We can be constantly glued to the Facebook news feed and scroll it for hours to see what’s happening around, follow topics that interest us most and be aware of what our friends and family members are doing. And our Facebook addiction became even stronger since the evolution of smartphones. Now whether you’re relaxing on the couch or traveling around in the world, you can still let people know what’s going on your mind. Over time and with each new update, Facebook became better and more promising than ever—no wonder why we love this app so much!

We’re all pretty aware of Facebook’s basics, right? Like how to add new friends, how to make your account more secure and other similar stuff. To know this app a little better, here are 7 fascinating Facebook facts that might amaze you!

Let’s get started and know all about our favorite social media app!

The Classic Al Pacino Home Page

If you’re using Facebook for more than a decade then you might be already aware of this fact. But for those of you who don’t know, Facebook initially had an Al Pacino homepage to greet users. Then in 2007, this was changed by developers. It was a kind of a mystery which left many users perplexed as in thinking why Al Pacino’s face is there on Facebook? David Kirkpatrick sheds light on this fact and revealed that this Al Pacino sketch was created by of Mark Zuckerberg’s classmate.

Apple and Microsoft

There’s this option on Facebook where one can fill his workplace info, right? Seems like when Facebook was initially rolled out for users, only Apple and Microsoft were the first of many available workplace options offered to users.

Hidden Easter Eggs

Facebook can surely amaze us in infinite ways, and that holds quite true. Apparently, as Mark Zuckerberg happens to be a big-time movie buff there’s that “Chris Putnam,” a Facebook Chat Easter egg that still works today. All you have to do is simply open any chat and type :Putnam: and then hit enter!

The Trendsetter of Poke

Believe it or not, but Facebook happens to be the trendsetter of “Poking”. Whenever you want to nudge any of your friends on Facebook, you can use the poke option. Many users still think that it’s useless, but as far as Mark Zuckerberg explains, the poke option is only there to have some fun on the app, and no other motive.

Average Number of Friends=135

People keep on asking how many Facebook friends do you have, isn’t it? So, as per stats and surveys reveal, 135 is the number of friends that an average Facebook user has. But yes, it may vary up or down based on number active users using the app which changes every day, every minute, every second! So, as far as Facebook once claimed the figure happen to be 135.

Everybody Lies. Even Mark!

As we’re all aware Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO is a dropout from college, right? But his Facebook profile lists him as a Harvard University graduate which is simply a lie! Many reporters have confronted Mark for this, but he innocently says that there’s no option or setting for mentioning your educational status as a dropout. Oh, Mark, that’s not fair!

Facebook Café Menu

As much as Facebook cares for its users, it cares for its employees as well! There’s one dedicated app which allows Facebook staff members to see what meals they’ll be offered during the week. Isn’t this fascinating?

So folks here were a few Facebook facts to know a little more about your favorite app. Hope you learned something new today. Watch this space for more such updates!