Just look at the Mona Lisa, you could say there are some glitches going on in that famous painting. Just as with Leonardi Di Vinci’s legendary work, WWE 2K18 has its fair share of flaws.

So let’s take a look at 7 of those strange imperfections from WWE 2K18.

#1 Traveling through space and time to take a sick bump

There are a lot of strange situations you can find yourself in while playing the extensive settings in WWE 2K18 and it turns out a couple them might be warp hole to different parts of the arena.

In this glitch, John Cena and Braun Strowman are setting up for a high-risk spot but during the execution, things take a very unexpected turn. Strowman and Cena are transported across the arena and wind up at ringside.

I’m not really sure what’s going on here except Braun Strowman really went out of his way to take a bump off that ladder… and apparently, John Cena can fly. Well, they don’t call him Super Cena for no reason.

#2 Attack of the loveseat!

Have you ever started writing a horror film and you’re so convinced it’s great and then when you look at it the next morning you realise it’s about a maniac piece of furniture so you tear it up and throw it away? No? Just me?

Anyway apparently, that is exactly what’s going on in this glitch. So, if you’re battling backstage in WWE 2K18, it would be a good idea to stay away from the couches because you never know when it might hook you.

On another interesting note, that T-Rex skull on the wall is exactly like the one hanging in Vince McMahon’s office at Titan Towers. So, that’s cool.

#3 Roman Reigns walking through the crowd… literally

Just imagine you’re with your mom and have great tickets for a WWE event and suddenly Roman Reigns walks right past you on his way to the ring. It’s happened to many people before but try to imagine looking over at your mother while Reigns walks through her like she’s a ghost. Yeah, that’s pretty creepy.

It’s a minor glitch that’s happened countless times before but sometimes it’s bound to happen when you’re mixing so many variables. Huge kudos to whoever was able to make that Shield t-shirt so quickly as well because it looks pretty great.

#4 A new kind of crowd surfing

When a WWE Superstar bounces off the ropes you expect them to shoot to the other side of the ring, not just pass right through them like they’re not even there. You also don’t expect them to defy gravity and physics while they just keep running on a straight plane past the ring’s edge.

In this glitch, you can see Kofi Kingston goes off to the ropes and just keeps going. He runs over a crowd who really aren’t selling the remarkable nature of this feat either. But that’s probably because they’re background characters who only know how to cheer, boo, and hold up a random sign.

#5 The referee won’t pin

When you’re playing a wrestling game it’s important to know when you get to the point where you are going to attempt victory the referee will do his job. But apparently, the referee in WWE 2K18 has a problem throwing himself down on the canvas to count for the pin.

This isn’t just someone turning off the pinfall setting on their game either because it seems to happen from time to time. Especially if it’s a special match with multiple characters.

Let’s hope 2K can figure out how to fix this one because it is a glitch which might need fixing. It wouldn’t surprise me if they’re already getting to work on this mistake to include a patch in one of the first updates for the game.

#6 Taking off the hood

When designed a WWE video game, WWE’s Superstars need to go in for a full body scan. It looks like they might have gotten Kalisto and possibly other masked Superstars without their masks on. Because from this screenshot below it looks like you can go into the character editor and take off Kalisto’s mask.

Of course, there’s always the chance this is just a generic face plastered there so he wouldn’t look like The Ghost Of Christmas Past if you take off his mask.

It might be fun to act out an actual mask vs hair match, or you could just take off his mask because you don’t like his mask. This might not be too much of a glitch and just more of a really cool thing. But still, it’s something worth noting.

#7 Random public service announcements

WWE is always looking to remind you something important and with good reason. They’ve realised their huge public responsibility as a publically traded entertainment company with a such a large audience.

Apparently, much like their programming WWE 2K18 also includes a couple public service announcements. But some of the mentions for the benefit of the greater good of public awareness might be a tad misplaced.

The Miz isn’t known for being a smoker but apparently Michael Cole still feels the need to remind us all about the campaign to stop smoking in the middle of his entrance. I wonder if Cole is able to slide in a PSA during every entrance or maybe it’s just The Miz. Either way, it’s pretty awesome.

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