Of course, fans will probably be saddened by them breaking up and going their separate ways, but that doesn’t mean this decision doesn’t benefit them at all. In all honesty, it probably benefits them the most as it will finally allow more of their favorite superstars to get the opportunities that they have waited a while for.

With that being said, and WWE already teasing The Shield breakup on television, here are a few people that stand to benefit from The Shield breaking up in the coming weeks. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and tell us who you think will be positively affected the change.

#7 Brock Lesnar

It’s all about negotiation power and Brock Lesnar will have a lot more of it once The Shield is finally broken up. Not only is that evident by the fact that WWE will need him more on television once the group breaks up, but also by how it will finally expose Roman Reigns for who he really is.

In all honesty, the WWE Universe knows that once the company strips away The Shield nostalgia and starts booking Reigns on his own again, he is going to fall flat as the top guy. Furthermore, Reigns is still getting booed even as a member of The Shield, which means the fans will leave once he is alone again.

With that being said, that’s a lot of negotiating power for Lesnar and it might be enough for him to reinsert himself back on top of Monday Night Raw. Whether that happens or not is ultimately up to Lesnar’s schedule and the WWE’s plans, but he would probably be a better choice than Roman Reigns.

#6 Finn Balor

Another person that will be positively affected by The Shield breaking up is Finn Balor, who became an afterthought in WWE when the faction reformed the night after SummerSlam. While Balor’s ascension to the top will probably still be a very long one, opening up some slots at the top of the card will ultimately be beneficial for Balor

Of course, it’s still a matter of who WWE will fill those slots with, but even if Ambrose doesn’t get chosen for a top spot immediately, it will at least give him and other superstars more opportunities in the mid-card.

In the end, it may take a while for this to come into effect and will be dependent on who WWE chooses, but its a possibility that Balor climbs when The Shield splits.

#5 Bobby Lashley

One would have to imagine that breaking The Shield up would at least give Bobby Lashley a chance to climb up the card. Its honestly a tragedy what WWE has done with Lashley after his feud with Roman Reigns culminated at Extreme Rules, but WWE can’t move him up without moving someone else down.

With that being said, there are two ways WWE can do this and the first one is to turn Lashley heel. While that might sound like a good idea at first, it takes away from the months of babyface credibility that the company has built up for him. If nothing else, this means that the only other way Lashley moves up the card is a Shield breakup.

In the end, its up to WWE what they want to do here, but you can’t really claim he is back to dominate when he hasn’t even risen above the mid-card since his tumultuous feud with Roman Reigns.

#4 The WWE Universe

Believe it or not, the WWE Universe actually stand to benefit a lot from The Shield breaking up. Not only is that evident by how it would force Roman Reigns to stand on his own as the top guy, which many feel he can’t, but it could also force WWE into changing their mind on Reigns if WWE can convince them to do so

Of course, WWE hasn’t listened to the WWE Universe the last couple of times they tried to show their utter disdain for Reigns, but there’s no way this Shield reunion can last forever.

Furthermore, there seems to be no realistic way for WWE to cover up Roman Reigns flaws once they do finally break up The Shield, which points to him not staying the top guy for long.

#3 Seth Rollins

Let’s be honest here - as popular as Seth Rollins is now, he would probably be two times as popular if he would have continued on with his babyface run and eventually won The Universal title. In fact, Rollins was on the babyface run of a lifetime when The Shield reformed and while he remains a crucial part of The Shield storyline, he is no longer after The Universal title.

Fortunately for Rollins, the WWE breaking up The Shield will finally allow him to pursue The Universal title again and have the run he should have had a long time ago. In the end, maybe WWE will choose to go another direction with this and might even look to Ambrose as the next title holder, but one would have to imagine Rollins getting a chance at some point.

#2 Braun Strowman

It’s no secret that Braun Strowman should have never turned heel, but WWE just had to sacrifice him in order to make Roman Reigns look like the good guy. Unfortunately for Strowman, he really hasn’t been as effective since and even failed to successfully cash in his money in The Bank contract at Hell in Cell.

Of course, WWE tried to cover up for that by having Brock Lesnar attack during the Universal title match, and end it in a no contest, but it has still killed a great deal of Strowman’s momentum. In fact, he might even end up taking the pin in the match between him, Reigns and Lesnar if his momentum keeps getting killed

In the end, Braun Strowman needs The WWE to make this move or he is never going to get another shot at The Universal title after Crown Jewel. Furthermore, he is never going to be taken seriously again if WWE continues to halt his progress by having him come up short when the title is on the line.

#1 Dean Ambrose

Bet you didn’t see this coming!

While there are a lot of other people that can and probably will benefit from The Shield breaking up again, none of them stand to gain as much as Deam Ambrose does. In fact, between finally getting the main event heel turn he deserves, and most likely getting a title match in the process, Ambrose has the chance to cement his path as a top star.

Sure, it will probably end in Roman Reigns overcoming Ambrose and keeping the title for a while longer, but that doesn’t change the fact that his heel turn could lead to bigger things in the future. WWE could even trade him over to Smackdown Live after The Shield split up and have him be the top heel there against guys like Styles and Bryan.

With that being said, Ambrose’s eventual heel turn is going to be a big moment in WWE history and it’s going to lead to bigger and better things. Not only that, it will finally give him a chance to break out on his own again and give his character the refresh it needed to be great again.

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