You don’t have to have your life plans figured out right away, especially if you’re young. However, it’s a good thing to keep in mind as your relationship gets more serious. Take time to learn about and understand each other’s goals as well as your hopes and dreams.

Regaining trust with someone is a hard road to go down. If you and your partner are having trust issues, a couple’s counselor may be able to help you through them.

If you have kids, this might be a little tougher. Try setting aside one night a month to hit the town with your partner and leave the kids with a babysitter. Look for shared interests that you can bond over. Whether that means rock-climbing, playing D&D, or cooking, find something that you both enjoy and can do together.

You should also be able to communicate about tough stuff. If you feel comfortable bringing up a problem or an issue with your partner, that’s a very good sign. Healthy communication involves sharing how you feel as well as understanding and validating your partner’s perspective.

The same is true for your partner: they should feel like they can lean on you no matter what.

Try to think of disagreements as “you and your partner vs. the problem” instead of “you vs. your partner. ”

Keep in mind that compromising goes both ways. If you feel like you’re constantly compromising but your partner gets exactly what they want, it might be time to communicate and reevaluate your relationship.

It can be hard to make time for friends when you first get into a relationship. Try to reach out to your pals at least once a week so they don’t feel neglected.