So, when the new year comes around, and you’re feeling pretty worn out, what are the best ways to detoxify and reset your body? From drinking more water to doing away with alcohol, below are a couple of easy post-festive season detox tips.

1. Start Your Day by Drinking Lots of Water

During the holiday season, water is probably the last liquid you’ll be drinking on a daily basis. That’s why when the holidays are over it is best to stay away from caffeine, sugary drinks, and alcoholic beverages and kick-start each new day by drinking lots of water. Why not invest in a smart water bottle to help you keep yourself hydrated throughout the day?

HidrateSpark is a top-rated smart water bottle that tracks how much you drink and then lights up to remind you to drink more. Plus, HidrateSpark has a handy companion app that you can use to view your water intake and hydration history or set your daily hydration goal.

2. Aim to Eat More Fruits and Veggies

There’s no need to go to the extreme when it comes to resetting your diet. Take things slow and simply cut back on the bad stuff to eat more of the good stuff. Focus on eating more fruits and veggies with the help of the vegan plant-based recipe app, EatMorePlants.

If you’re a newbie to plant-based meals, then this is the app for you. It’s chock-full of delicious dishes, whether you’re looking for pasta recipes, snack ideas, or desserts. Each recipe consists of easy-to-follow instructions, a list of ingredients, helpful tips, and the nutrition per serving. Additionally, the app features various meal plans and a shopping list.

Download: EatMorePlants for iOS | Android (Free, subscription available)

3. Move Your Body and Work Up a Sweat

The holiday season is when you likely always have an excuse to skip going to the gym. Even home workouts are hard to stick to. Fortunately, it’s not recommended that you exercise for hours and hours. Merely moving your body is a good place to start!

Whether you love yoga or Pilates, barre, or HIIT, Obe Fitness is an online exercise platform with thousands of live and on-demand workout classes. Obe Fitness is specifically ideal for a holiday detox as its workouts suit all fitness levels and can be done from home with little to no equipment. Simply pick a class of your choice or join a training program—it’s as easy as that!

4. Reset Your Sleeping Habits

Sleeping is essential as it helps your mind and body function properly. However, during the festive season, your sleep schedule is likely all over the place. With the help of the Pzizz app, you can successfully improve your sleeping habits and get them back on track.

To begin, all you have to do is listen. Select whether you want to sleep, nap, or focus, and then choose a dreamscape and a sleep narration. From there, you can even choose the voice narrator. Moreover, the Pzizz app also allows you to set a bedtime, nap, and focus reminder to help you reach your sleep goals.

Download: Pzizz for iOS | Android (Free, subscription available)

5. Try to Avoid Eating Out

When you’re typing to detox after a festive binge, dining out isn’t actually a viable option. Most restaurants serve foods that are high in fat and calories. However, cooking from home is a better choice as you have complete control over all the ingredients. The Cookpad app can make home cooking fun and exciting.

Essentially, the app is a place where regular home cooks can find and share delicious recipes. It is effortless to use—just type in the ingredients you have on hand or the ingredients you want to avoid. In addition, you can browse through the best seasonal recipes, learn handy cooking tips, and add recipes of your own.

Download: Cookpad for iOS | Android (Free, subscription available)

6. Cut Back On or Eliminate Alcohol

Drinking a bit more alcohol than usual during the holiday season is often a side effect of the preponderance of festive parties, reunions, and time off from work. When it’s time to detox for the new year, you can use an app to help you limit your alcohol consumption or give it up altogether. I Am Sober is an app that can help you beat addiction by tracking your soberness and overall savings.

This awesome free sobriety app offers motivation as well as a friendly community of like-minded people who are on similar journeys. Plus, the best part is that the app works for sobriety from a range of habits and addictions, including caffeine, gambling, and much more.

Download: I Am Sober for iOS | Android (Free, subscription available)

7. Don’t Dwell on the Fact That You Overdid It

The best thing you can do for yourself if you’ve overdone it during the holiday season is to forgive yourself and move on. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it now and there’s no point in dwelling on it with a negative attitude. One of the best ways to move forward is to practice mindfulness and meditation.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional, the Mindfulness App is the ideal tool to guide you through and teach you the ins and outs of meditation. Your specific journey depends on what you want to focus on, like improving your sleep, relieving stress, or enhancing your relationships. Furthermore, the app features various courses, personalized guided meditation sessions, sleep stories, and a handy stress test.

Download: The Mindfulness App for iOS | Android (Free, subscription available)

How to Press the Reset Button After an Unhealthy Holiday

Whether you’ve been partying with your loved ones since Christmas Day or snacking endlessly on festive leftovers, the holiday season is sure to be full of overindulgence. But now that the holiday fun is over, how do you cleanse and reset your body to get it back in good shape?

A post-holiday detox can be incredibly helpful, but it’s not about starvation, crazy exercises, or juice cleanses. For a little help in healthily resetting your body, take these easy, practical, and doable steps.