However, as always, some heroes and their abilities are better than others. Here’s a look at some of the best and strongest abilities in the game.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer. It does not include Ultimates but pretty much everything else.

7 abilities that make their heroes some of the best characters in Overwatch 2

1) Teleporter (Symmetra)

Traversal can often turn the tide of battle in Overwatch 2, and DPS hero Symmetra has a trick up her sleeve in this regard.

The light-bending scientist has a teleporter as one of her key abilities, which creates a portal from her point to a target location. This allows her to scale up to vantage points or flank unsuspecting foes. Her allies can also use the teleporter for the short duration it is active. This essentially allows the entire team to take opponents by surprise if used correctly.

2) Assault Configuration (Bastion)

Want to shred through enemies in seconds in Overwatch 2? Try Bastion. This little DPS class robot’s Assault Configuration is deadly, especially when catching foes off guard. The powerful rotary cannon wipes DPS and Supports quickly and can even easily deal with Tanks.

While tankier than normal, Bastion’s movement is somewhat slow in this configuration. It also balloons the robot’s hitbox, making it an easy target for enemies out of range, such as snipers.

3) Take A Breather (Roadhog)

Roadhog is undoubtedly one of the best and most fun heroes in Overwatch 2. It’s not just his massive health pool and powerful shotgun that makes him a menace to deal with, but also his Chain Hook that can pull enemies in for near-instant kills.

However, none of this would be possible without solid survivability, and his Take A Breather ability is what lets him put the capital T in Tank. It doesn’t just heal a massive chunk of his health but also grants him damage reduction to withstand incoming hits.

This way, a competent Roadhog doesn’t necessarily need to rely on a healer to make the most out of him.

4) Defense Matrix (D.Va)

The tanky yet nimble D.Va is a surprisingly versatile Tank that can put the pressure with quick backline dives into enemy territory. She can also play the defensive game well, thanks to her Defense Matrix ability.

Activating at the press of a button, D.Va can block all projectile damage, including Ultimates (such as Zarya’s Graviton Surge). Coupled with her diving capabilities, she can eat up foes’ swarm of projectiles while snaking through their ranks for a nice self-destruct.

5) Deflect (Genji)

If D.Va’s Defense Matrix is meant to be used defensively, DPS hero Genji’s Deflect is its offensive counterpart.

While D.Va soaks up projectiles to render them useless, Genji deflects them toward the attacker. This is particularly lethal against Bastion’s Assault Configuration or projectile-based Ultimates like Soldier 76’s Tactical Visor. Its status as both an offensive and by-nature defensive ability puts it a step ahead of D.Va’s move in Overwatch 2.

6) Protection Suzu (Kiriko)

One of the newest heroes in the Overwatch universe, Kiriko is a Support who is good at attacking and healing. While she can instantly teleport to nearby allies, her most useful ability is the Protection Suzu.

This ability launches an orb at the target, rendering them temporarily invincible. It is handy to save a friend from death, including Ultimates against the team (if allies are grouped up as it affects surrounding teammates too).

While it is true that Baptiste’s Immortality Field lasts longer, it can be destroyed, often instantly, by high fire-rate DPS characters. The Protection Suzu is superior as it serves another purpose: making most negative status effects ineffective, including anti-heal, which prevents targets from being healed. This makes Kiriko a must-have against foes with an Ana or Junker Queen on their team.

7) Sleep Dart (Ana)

While all other abilities on this Overwatch 2 list help deter foes or boost the player’s resilience, Ana’s Sleep Dart renders them useless.

It puts the target to sleep for a few seconds, which can be all your team needs to pick up the pace and go all in. Better yet, you can use it on a flanker and make a quick retreat since Ana does not have abilities that enhance her moveset, unlike Widowmaker and her grapple.

Coupled with her Biotic Grenade, which can cast the anti-heal status on enemies, Ana’s Sleep Dart is best used on an aggressive Tank such as Winston or Orisa. This is made even better considering the fact that it can be used to cancel Ultimates like SIgma’s Gravitic Flux. It can be hard to pull off for new players, but mastery of the Dart can and will throw games in the player’s favor.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PS4, XB1, PS5, XSX|S, and Nintendo Switch.

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