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It’s also full of content, which means that sometimes newer players can make mistakes that make it harder to succeed in the game later. By researching and using community resources, players will avoid making common mistakes and have the best experience they can on Kena: Bridge of Spirits. Players with experience in the best action and adventure games will find it easier to acclimate to this game.

7 Button Mashing When In Combat

It can be tempting for newer players to Kena: Bridge of Spirits to button mash when they are in combat; however, this is not the right strategy and is best avoided. Kena doesn’t have the best melee combat, but there is a logic to it.

Combat in this game is fairly simple, involving a dodge button, light attack, and heavy attack. Players should fight rhythmically, throwing an attack or two and then dodging, repositioning before committing to an attack again. It is important to remember that attacks can’t be interrupted, so it is very easy for newer players to overcommit.

6 Ignoring The Rot Sidekick

Players in Kena: Bridge of Spirits are joined by their trusty video game sidekick the Rot. Rots don’t just look cute and follow the player around, they also interact with objects, can be used as a weapon, clear corruption around the map, and can even be leveled up so that they are more powerful.

While every player will inevitably find the Rot sidekick cute, newer players may overlook their sidekick which could lead to problems, particularly in the middle and end games. Players should always use their Rot to ensure that they’re collecting lanterns and leveling Kena up.

5 Overusing The Healing Flowers

While health regenerates automatically in Kena: Bridge of Spirits, Kena doesn’t heal themselves in battle quickly enough while the player is in combat. Players can instead use the healing flowers stored by the Rot sidekick; usually one or two, to help Kena sustain throughout the fight.

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Newer players may be tempted to use flowers too quickly, leading to them being vulnerable if a fight lasts for longer than they expected it to. Instead, it is better to use the flowers sparingly, taking as many hits as possible before consuming them.

4 Not Unlocking The Multishot Skill

Some players in Kena: Bridge of Spirits have expressed disappointment with the skill tree, finding it underwhelming. While the game’s skill tree could be considered a little light compared to modern-day games, some of the skills are very important to obtain.

The Multishot skill comes into play when an enemy has been downed by a Rot attack; the arrow will split and hit nearby enemies, acting as a great crowd control method when fighting multiple enemies. The Multishot skill is definitely worth unlocking as soon as possible.

3 Neglecting The Pulse

Players will be introduced to their Pulse ability in the very first moments of the game. As things move on and players are introduced to new mechanics, it is easy for them to forget to continue regularly using the Pulse ability as they navigate through the map.

Using the Pulse ability is crucial for progressing through some of the puzzles and it is definitely recommended that players remember to continually use Pulse. It doesn’t have to be spammed, but as players go through to newer areas, or find themselves stuck on a certain part, chances are they need to use the Pulse to move forward.

2 Not Bothering With Spirit Mails

Around the map on Kena: Bridge of Spirits are collectibles called Spirit Mails. These Spirit Mails are not necessary to progress through the game, which could lead to players not bothering to search for them. This is a bad strategy, and it is definitely worth searching for Spirit Mails.

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Spirit Mails can be delivered to houses in the village in order to make them accessible, unlocking them for Kena who can then salvage items from these houses. These items are useful, particularly at the beginning of the game where items and skill levels may be lower. They can also be cosmetic items that are just for fun.

1 Not Using Photo Mode

One thing that Kena: Bridge of Spirits can boast is being an incredibly visually pleasing game. The landscapes, color schemes, and art style feels distinct and beautiful. While players may get wrapped up in the story, or the mechanics, or the exploration aspect, they may neglect to use the Photo Mode.

Photo Mode is present in many games, such as Pokemon Snap, and basically allows the player to take and save a photo of the game at any moment. Playing games is all about having fun and having an experience, and documenting this experience through the Photo Mode feature is well worth doing.

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