In August 2022, Peter McKinnon published a video about VERO to his 5+ million YouTube subscribers. Since then, the platform has gained traction and captured the attention of several creators.
If you’re a photographer, you might find significant value in posting your work to VERO. This article will identify seven reasons why you might want to consider switching.
1. No Algorithmic Pressure
When publishing their work on social media, many creators fall into the trap of trying to please algorithms. Once you’re on that hamster wheel, creating content for the sake of enjoyment becomes more and more challenging. And while burnout has many contributors, not liking what you do is one of them.
Instagram’s algorithms have changed a lot since 2020. And while there are some ways to take advantage of Instagram’s algorithm, throughout 2022, many creators reported a significant drop in engagement—especially on still images. If you’re not posting videos on the platform, organic growth is a lot more challenging than it previously was.
If you don’t want the pressure of posting for the sake of algorithms, VERO is worth looking at. The platform claims that it does not use algorithms; as such, you can focus on sharing your favorite pieces without additional pressure.
2. No Ads
If you’ve spent any amount of time on Instagram in 2022, you’ll have probably noticed more ads appear on your feed. We shouldn’t be too surprised about this; the network needs to make money somehow. And, of course, Instagram isn’t the only social media platform where you will find ads these days. However, seeing ads when scrolling through your feed can get irritating.
When you use VERO, you will not see ads. Instead, your feed largely consists of posts from people you follow. If you choose to stay on Instagram and not switch to VERO—or use both platforms—you can tweak your Instagram ad interests to make them more suitable for you.
3. Sharing Content Can Be Fun Again
Many photographers initially fell in love with their craft by posting their content on Instagram. And back in the 2010s, sharing pictures from your travels and your life was a lot of fun. Now, however, a lot of big creators have said that they do not find Instagram as enjoyable to post on as before.
You could argue that several reasons have contributed to Instagram no longer being fun for many creators. Those that have been on the platform for some years might simply have become bored of it. Another possibility is that the platform’s constant chopping and changing have reduced photographers’ motivation to share their work.
If you’re interested in trying something new, posting on VERO might help you regain the love you had for sharing your work with others. Besides images, you can pin links to articles you’ve written and much more.
4. A Chronological Feed
In 2016, Instagram removed the chronological feed, then in 2022, Instagram brought back the chronological feed, but it’s not the same as it was before. At the time of writing, the chronological feed is not set as the default. Instead, you have to go to the top and choose Following or Favorites each time you open the app.
Who wants to manually switch to a chronological feed each time you open an app? You don’t have to with VERO. All posts are shown in the order of when they were posted, making it easy to view all the content of the people you follow.
5. The Community Aspect
When you first joined Instagram to share your photography, what was your reason? Besides posting your art, you probably wanted to find a community of like-minded people. And while you can still find interesting people to follow on Instagram, doing so is more challenging than was previously the case.
VERO has branded itself as “True Social”, with the community aspect forming one of the most crucial parts of how it operates. Liking and commenting work the same as on Instagram, but you don’t have to deal with as many bots. Similarly, you won’t have to deal with as many fake accounts following you.
Another benefit of using VERO is that discovering artists is easy. For example, you can sift through the Featured Photographers section to discover creators that you might find interesting.
6. Posting Single Images
If you’ve tried to increase your followership on Instagram, you’ll probably have noticed that single images don’t perform as well as they used to. Carousels are an excellent way to tell a story, but in some cases, you might not want to share multiple pictures at the same time.
When using VERO, you can publish single images without needing to worry about how many likes they get. And if you want to sometimes share galleries, you also have that option; both get pretty good visibility.
7. Getting on Board Before the Paid Subscription Model Comes Into Play
At the time of writing in September 2022, signing up for a VERO account and using the platform is free. However, that will not remain the case forever.
Because the platform doesn’t make money from advertising, it needs to find alternative ways to generate revenue. VERO plans to introduce a paid subscription model in the future, and while it won’t be expensive, getting to use all of its features for free is a better choice.
Tired of Instagram? Give VERO a Shot
Instagram is still a valuable platform for photographers, but many users are finding it less enjoyable to use than before. It’s still a network trying to figure out how it moves forward, especially with fierce competition from TikTok. While that will likely balance itself out over time, it does mean that users will feel the impact for a while.
VERO has gained a lot of attention for its focus on community and using it to share your photography is pretty enjoyable. It’s nowhere near the complete package, but the early signs are promising. And even if you don’t delete Instagram, using VERO allows you to at least diversify your online presence.