Its only two words, but the implications in the world of WWE is so much more than that. For example. What if Baron Corbin manages to stay in power after The TLC pay per view? What would happen then? Would it cause the mass exodus that WWE faithfuls claim it will or could it be the start of something big for WWE?

More on that later, but again, we have these very powerful what if situations that could easily change the very course of WWE programming for months and maybe even WWE history as time goes on.

Maybe that’s a little hyperbolic, but there are still times that the company is able is able to shock fans and believe it or not, it does change things quite a bit.

With that being said and WWE needing to dig themselves out of a hole after their recent editions of Monday night Raw, here are five things WWE can do to completely shock fans at TLC. In the end, whether these things actually help WWE or not is up to them and how they expand on what happened, but it would be the start of something big!

#7 Keep Baron Corbin in power

Its no secret that The WWE Universe is upset about Baron Corbin being in power on Monday Night Raw, but what sense would it make to end the storyline abruptly due to some fan backlash?

In fact, if WWE were to have Corbin win at TLC, it gives the company a chance to raise the stakes and eventually have Bruan Strowman be the one to remove him from power.

Not only does that end the storyline the way it was likely supposed to have ended, it also creates a cathartic moment for fans that Corbin’s reign of terror is finally over.

In the end, it may not be the most popular decision at the moment, but fans to realize that there are some long term benefits to keeping Corbin as Raw GM.

#6 Actually putting Bayley and Sasha Banks in a match

Believe it or not, WWE has done next to nothing with Bayley and Sasha Banks over the last year or so, which is why its very easy to imagine them missing out on yet another pay per view . Of course WWE could always pull a swerve and throw the two women on the card somewhere, but its not going to be in some high profile role.

With that being said and the fact that WWE has somewhat mismanaged these two talented women for months now in mind, it makes sense that they will once again be left off a big pay per view like TLC. Unfortunately for Banks and Bayley, that likely means being relegated to bad spots on Raw for quite some time and getting nothing decent to work with.

In the end however, WWE has such a stacked women’s division on Raw that a lot of talented women will probably be left off the card in favor of others. In fact, between both Raw and Smackdown Live, Bayley, Banks, Carmella, Natayla, The Riott Squad, Naomi. Lana, Mandy Rose and several others could find themselves off the card as well.

#5 Have Asuka lose

Another decision that won’t be popular is having Asuka lose her triple Threat match for The Smackdown Live Women’s title, but it would be a shocking moment for The WWE Universe. Beyond that, it would do a serviceable job of allowing Asuka to continue to chase the title and maybe even save her crowning moment for The Royal Rumble

If nothing else, that gives Asuka’s crowning moment a little more weight, especially since if it happened at a big four pay per view and also sets her up better for a successful run during The Road to WrestleMania. If WWE does give Asuka the title at TLC however, they risk spinning their wheels with Auska until The Royal Rumble, which could have devastating effects on her run.

Maybe WWE has a way to sustain Asuka’s push until WrestleMania season roles around, but if they don’t, it is going to have not only hurt her, but the rest of the division heading into the biggest pay per view of the year as well. With that being said, WWE needs to be conservative here and keep her out of the title for now.

#4 Have Finn Balor appear as The Demon King

Finn Balor has been struggling to gain back momentum ever since losing to Baron Corbin the night after Summerslam and while he has a chance to gain his footing in a match against Drew McIntyre at TLC, he will likely come up short in that effort as well. With that being said however, WWE needs to do something to help Balor regain his momentum.

While some probably want Balor to win, especially since it would be a guaranteed way for him to gain back his momentum, WWE cant really afford to hand McIntyre a loss right now. Unfortunately for Balor, that likely means taking a loss at TLC, but that dosen’t mean the moment has to be a total bust for him.

If nothing else, Demon Mode is something that gets fans excited and it might also lesson the impact of a loss at the hands of the Scottish Psychopath. Beyond all that, it would at least be a way to somewhat move Balor and McIntyre’s storyline forward and maybe even set up another match between the two that Balor can win to finally get his momentum back.

#3 Have Dean Ambrose win The IC Title

As much as everyone in The WWE Universe wants Seth Rollins to walk out of TLC with The IC title, wouldn’t it be interesting if Dean Ambrose pulled off the upset and won the title for himself? At least that way, it would give Rollins versus Ambrose a reason to go on for a while and could end up playing a role in Rollins’s eventual ascension to the top of the card.

Beyond all that, it would be one of those shock moments that completely leaves The WWE Universe unglued when all is said and done. If nothing else, this is the kind of moment WWE needs right now, especially with complaints of lackluster storytelling and would be a great way to cement Ambrose as a formidable opponent.

In the end, its important to realize that Rollins would lose absolutely nothing in defeat if WWE did go through with this and it would do a lot to help establish Ambrose at the top of the card. Above all else though, it pushes the storyline forward, which is something WWE needs right now with The Royal Rumble so far away.

#2 AJ Styles winning back The WWE Title

WWE has made some very interesting decisions over the course of the last year or so, but what if they pulled a complete 360 and had AJ Styles win back The WWE Title at TLC? Not only would the move instantaneously take the steam out of Daniel Bryan’s newly minted heel turn, it also leaves little chance of Bryan winning it back

Beyond that, it also likely eliminates Bryan from the title picture for next year’s WrestleMania, which would probably anger a lot of fans. Another problem with the decision to do this would be that it puts the title back on AJ Styles, who has already enjoyed over a year and half as champion and could really use a break by now.

In the end, its not a likely occurrence and will probably only happen if WWE decides on a huge change in where they are going storyline wise, but it would be a huge shock to The WWE Universe if they actually did this. In fact, it could leave fans in confusion and very unlikely to keep investing their time in the product.

#1 Have Becky Lynch and Charlotte cost Ronda Rousey The Raw Women’s title

Let’s be honest here.

While The Tables, Ladders and Chairs pay per view will have a lot of interesting matches for fans to watch, a lot of eyes remain on Ronda Rousey and her Raw Women’s title. In fact, Nia Jax seems to be Rousey’s toughest test yet and WWE might be in the process of finally taking the title off of Rousey for awhile

Some might be wondering why WWE would want to do something like this, especially with Rousey being one of the best things about Raw right now, but its obvious once you look at how things are coming to together. Furthermore, with Becky Lynch’s and Charlotte Flair’s continuous jabs at Rousey, its becoming clear that they will cost Rousey the title at TLC

How it happens is anyone’s guess and could include some of the most must see moments WWE has had in some time, but its all going to end with Nia Jax hitting Rousey with a signature punch and taking the title for herself. WWE will then build towards Rousey versus Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch at WrestleMania 35, which will be a dream match of sorts.

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