It’s normal to have a few disagreements in a relationship, but the relationship may be a dead end if minor arguments turn catastrophic. [1] X Research source

Constant fighting and bickering. Arguments can quickly turn aggressive in a dead end relationship. . A lack of physical intimacy. This can be a sign that you or your partner have lost feelings. Poor communication. This is common in failing relationships.

A state of unhappiness could be from ignoring your needs to prioritize theirs. Ask yourself if you’re supporting yourself the same way you’re supporting them, and if they’re supporting you in return.

Ask yourself why you’re avoiding your partner. Are you suddenly annoyed by their habits, or not connecting with them emotionally? Attraction in strong, healthy relationships shouldn’t fade with time, so think about if these annoyances are something you can work through or if they’re something you can’t ignore.

Is my relationship negatively affecting other parts of my life? Do I feel constantly upset and lonely? Am I anxious or desperate toward my partner? Has my relationship negatively affected my friendships?

Your inner critic may say things like, “No one will ever love you,” and, “You can’t trust people. ” Silence these negative thoughts by reminding yourself how amazing you are. Try responding to your inner critic by saying, “I am worthy of love and respect,” and, “I am a caring and loving person, and can trust people because everyone isn’t bad. ”[7] X Research source Instead of idealizing the relationship, look at it for what it is. Remember the struggles and hardships rather than forgetting the pain. This can help you come to terms with your decision.

Even if the relationship is rocky, be respectful of your partner. They might be hurting as much as you are. Try to avoid texting or calling them if you can. These types of conversations are best to do in-person.

Go to those who make you feel loved, are positive, and help you feel like yourself. Seek help from a licensed counselor or law enforcement if you feel unsafe in any way.

Emotions come in waves: they arrive, peak, and then subside. When a wave of emotion hits, accept that it’s okay to be emotional and confused, letting the feeling wash over you. When the wave falls back, reflect on why you may have felt the way you did by asking yourself, “What was I feeling?” and, “Why did I feel that way?” Remember that there is no time limit for moving on. Every person is different. Every relationship is different. Go at your own pace and listen to what you need.

Stay clear of their social media by muting their accounts. Ask mutual friends to not invite you places where your ex might be. If you have to communicate with your ex, stay on topic and be clear and concise. Try to avoid talking about the relationship.

Sign up for a weekly fitness class. This will get your heart racing and give you an outlet for any lingering emotions. Start a new painting, knitting project, or other craft. This can calm your mind and give you a sense of accomplishment. Schedule weekly meetings with friends. This can help you socialize and remind yourself you deserve to be loved.

Sort through your emotions by practicing mindfulness. Taking time each day to close your eyes and breathe through moments of anxiety, frustration, or doubt can help you calm down and reflect on your feelings. Practice self-care to work through confusion after a breakup. Aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep, eat a nutritious diet, and move your body. Caring for yourself can boost your self-esteem and help you find balance again.

This could be your ex’s way of manipulating you. If you recognized that the relationship was going nowhere, stick to your instincts. An on-again, off-again relationship can weigh heavily on you, so stay true to your word when you leave your ex to protect your mental health. [14] X Research source

Let yourself grieve what you may have lost, but don’t forget to celebrate your victories.

Try exploring activities like meditating, painting, and running to practice mindfulness, clearing your mind from your relationship.

“I am the hero of my own story. ” “I am strong. ” “I am capable. ” “I am worthy of love and respect. ”