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Making mistakes is a natural extension of the gameplay. Players live and learn so that next time they’re more prepared to face the subsequent set of challenges. One useful piece of advice, however, is to save often. This helps ensure that the protagonist’s next mistake won’t be his last. Keeping that in mind, here are some mistakes to avoid while exploring the world and learning the ropes.

7 Falling Prey To Wolves

Players must explore the landscape of Medieval Dynasty, more so out of necessity than for the excitement of exploration. Racimir must venture forth into the wild to collect raw materials as well as locate sources of food and water. At first, it may seem like nothing can hurt the player…that is, until fans run headlong into a vicious pack of wolves.

It’s a tense experience that likely takes first-time players completely off-guard. The first instinct is to defend oneself with whatever meager weapons are in Racimir’s early game inventory. Wolves will make short work of the player unless players fend them off with a lit torch. Even then, it’s best to stay vigilant.

6 Developing Food Poisoning

There are a lot of things that can kill the player in Medieval Dynasty. Falling victim to food poisoning is one such way new players may meet their deaths. Maybe that unripe berry looked too tempting? Or perhaps Racimir thought that spoiled food shouldn’t go to waste?

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Most players will poison themselves at some point either through ignorance or necessity if the situation is desperate. Poison effects that last too long will steadily drain the player’s Health meter until they’re dead. Stock up on St. John’s Wort or invest in the Iron Liver perk to avoid future mishaps.

5 Forgetting To Bring Enough Wooden Spears

In the early game, players have to make do with the most rudimentary hunting equipment. Wooden spears serve as the most basic form of hunting weapon. It’s a mistake, however, to assume that a single spear is enough to bag game that’s bigger than a rabbit.

Spears are easy to lose amongst the brush of the landscape. Predators that can fight back, such as boars, also require multiple hits before they’re taken down. In the meantime, not having any spares on hand can make a hunting trip a waste of time, or worse, result in a quick and embarrassing death.

4 Building Your First Home In A Remote Location

In Medieval Dynasty, there aren’t too many objectively wrong locations for players to build their first home. Still, knowing where to settle is an important decision, one that can save the player a lot of heartaches down the road if chosen correctly the first time.

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Settling too far away from other established settlements makes traveling to them an unnecessarily drawn-out process. It’s also important to consider the nearby natural resources. For example, players need a source of water to stay alive. Building too far away from a stream turns out to be more of a hassle than it should be.

3 Rushing To Expand Your Settlement

Medieval Dynasty isn’t just about surviving until the next season. Players are encouraged to expand their humble abode into a large community. This is accomplished by inviting other villagers to join the player’s settlement. Nevertheless, don’t be in too much of a hurry to complete this goal.

Like the player character himself, NPC villagers also have needs that have to be maintained if they’re expected to stick around. Not having the proper facilities in place beforehand will result in a lot of ticked-off peasants who will be quick to abandon the burgeoning village. It’s much better to take one’s time and construct the necessary buildings first before inviting others to join the community.

2 Failing To Prepare For Winter

At the beginning of the game, the climate doesn’t represent much of an obstacle for the player. Everything is so pleasant in the Spring and Summer months that it’s easy to forget that Winter is a different beast altogether. Survival, once again, must occupy the forefront of the player’s responsibilities.

Medieval Dynasty utilizes a special meter that tracks Racimir’s temperature level. That meter will plummet in the Winter and will eventually result in death unless Racimir is properly clothed. Being unable, for whatever reason, to obtain warm clothing only quickens Racimir’s transition into a popsicle.

1 Failing To Make A Plan For The Economy

Although living to witness the next sunrise is obviously important, players can’t forget about the economy of their settlement either. Unfortunately, every Spring, the player must pay taxes to the king. The amount due is based on the number and level of the player’s buildings as well as their crop fields.

Mismanaging one’s finances can lead to a nasty cycle of debt. In fact, getting into too much debt may even result in a game over if players aren’t careful. Gamers need to get into the habit of selling their excess food and items, while also planning ahead of time what kind of goods their settlement is going to produce.

Medieval Dynastyis currently available on PC.

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