He’s the current IWGP Heavyweight champion of the world. He’s almost single-handedly changed the impetus of the world of pro wrestling. He’s Kenny Omega, and many fans and critics agree that he is the best active wrestler in the business today.

How he climbed the mountain of sports entertainment to achieve this goal is as interesting as the man himself. Born Tyson Smith in the great white north of Canada, Omega’s first foray into sports was ice hockey. He played the goalie position, a niche reserved for individuals who are both fearless and undeniably tough.

However, when one of his best friends started training as a pro wrestler, Omega became intrigued. While working at an IGA store (if you’re from a small town in North America you probably had one growing up) he met Top Rope Wrestling promoter, Bobby Jay.

Omega, still a teenager, worked his way up with several Canadian promotions before being signed by WWE’s then-developmental territory, Deep South Wrestling. While in Deep South Wrestling, he turned a lot of heads with his talent and athleticism but ran afoul of Bill Demott, a man who was recently fired by WWE for being cruel to aspiring wrestlers.

However, not everything was awful in Deep South Wrestling. It was there that Omega met and was trained under Squire Dave Taylor, a British wrestler renowned for his technical acumen. Omega states that he didn’t really know how to be a pro wrestler until Taylor took him under his wing.

Disgusted with WWE, Omega bounced around different promotions for a while, such as PWG and ROH. He signed with New Japan in 2010 and has steadily built steam ever since. It was his membership in Bullet Club that finally elevated him to the main event. His matches with Okada cemented his status as a world-calibre wrestler, and their bout from earlier this year is still being talked about as a five-star classic.

So, there’s no denying that Omega is a grade-A talent. There may even be a lot of evidence to suggest that he is the best active wrestler in the world. If he wants to be considered the greatest of all time, however, he has to accomplish these seven things first.

1. Have a dominant IWGP title reign

Omega is already well on his way toward this goal. While his chase of the title was impressive, turning away challenges is how a champion defines oneself. Much like Hogan, Okada, and Flair all had decisive reigns, Omega needs to do the same.

2. Defeat the best in the world

There have been dozens of champion in just the WWE alone in recent years who failed to truly stand out among the herd. Many of these men are fine wrestlers, but their title reigns were either short lived or they only defended the belt against a handful of challengers.

For Omega to be considered the greatest of all time, he’s going to have to pin or submit the greatest wrestlers of his generation. Men like the Nature Boy Ric Flair are known for turning back challenges from the best the world had to offer, which helped cement their legacy. Compare this to a man like the Rock, who may have been a famous champion but largely defended his title against only a small amount of the same foes recycled endlessly, like Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H.

Omega has defeated many top tier wrestlers, but there are some names on his list that need to be crossed off, such as AJ Styles.

3. Break away from the Elite

When it comes to pro-wrestling a stable serves several functions.

For one, it is a great storyline hook, especially for heels (which is why most stables are either bad guys or end up that way). This is because the numbers game can be used to turn the tables on babyface wrestlers and generate heat from the crowd.

Another reason for a stable is to elevate the performers in it by having them associate with a major star. This was attempted and succeeded with Barry Whindam in the Horseman, but attempted and failed with the NWO and Stevie Ray. Yet another reason for Stables has to do with merchandising.

However, Kenny Omega isn’t being helped by the Elite, though they may be helped by him. He doesn’t need a stable to generate heat, or to sell merchandise. His presence does elevate the lesser members of the stable, Like Marty Scurll and Adam Page, but Omega will truly shine on his own.

4. Increase his mass media appeal

In this day and age, it’s not enough to simply be a good, or even a great, wrestler. You have to worry about your platform on social media, and how many people outside of the wrestling business know your name.

For example, Hulk Hogan and the Rock are famous both inside and outside the ring. This is due to movie roles, their appearances on multiple forms of media, and their influence in the sport and beyond. Even Ric Flair, who spent most of his time wrestling, has appeared on shows like Thunder in Paradise and was the subject of an ESPN documentary which earned critical acclaim.

If Omega wants to be the GOAT in wrestling, he’ll have to do similar things. However, he seems to realize this and has said he wants to do acting and other forms of entertainment as well as wrestling.

5. Prove he can work great matches with any wrestler

In Jim Cornette’s favourite match of all-time, Kenny Omega wrestled a nine-year-old girl…and made it look good!

The match took place years ago before Omega’s current superstardom had even taken hold. Omega was one of the few wrestlers willing to participate in the publicity stunt. Many other wrestlers feared they would hurt their own credibility if they took bumps from a mere child.

But Omega wasn’t sweating any such concerns. Not only did he agree to wrestle the girl, but he also put his all into the match, selling for her and making sure the spots looked good and snug. And he even allowed her to slap him about the face at the end of the bout, cementing his status as a man who is willing to do whatever it takes to entertain the crowd.

Footage also exists of Omega wrestling a blow-up doll, and he also managed to make that look entertaining, too. The greatest of all time should be able to have great matches with any opponent, and that’s what Kenny Omega has proven he can do.

6. Defeat Okada in a rubber match

Currently, Okada and Omega are tied at title victories over each other.

While Omega has established dominance, for the time being, the fact is that he spent a long time trying to defeat Okada without success. In order for Kenny Omega to be considered the greatest of all time, he must turn back the challenge of Okada one more time.

The fact is, fans are salivating for another rematch between the two titans. Their first encounter was an instant five-star classic, and many wrestling critics think that their second encounter, a two out of three falls affair, was actually off the ratings chart.

If Omega can defeat his rival Okada one more time, he will truly be one step closer to proving he is pro wrestling’s greatest of all time.

7. Become World or Universal champion in WWE

Right now there is a big debate among pro wrestling fans. One one hand, there are those who believe that in order to be a true wrestling legend one must work for the WWE. They argue that the WWE provides the biggest stage possible for sports entertainment, and point to the careers of men like John Cena, Hulk Hogan, and the Rock as evidence of their rightfulness.

On the other hand, there are fans and critics who believe that working for WWE is NOT necessary to be considered a wrestling legend. They point to wrestlers like Cody, who became an even bigger international star after leaving WWE, and the Briscoes, who will likely finish their careers without working for the promotion.

But, the fact of the matter is, the biggest candidates for wrestling’s GOAT have worked for WWE. Everyone knows Hogan and the Rock made their names there, but so did Roddy Piper, and even superstars who built their careers outside of the promotion, like Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes, spent some time there as well.

If Kenny Omega wants to be wrestling’s GOAT, he simply has to join WWE at some point in his career.

There you have it; Seven things Kenny Omega must do to be considered the greatest of all time. Questions or comments? Please leave them below the article and thanks for reading!

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