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There are many characters from popular Xbox games that fans absolutely adore. This is especially true in the case of their protagonists, who are all iconic in their own way. However, their power levels vary quite a bit. This list will take a detailed look into how these main characters stack up against each other.

7 Player (Sunset Overdrive)

Fans of Sunset Overdrive understood completely why this studio was chosen to be the next developer of Spider-Man games. While this, unfortunately, took them away from the Xbox consoles, fans still had something made by the studio that captured the feel of swift movement and action-packed combat.

Sunset Overdrive is an excellent game that any fan of high-quality action-adventure games will appreciate. The protagonist themself is customizable and not all that memorable, but the amazing moves that players can pull off make them quite exciting regardless.

6 Frank West (Dead Rising)

Dead Rising is one of Xbox’s most iconic franchises, although it has fallen on hard times recently. Dead Rising 4 was anything but a return to form, and didn’t really inspire anyone to play through what was ultimately nothing more than a shell of the franchise’s former glory. However, the one bright spot in an otherwise mediocre experience was the protagonist, Frank West.

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As always, Frank was an entertaining character who could absolutely mow through enemies without a care in the world. It takes a ton of strength to deal with a multitude of zombies that can easily overpower normal humans, which is the major reason why Frank is such a strong protagonist.

5 Razputin Aquato (Psychonauts)

Raz is by no means powerful in the conventional sense, but that doesn’t take away from his impressive power. After all, it goes without saying that an agent that can get into the minds of people can win any confrontation against even the strongest of foes.

Mind Powers are nothing to scoff at, and Razputin can definitely beat down any enemy that might underestimate this puny fellow. The exclusivity of Psychonauts 2 on the Xbox has proven to be a great move, with many people considering this game to be a worthy sequel to an underrated classic.

4 Marcus Fenix (Gears Of War)

Gears of War is a legendary series that introduced the very concept of cover shooting in third-person shooters. It was a revolutionary mechanic that most big-budget games still replicate to this day, with varying degrees of success. While some people might not like the idea of having to stay in cover for extended periods of time, there’s no denying that cover shooting added a strategic aspect to the gameplay.

The protagonist of the series, Marcus Fenix, has consistently shown his monstrous strength over the course of the series. He can slice through the toughest enemies around and engage in combat effectively with them, making him an absolute beast that deserves a mention on this list.

3 Commander Jaxon (Crackdown 3)

It’s a shame that Crackdown 3 didn’t live up to the brilliance of its predecessor. The Crackdown series had been on hold for quite a while, and the strong marketing around this game suggested that Crackdown 3 would be a brilliant title that would strengthen Xbox’s lineup of exclusives.

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Instead, Crackdown 3 felt like a dated game that didn’t really capture the interests of players for long, with technical issues further bogging down the experience. That being said, Terry Crews’ portrayal of Commander Jaxon is pretty great. His strength is palpable for everyone to see, with the nigh-superhuman actions he carries out in the game on a regular basis.

2 Jack Joyce (Quantum Break)

Remedy Entertainment is a master of narrative-driven third-person shooters, and their expertise can be seen once again in Quantum Break. Some people argue that the story in this game was too much of a focus, but there’s no denying how ambitious this project was.

The player’s time powers made the game all the more engaging, with Jack Joyce being an engaging protagonist to carry this narrative forward. His incredible powers make it clear why he’s one of the stronger Xbox protagonists around.

1 Master Chief (Halo)

It was only a given that the Spartan who served as the face of the ever-popular Halo series would be a part of this list. His death-defying antics have proved time and time again that he’s one of the strongest characters around. The fact that he serves as the face of the Xbox brand makes his iconic nature even more evident.

Master Chief is an engaging protagonist, and his banter with Cortana lets his personality shine quite a bit. Even with the mixed reception to the Halo franchise over time, one thing has remained constant within the fanbase — their love for Master Chief.

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