People with education and experience in fields like finance, banking, medicine, arts, literature, media, business services, consulting, etc., can also explore the world of remote jobs, aspire to earn international wages, and look beyond the local industries to find work.

Here’s a look at a few major industry sectors with plenty of remote work opportunities and potential.

1. Customer Support

Whether product-based or service-based, most businesses require a customer-facing team to resolve client issues, troubleshoot technical problems, or train their client base on the ins and outs of using its products. As a result, customer support online jobs have been rising steadily.

As long as you have decent soft skills and an aptitude for learning, you can land a job in any customer assistance team regardless of your location. Moreover, you may not even need a university education to get an entry-level helpdesk or technical support job.

All you need is an internet or Wi-Fi connection, a desktop or laptop, and decent headphones to get started. This is also a good starting point to get a foothold into any industry sector and learn more about its working and general policies.

2. Banking and Finance

If you are good with numbers and balance sheets and well versed in accounting, you can look for remote jobs like Financial Consultant, Financial Advisor, Remote Financial Services Supply Manager, Business Transfer Consultant, Investment Banking Analyst, etc.

Most banking or finance-related jobs that don’t require your physical presence can be performed remotely. Video and conference calls generally suffice for work that involves face-time.

3. Health and Wellness

Fitness apps, live-streaming, and video calls have given the health and wellness sector a new lease of life. People looking for these services can hire the best professionals across the globe and bring them into their drawing rooms via technology.

Whether it’s working as a Wellness Counselor, providing a motivational therapy session, or conducting a Zumba dancing class, you can instruct your client base directly from the comfort of your home office.

You can work remotely for one of the many websites that promote employee health and wellness, create a niche business website offering custom services suites, or use social media like Instagram and YouTube to garner a following, then start monetizing on your popularity.

4. Pharmacology

If you have a degree in pharmacology and related fields, you can look for remote jobs like Clinical Pharmacology Associate, Principal Scientist, Manager of Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology, Toxicologist, etc. Working remotely, you’re responsible for compiling regulatory documents, planning and reporting drug-disease modeling, meta-analysis of clinical data, working on clinical trials, and so on.

Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Roche, Novartis, Merck, and all other leading pharmaceutical firms offer pharmacology-related remote jobs. You can also pursue remote positions in this field if you have prior experience as a research doctor with major drug manufacturing firms.

These jobs are usually intense and require dedicated work hours and an atmosphere conducive to working. Learn how to create a productive remote work schedule to take charge of your time.

5. Medical Science

Medical Writing and Medical Scribe are popular profiles associated with remote work in the medical industry. But, these days, there’s a whole host of other positions that allow doctors and nurses in the profession to work remotely.

Concierge Medical Practice is an umbrella term that offers various positions like Consultant Doctor, Remote Nurse Psychotherapist, and the like. Telephone Triage, Telemedicine, Medical Science Liaison, Medical Education Specialist, etc., are other positions you can search for if you want to leverage your education and experience in medicine to work from home.

While most remote jobs in medicine require formal training as a doctor or a nurse, medical writing jobs do not have these prerequisites. Good technical writers or those with a background in biomedicine can also fulfill these positions.

6. Arts & Entertainment

People with an education background in arts and interest in entertainment and media can apply to remote jobs in advertising, copywriting, apparel designing, editing, graphics designing, sketching for regular as well as 3D models, animation, Illustration, photo-editing, video processing, scriptwriting, social media marketing, and more.

Some of the jobs in these remote work fields rely on talent and professionalism rather than educational training and experience. The entry-level barrier for these jobs is low, and you can make decent money even as a beginner as long as you have talent and can deliver on time.

If you’re bilingual and have experience working as a linguist, you can explore websites that offer remote work for translators, interpreters, voice-over artists, etc. The nature of work in these fields also lends itself well to freelance jobs.

A lot of legwork goes into compiling case files, verifying information, following up with case details, working on corporate contracts, dealing with government agencies, filing paperwork, complying with rules and regulations, etc. All of this work requires legal know-how, but most of it doesn’t require a lawyer’s physical presence in the office, leading to many remote work opportunities in the legal profession.

Remote Litigation Attorney, Corporate Associate Legal Counsel, Remote Contracts Attorney, Compliance Attorney, Conflicts Attorney, Remote Document Reviews Attorney, etc., are some legal positions you can work for in a remote location.

Remote Work Is the Future

The key to finding remote jobs in your field is to search for your profile along with the word “remote”. Even if you’re skeptical and think your skills and experience do not lend themselves to remote work, give it a try and see where the search takes you.

As more industries adopt remote work, this form of work will grow even more in popularity. If you’re still unsure, take an online course or two to improve your tech skills and advance your remote work prospects.