With that being said, Brock Lesnar’s return to WWE is going to come with a number of consequences for a number of different people and could even negatively affect the fans as well. Furthermore, it could have a dramatic effect on the title picture, which seems really weird given how high WWE has been on Roman Reigns lately.

In the end, Brock Lesnar’s return to WWE will have long-lasting and heartbreaking effects on several superstars. It will also create problems for the future of the company and Reigns’ position as the top guy. Maybe things will work out if WWE knows how to use Brock Lesnar correctly, but here are seven people that will be negatively affected if he can’t.

#7 Finn Balor

Believe it or not, Brock Lesnar returning to WWE is going to have a profoundly negatively effect Finn Balor. Not only does the company’s latest move make it even more impossible for Balor to reenter the title picture, he might not even be able to get time on Raw and pay per views if Lesnar keeps showing up.

Unfortunately for Balor and his fans, this means that Balor is mainly going to be relegated to midcard feuds with little to no purpose. In fact, with the tag team titles and The Intercontinental title being entangled in The Shield storyline, Balor has pretty much no choice, but to continue to be the plucky young underdog that beats on midcard heels and loses when it counts.

#6 Bobby Lashley

Speaking of superstars that are utterly irrelevant at this point, Bobby Lashley is another superstar that is going to be lost in the shuffle with Lesnar’s return. Of course, WWE hasn’t done much with Lashley lately after he lost to Roman Reigns in a No. 1 Contender’s Match on Raw, but it is only going to get worse as time goes on.

In the end, maybe WWE could surprise everyone and have Reigns and Lashley face off, but it would have little appeal past the fact that its a Brock Lesnar match. Furthermore, Lashley doesn’t exactly have the babyface personality that fans can get behind, which means fans would likely root for Lesnar in that case.

With that being said, all those things and countless others things that prove Lashley’s inability to break the glass ceiling, it is very unlikely that something like this happens. Unfortunately for Lashley, that means he will also be relegated to mid-card feuds that virtually mean nothing and he will eventually be lost in the shuffle more then he already is.

#5 The WWE roster

The WWE Universe has been known to hit WWE where it hurts sometimes and they just might end up doing so after the company has brought in Brock Lesnar for yet another run. In fact, with the current Shield reunion, Strowman’s heel turn and the roster ambush, Lesnar is an unneeded overkill at this point and it is only making things more confusing.

What makes the surprise return even worse, however, is how it seems to put Lesnar immediately back in the title picture with only months to go before his UFC fight. Not only does that mean that there is a possibility of Lesnar taking The Universal title before leaving for UFC, it also opens up the possibility of a part-time champion again.

Even if Lesnar doesn’t end up accomplishing that lofty goal of taking the title to UFC, bringing him back so soon is only going to make fans angry and worried about another part time champion on Raw. If nothing else, WWE needs to abort this mission as fast as possible or risk fans leaving in mass.

#4 Kevin Owens

How do you go from the next Paul Heyman guy to not even making an appearance at The Hell in a Cell pay per view? Believe it or not, that is exactly what happened to Kevin Owens and while WWE might still have something in the works for him, it looks like it won’t be a new manager and won’t include a title shot anytime soon.

Of course, that doesn’t mean WWE cant still do something great with Kevin Owens, even though WWE has messed up his last couple of storylines, but he will likely not be getting past the midcard anytime soon. Even worse though, it looks like Owens won’t get to benefit from what would have been the biggest push of his career if he was paired with Heyman.

#3 Ronda Rousey

Another causality in all this is Ronda Rousey, who also was also supposedly a prime pick to be managed by Paul Heyman and had the distinction of being the only UFC crossover star in WWE. Rousey and Lesnar shared the distinction when she made her debut at The Royal Rumble, but Rousey became the only one when Lesnar left after Summerslam.

If nothing else, this hurts Rousey from both a booking standpoint and from a storyline standpoint. In fact, while Rousey has definitely gotten better with winning over the crowd in her last couple of matches, Heyman would have helped her connect with the audience in a way she never has before.

In the end, her losing out on being the first ever Paul Heyman girl and not being the only UFC superstar in WWE is only going to hurt her. Furthermore, it is going to diminish a lot of the star power that WWE spent a lot of time building up, which is only going to diminish her star power even further.

#2 Bruan Strowman

Where does Bruan Strowman stand in all of this?

While The Monster among men didn’t technically lose at Hell in a Cell, it seems like Bruan Strowman will get lost in the shuffle now that Brock Lesnar is back. In fact, with Brock Lesnar’s having a contractually obligated rematch for The Universal title to fall back on, Strowman might have to wait to get his hands on Reigns again.

Of course, WWE could bypass that by giving Lesnar his rematch and then have Strowman interfere to set up a Triple Threat match, but even that might not bode well for Strowman. Not only is that evident by WWE not using Lesnar’s return as a way to hand Reigns a loss and Strowman the title, but also by how high the company still is on both Reigns and Lesnar.

In the end, Strowman, even as a heel, doesn’t seem to fit well into that equation and will likely be an afterthought in the match. He could even end up taking the deciding fall in a match between the three superstars, which would really diminish what WWE did with turning Strowman heel and essentially render it meaningless.

#1 Roman Reigns

Its no secret that almost no one saw Brock Lesnar’s return at Hell in a Cell coming, especially since it was never really hinted at and Lesnar’s presumed UFC schedule, but WWE apparently has plans for the beast incarnate moving forward. What those plans are remain to be seen and will unfold over the next couple of weeks, but one thing is clear.

If WWE is actually going through with bringing Lesnar back only two months after he lost the title to Roman Reigns, it means one of two things. 1, WWE isn’t happy with Roman Reigns’ performance as champion, which is confusing given how much better the fans reactions have gotten lately or 2. WWE wants the added publicity of Lesnar holding The UFC and Universal title.

Of course, WWE could have had Lesnar return to face another opponent for just bring him back for shock value, but that doesn’t make sense with him still holding his rematch clause. With that being said, it is going to be extremely interesting to see what WWE does decide to do from here and if this means they are losing faith in Roman Reigns as their top guy.

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