Want to get more out of your macro lens? Read on…

How Is a Macro Lens Different From a Normal Lens?

You probably already know that a macro lens can take pictures at a closer distance than a standard lens. But, that is not the only difference between a normal and a macro lens. The standard lenses are curved-field lenses, whereas the macro lenses are flat-field lenses.

This means that a macro lens has flatter lens elements, so your images have corner-to-corner sharpness and less distortion. These qualities give it an edge when shooting products, landscapes, and the night sky.

Here are some exciting things you can shoot with your macro lens.

1. Snap Beautiful Portraits

Your macro lens can be an excellent option for taking portraits, especially if you have a mid-range macro like Canon’s 100mm f/2.8 or Nikon’s 105mm f/2.8. Ask any wedding photographer, a 70-200mm lens will be one of their favorite lenses because the focal length is perfect for portraits.

With a focal length of 100mm, you will have enough space between you and your subject. If you like photographing kids or family, this is a great focal length as you can let the kids play freely. Also, with an aperture of f/2.8, you can isolate your subject and get that beautiful bokeh.

2. Take Drool-Worthy Food Photos

Love food? Then, go ahead and take that macro lens to shoot it. Not only can you capture the textures in your food with your macro lens, but you also get striking colors and edge-to-edge sharpness.

Thanks to the flat field, you get clean shots at 45 degrees, the preferred angle for food photography. The 100mm focal length lens can also provide a comfortable distance to work with. When working with a standard lens like 50mm, you may be able to see the legs of your tripod at a top-down angle.

And, don’t forget the smooth bokeh that can elevate your food photos.

3. Shoot Amazing Astro Photos

The flat field combined with the high-quality glass on your macro lens can be a boon for photographing the beauty of the night sky. Also, the wide aperture of f/2.8 can let in more light necessary to capture images in low light.

One of the common issues in astrophotography is coma or comatic aberration, where the stars at the corners of the image look stretched. However, with your macro lens’ flat field, you can get sharp-looking stars at the edges as well.

Moreover, astrophotographers prefer prime lenses over zoom lenses due to their quality. Your macro lens is nothing but a top-grade prime lens, so you can happily add it to your astrophotography expeditions.

If you’re new to photography, check out our introduction to prime lenses.

4. Get Super-Sharp Product Photos

You can take product pictures with any prime or zoom lens. But, having a macro lens can make capturing those tiny details breezy. This is particularly helpful for products like jewelry and watches. A macro lens can reveal vivid details and rich color in these items.

With a standard lens, you must take the product pictures from a distance and crop them to fill the frame. You can avoid this with your macro lens—you get life-size images in full resolution. So, you can print the photos as big as you want.

5. Capture Friendly Wildlife

You definitely need a dedicated zoom lens for wildlife photography; we do not deny that. However, your macro lens can still be a terrific tool for capturing the neighborhood animals and birds.

When you’re out for a walk in the park, you don’t have to carry your big and bulky zoom lens and a tripod to photograph the wildlife there. Instead, just bring your 100mm macro lens, and you can get decent shots of the squirrels, chipmunks, robins, chickadees, ducks, and other little critters.

Your 100mm macro lens most likely has some sort of image stabilization, so you can leave your tripod at home and enjoy a relaxed handheld shooting during your walks. Check out this article for a refresher on how image stabilization works.

6. See Landscapes Differently

Do you know who always strives for that corner-to-corner sharpness in their photos? It is the landscape photographers. They use ridiculous apertures like f/22 or above to find that elusive sharpness. But is there a shortcut to get that tack sharp photos? Yes, your macro lens, due to the flat field elements.

Instead of going for a wide-angle view of the landscapes, you can choose a point of interest in your scene and use a narrower field of view with your macro lens. The result can be visually exciting and a welcome break from the usual landscape images.

What’s more, you can also shoot micro landscape photos with your macro lens.

7. Enjoy Street Photography

When you’re out and about, you want a good-quality lens to snap those moments that catch your attention. You don’t need the hassle of carrying too many items. Your macro lens can help you with that.

Your macro lens’ image stabilization and comfortable focal length will give you the freedom to shoot everything from vehicles and buildings to graffiti on the street.

The 100mm lens is also relatively small and discreet, so you can take photos without being in the way of others.

A Macro Lens Is a Versatile Tool to Have in Your Camera Bag

Photography is an expensive art to pursue. So, when buying new gear, you should always check if it is worth your hard-earned money. You should look for multipurpose equipment that is of top-notch quality.

A macro lens is one such rare gem. It is a phenomenal all-around lens that can work well for different situations. So, if you’re considering buying one but are worried about the price, just remember its versatility. We assure you it will be a constant companion in your photography journey.