrestling superstar. When that happens, it might be time to change to a different promotion, or maybe even go into a completely different line of work.

The most recent focus of internet speculation surrounds Sasha Banks and her relationship with the WWE. According to rumors, Sasha Banks has asked for her release from her WWE contract. So far the two sides have not come to an agreement on her future with the company.

So what will Sasha Banks do? What decision will she ultimately make about her wrestling future? Here are seven choices Sasha Banks could make regarding her career.

#1 She might leave WWE and join All Elite Wrestling

As early as January 2019, there were rumblings that several WWE superstars were not satisfied with their role within the company. Among the names dropped were the Revival, who seem to be sticking with WWE at least for the time being, Maria and Mike Kannelis, who denied the rumor, and Sasha Banks.

If Sasha Banks were to leave WWE, All Elite Wrestling might be a soft landing spot. Given her technical wrestling ability and visibility, it’s hard to imagine Cody and the Bucks NOT wanting to sign Banks to an AEW deal, should she become available.

It should be pointed out that as of this writing there are no concrete indicators that Sasha Banks is going to join AEW. This is simply a choice she might make in the future.

#2 She could join Impact Wrestling

The history of TNA/Impact/Global wrestling or whatever they’re calling themselves this week has been fraught with many ups and downs. At times, the promotion has seemed on the verge of breaking into the big leagues and possibly garnering a market share to rival the now defunct WCW or even the WWE in its current incarnation.

However, every up seems to be followed by a down, such as losing their network slot on Spike TV and then Destination America. Nonetheless, TNA has managed to last longer than ECW or WCW, and is an alternative for wrestlers in North America looking for a promotion to join.

One of the major things TNA did especially well, and continues to do well, is the treatment of its Knockouts division. Women like Gail Kim, Tessa Blanchard, and Jordynne Grace have all raised the bar for women’s wrestling in America. Sasha Banks would be most welcome in the Impact promotion, which has the added incentive of freeing her up to work for other companies as well, such as New Japan or CMLL.

#3 She might choose to head to Japan or Europe

Sasha Banks has made a name for herself in WWE, and helped garner a significant international reputation. One of her major accolades was when she and Alexa Bliss wrestled the “first women’s match” in the history of Abu Dhabi.

Sasha could find stardom just about anywhere in the world, due to her talent, ability, and famous face. A trip to Japan is not out of the question whatsoever. Working in Japan could free her up from the often cumbersome ’no compete’ clauses in WWE contracts, which often prevent wrestlers from working even months after their release from the company.

Alternatively, the European wrestling scene is red hot these days, and Sasha Banks could find a warm welcome across the pond, so to speak.

#4 She might sit out her WWE contract

If Sasha Banks and WWE cannot come to terms, there are rumors she might sit out the rest of her contract with the company. This would be a hard liner, no compromise stance from Sasha Banks. There are benefits and drawbacks of such a plan, however.

For one, WWE contracts are structured in such a way that time spent not performing doesn’t count toward the time the wrestler is contracted for. In other words, if a wrestler has, for example, a year left on their contract just because they spend twelve months at home doesn’t mean they are legally finished with the company.

Most recently PAC, formerly known as Neville in WWE, pulled a similar stunt, and was eventually granted his release by the WWE. This is a possible path for Sasha to take, but one that her fans would hate because it would keep her off of television indefinitely.

#5 She could open her own wrestling school

One of the most successful transitions from a ‘mainstream’ sport to pro wrestling was executed by none other than Rowdy Ronda Rousey. From the get go in her debut match, fans and critics alike were quite impressed with Ronda Rousey’s in ring ability.

Not many people realize that there’s a secret ingredient in the mix that makes Ronda Rousey so good and poised despite her limited experience with pro wrestling. That secret ingredient was Sasha Banks. Sasha Banks was one of the major stars who helped to train Ronda Rousey for the ring.

Given how much success Rousey had in the wrestling ring, we can surmise that Sasha Banks is at least an adequate, and possibly a great, instructor. If she can’t find a deal she likes in any wrestling promotion, WWE or otherwise, she could always follow in the footsteps of wrestlers like Terry Funk and open her own training Dojo.

#6 She might leave sports entertainment entirely

While Sasha Banks is one of the best women wrestlers to ever lace up a pair of boots, and has been a life long wrestling fan, there’s nothing restricting her to the sports entertainment industry as her sole means of earning a living.

Sasha Banks is cousins with one of the most famous hip hop stars of all time, Snoop “don’t call me doggy” Dogg. In fact, Snoop Dogg helped Sasha Banks develop her ’legit boss’ character for WWE.

In addition to being cousins with a famous musician and producer, she’s also related to Hip Hop/R and B producer Daz Dillinger and singer/songwriter Brandy Norwood.

In short, Sasha Banks has plenty of connections in the entertainment industry, and if she decides to end her wrestling career lots of doors will open for her. Sports Entertainment is not her only recourse.

#7 She might stay with WWE after all

Just because Sasha Banks and WWE have failed to come to terms on her role with the company doesn’t mean they’re going to end their relationship. WWE is very keen on getting Sasha Banks back into the mix, as it were.

They consider her a major star with many years left to wrestle, and she has a great deal of recognition based on her face and famous relatives alone. They would prefer she not sign with another company and give that promotion a major star to build upon.

Likewise, Sasha Banks doesn’t hate the WWE, and has many friends who work for the company. Much like The Revival, it’s possible the WWE will be able to convince her to not only stay on for her contract but to return to performing on television.

There you have it; Seven choices Sasha Banks could make about her wrestling future. Questions or comments? Please leave them after the article and as always thanks for reading!

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