Though it’s far from a perfect platform, the pros seem to outweigh the cons. And, if not outright outweigh, at least match them. Wattpad is worth using. Here are some of the best perks connected to the platform.

What Is Wattpad, and Should You Use It?

Wattpad is a free writing website that also offers a free app for Android and iOS. It’s among the most popular storytelling platforms that allow writers to share their content, but it’s hardly the only such platform available. Wattpad allows you to share your writings for free, hoping you’ll get noticed and published.

It provides an outlet for aspiring writers to foster a fan base, and for established ones to test out new ideas, new characters, and determine which path is best to take for their next project.

The platform offers something for everybody. You can find every genre under the sun and stories about pretty much anything. It’s an excellent tool for writers to use and shouldn’t get ignored. Though it certainly has its downsides, they don’t take away from its many benefits. Let’s go through some of them.

1. Nothing Is Off-Limits on Wattpad

Wattpad is a melting pot of stories. It allows you to write about anything you want. There are no limits to where your creativity can go, no boundaries you can’t cross, and there’s a liberation to that. You’re free to explore any topic of interest.

The platform gives you an outlet to try out material with whatever plot line you want. You can have characters of different backgrounds, mix genres, or do anything else you want.

And the best part is, you get to see first-hand how the people view your exploration. Maybe no one likes your current version of the tale, so changes are in order. Or perhaps it’s a hit, and people can’t wait for more.

It’s freeing to share on the platform as you can do it anonymously, without sharing your name. This helps out early writers if you’re concerned about getting recognized or ashamed about what you write and express.

2. There Are So Many Free Books to Read

If you’re unsure of which way you want to go as a writer, Wattpad offers boundless research potential. You can dive into countless stories available on the site. What’s more, you can also see which are the most popular stories, and which ones don’t do so well.

Read More: How to Read Free Ebooks With Wattpad

You can read what the site offers and decide what you like and dislike, what you’d like to explore, and what you’d never approach as a topic. Browsing the platform’s countless stories lets you figure out which path to take as a storyteller.

3. Feedback Is Abundant on Wattpad

Wattpad gives you access to a massive audience willing to provide you with reviews and critiques for free. As you share your writings, Wattpad allows your readers to leave comments, pointing out things they liked and disliked.

You receive critical commentary on your story as you’re sharing it, so you can implement minor tweaks or massive changes as you see fit to make your story better suit your readers. Wattpad gets you a focus group, something studios and producers pay big bucks for, that you receive for free.

4. Easy-to-Use Platform

Wattpad got made with users in mind. It’s easy to use, and there’s no need to get intimidated by it. The platform lets you publish your stories yourself, adding a cover, the tags associated with your upload, and it hands over all the control to you.

You make all the decisions, without the need to work alongside an editor or a publishing house. This stops editor’s opinions being forced on you, and making unwanted changes you’re not comfortable with.

Having complete control over what your audience sees of your work is certainly a positive, and not to be underestimated.

5. Easy Way to Market Your Story

Wattpad gives you a choice to upload your work in a single go, or do it chapter by chapter. Some authors choose to have scheduled uploads—weekly, biweekly, monthly, and so on. Others decide to entice fan engagement by stating they want to receive a set number of likes to share the next chapter. It’s an excellent marketing ploy, and a way to generate interest in your story.

Readers who can’t wait to find out what happens next, get involved with the marketing by having the incentive to share the story with more people. This generates more likes and helps to get you one step closer to your next upload.

6. Wattpad Offers Writing Contests

Wattpad offers many contests aimed to promote up-and-coming authors. Contests differ and can focus on various genres, topics, or even character development. You’re bound to find one that fits you perfectly.

Winning such a contest gets you recognition, boosting your popularity and getting more eyes on your work. That’s invaluable when you’re an aspiring writer looking for their big break.

Additionally, Wattpad also runs an annual contest called the Watty Awards, well-known among writers. It gives prizes in numerous categories and focuses on sharing “undiscovered stories”.

If you’re interested and meet the requirements, don’t hesitate to enter. You generally have nothing to lose by entering one and everything to gain, so why not try it?

7. Tips and Tricks of the Trade

Wattpad offers a specific section dedicated to writers and how they can make the most of the platform. You get various tips and tricks on crafting an audience, engaging with it, becoming a part of the community, and so on. It’s among the best online communities for writers out there.

The platform helps authors share their stories in the best way Wattpad offers them. If you’re a novice writer, this perk can prove especially helpful.

Wattpad’s Not Perfect, but You Should Still Try It Out

Wattpad has plenty of negatives too, but that does nothing to diminish all the benefits it also offers. If you want to share your writings with the world, definitely give the platform a try.

It can help give you invaluable feedback and improve your writing style, craft an audience and get you recognition in the writing field. Don’t overlook the benefits of Wattpad simply because it’s not perfect.