We know how much you love creating new dazzling stories no matter where you go, here are a few Instagram stories tips and tricks to amuse your followers and friends.

Rainbow Text

Colors make life better and colors make us happy! Agreed, right? So, why not splash up your Instagram Story text in rainbow colors? So, here’s what you need to do. Enter up a text phrase on your Story like you usually do. Now, highlight the part of text which you want to turn into rainbow colors. Drag one finger across text and other finger across the wide range of colors at the bottom and see your text magically convert into a rainbow. The slower you drag, the more prominent your text colors will appear on your Story.

Break Your Story to Make It Interesting

Your followers or friends will stay with your forever if you narrate your story nicely. So, don’t try to fit everything into a single frame, in fact break your story into several parts to make it more engaging. It’s not necessary that each slide of your story has to have a picture. You can also try and experiment with text phrases to glue up your audience.

Add a Solid Color in Background

Adding solid colors in the background of Instagram stories is pretty simple. All you have to do is, take a picture and tap the pen icon to pick a color. After picking the color just long press on image to see your image convert into a solid background.

The Drop Shadow Effect

Make your text appear more dramatic by adding the drop shadow effect to dazzle your friends or followers. Although, Instagram doesn’t offer us an inbuilt option to do so but there’s always a smarter way to do things, right? Write anything on your story like your usually do in one text color and then copy it. Now pick a different text box and paste previously copied text and choose a different color this time. Now, smartly place both the text boxes in such a way that creates a drop shadow effect. Isn’t this a cool way to dress up your text?

Build Suspense

Suspense is that one thing that always gets us one edge! Try and make your Instagram stories more creative and fill it up with some suspense element so that your followers have to view your entire story till the last slide. You can also try getting more creative with Boomerangs by using the forward and reverse motion together.

Hide Your Stories

Got a nosy friend who pokes you every now and then on whatever you post? Well, you can hide your story from a certain follower or friend while you can share it to entire public except them. To hide a story from a specific person head on to your profile page, hit the gear icon in the top right-hand corner, then select the Story Settings tab under Account. Now just type the username of that person from whom you want to hide your story so that they won’t poke you again!

Upload from Camera Roll

If you’re out on a vacation where Internet connectivity is pretty low, don’t be disheartened. Use your phone’s camera, shoot right away and then later upload those pictures to your Instagram story. In fact, shoot all day along and then whenever you have time upload a batch of stories altogether, add some sweet text and effects to woo your followers.

So fellas, here were some of the best Instagram stories tips and tricks to flaunt your friends and followers. Let us know which one you liked the most and don’t forget to drop your feedback in the comments box below!