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Fans of Obi-Wan were extremely eager to witness his transition from a proud Jedi to a frightened hermit, and the six episodes of the Obi-Wan Kenobi series delivered. It was a difficult task to reshape this loved character as it ran the risk of alienating long-time fans, but Disney captured his essence and repurposed it effectively. Though this story was told with great respect for its source material, there were a few elements present throughout that just didn’t make sense.

Spoilers are everywhere.

7 The Laser Fence

During his time on the mining planet of Mapuzo, Obi-Wan is tasked with protecting Leia from the Empire by any means necessary. Unfortunately for Kenobi, this planet is under the lethal control of the Empire, meaning that he is never too far away from its grasp. Upon arriving at a checkpoint, Kenobi is forced to vanquish his empirical foes to ensure both his and Leia’s safety.

Upon dealing with these troopers, Obi-Wan struggles to bypass a security fence. He fiddles with the gate’s controls before opting instead to shoot the control panel, resulting in the shutting down of its laser force field. Though this moment seemed necessary at the time, the overhead shot revealed that Obi-Wan could have easily walked around this deadly barricade, begging the question of why he didn’t in the first place.

6 The Design Of Fortress Inquisitorius

The iconic location seen during the climax of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order got a live-action rendition in Kenobi, and it appears to be a complete replica. Though Kenobi did a wonderful job at capturing the magnitude of this fortress, certain writing choices have rendered this base far less structurally sound than one once thought.

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Before embarking on his journey to rescue Leia from the Inquisitors, Obi-Wan is informed about the fortress’ lack of shields. The design of the base alone is supposedly more than enough to sway the rebels from attacking, but it is quickly revealed to be extremely vulnerable due to its placement in water. After a blaster shot pierces one of its underwater windows, the ocean begins to pour into this unsuspecting base, rendering its design more flawed than that of the original Death Star.

5 Reva Vs. Vader

Not wanting to take any chances, Reva places a tracker in Leia’s droid, Lola, as a means of ensuring Kenobi’s capture. Upon locating him in a hidden rebel base, Kenobi discerns that Reva’s primary goal as an Inquisitor is to avenge her fallen Jedi companions, a group of children who were massacred during Order 66 by none other than Anakin Skywalker himself.

Obi-Wan suggests that they stand more of a chance against Vader by working together and, though Reva silently agrees, she ultimately decides to take matters into her own hands. Unsure if she can defeat the Sith Lord by herself, Reva lunges at Vader with all the power she can muster, but alas, she is outmatched. Though she spent the majority of her life preparing for this encounter, it would have made more sense for her to wait for a more optimal moment.

4 Escaping Fortress Inquisitorius

Having located Leia in the vast Inquisitor base, Obi-Wan must find a way to safely escort her to his ship. With no other ideas in mind, Obi-Wan opts to cover the child with his cloak as they make their way to the base’s hangar. Though the pair pass a vast number of imperials during their panicked walk, they remain unnoticed until Reva appears behind them.

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Inquisitors are known for lacking powers in the Force, often opting to wield a double-bladed lightsaber to fill in their gaps. This fact would explain why they did not sense a Jedi in their facility, but it is impossible that nobody noticed the two pairs of feet under Obi-Wan’s robe. The strict uniform system implemented in this facility would also negate the possibility of Obi-Wan going unnoticed for as long as he did.

3 The Second Ship

Upon infiltrating the rebel base, Darth Vader makes his way through its dank hallways in search of the remaining rebels. He eventually locates a spacecraft mid-ascent before he grips onto it using the Force. Vader pulls the vessel back to the ground and proceeds to tear it apart, revealing it to be a decoy as the rebels are seen taking off in a smaller ship just behind the now mutilated one.

Darth Vader watches as the rebels escape on this secret space vessel, but how did they know to plan for this? It can be assumed that Obi-Wan suggested they take this course of action as he is familiar with Anakin’s mindset, but surely Vader could have pulled down this second ship as he did with the first. As one of the most powerful characters in the Star Wars universe, it seems unlikely that Vader would not have been able to stop the fleeing rebels with his Force abilities.

2 Vader And The Fire

Having tracked Obi-Wan to the planet of Mapuzo, Vader confronts him for the first time since their battle on Mustafar. It quickly becomes evident through their encounter that Vader’s past ten years of training have given him the strength he needed to best his former master in combat. Learning that Obi-Wan’s Jedi skills have diminished, Vader relieves him of his lightsaber and drags him along a fiery floor.

Vader quenches the flames before ordering his troopers to restrain his fallen master, but Tala Durith reignites the fire as a means of distracting the elusive lord. Vader glares through the flames as Obi-Wan is recovered by the rebels and does nothing. It is stated that he developed a fear of fire due to his experience on Mustafar, but it is hard to ignore how easily he could have used the Force to quench the fire once more.

1 Leia Meeting Obi-Wan

The story of Obi-Wan and Leia’s meeting is one of love and endearment. Though they are both reluctant during their first encounter, they form a strong bond as the narrative progresses, with Obi-Wan adopting the role of a protective father. The story of Kenobi serves to flesh out their connection, but one line in Star Wars: A New Hope slightly dismantles this new tale.

The opening events of the original Star Wars see Leia hiding a message for Obi-Wan in an R2 unit. In the message, Leia states that “Years ago, you served my father in the Clone Wars,” but she fails to remind the aged Obi-Wan of their time together evading the Empire. With the now established connection between Leia and Obi-Wan, it seems unusual for Leia to reintroduce herself to her friend by reminding him of his relationship with her father. Though their story is heartwarming, their meeting during Kenobi slightly diminishes one of the most pivotal plot points in the entire series.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is available to stream on Disney+.

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