Here are some things you should know before replacing your desktop environment with a window manager.

Window Managers vs. Desktop Environments

A window manager is a program responsible for positioning and displaying windows in a GUI. These programs can be a part of a larger desktop environment or can be used as a standalone desktop.

A desktop environment usually consists of a window manager, widgets, and other utilities that interact with the rest of the applications to provide an interactive user experience. Some widely-used desktop environments are KDE Plasma, GNOME, Xfce, LXQt, Cinnamon, etc.

i3wm, bwspm, dwm, KWin (used in KDE), and Metacity (used in GNOME) are some examples of window managers.

1. Windows Managers Use Fewer Resources

Are you someone who truly believes in the statement “free RAM is wasted RAM” or do you like to use a lightweight desktop to minimize your system’s memory usage? If you can relate to the latter, then congratulations, using a window manager will feel like home to you.

According to Unihost, GNOME and KDE utilize 736MB and 633MB of memory respectively. On the other hand, window managers like i3wm and awesome use only 3MB and 9MB of memory while running. Note that this amount is exclusive of the memory required by other utilities you’ll need to install, such as menus and status bars.

To sum it up, window managers are for you if you’re ready to compromise appearance for better performance. However, this doesn’t imply that window managers don’t look attractive and eye-catching.

2. Window Managers Are Highly Customizable

While desktop environments like KDE Plasma are known for their immense customizability features, they don’t stand a chance against window managers in terms of customization. You can literally change any aspect of your desktop using window managers, including (but not limited to) the window placement, their appearance, title bars, taskbars, and more.

To see the true power of window managers, head over to r/unixporn and check out the WM desktop customizations (or “rice”) submitted by the users. If you too, want to create a personalized desktop that looks, and works the way you want, then window managers are definitely a better choice for you.

3. Window Managers Are Complicated

With the power of customization comes great complexity. The behavior and appearance of window managers are usually derived from text files known as configuration files. After installing a window manager, you’ll spend most of your initial time working with config files, changing variable values, and adding commands.

An experienced Linux user might get through the customization phase without many hassles, but newcomers often have a tough time learning how to modify the configuration file, not to mention that each config file follows a different syntax. This is because every window manager is written in a different programming language, and uses a different format to interpret the written commands.

4. You’ll Have to Manually Set Up Basic Utilities

Unlike desktop environments, a window manager doesn’t ship with even basic utilities like a menu, or a status bar. You’ll have to manually install and set up each program to your taste. Also, with each new program comes a new configuration file that you’ll have to deal with, which further adds to the complexity.

If you don’t want your first window manager experience to be a blank dark screen, consider installing a menu system, status bar, wallpaper utility, and compositor alongside the WM package.

5. Window Managers Have Keyboard-Centric Navigation

If you’re used to navigating the system with your mouse, then you’ll have a tough time adapting to the keyboard-driven navigation offered by most window managers. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t use a mouse or touchpad at all.

You will still be able to click and browse the system with your mouse, but generally, window managers are best-suited for those who have a high preference for keyboards.

The navigation in a window manager depends on custom key bindings, which include a mod key (usually the Super key). For example, to open the terminal in i3wm, you’ll have to press Mod + Enter. Similarly, you can change the position of the next window using Mod + H or Mod + V, depending on whether you want horizontal or vertical alignment.

Since window managers are highly customizable, you can add new key bindings to the config file and even change the default ones.

6. Choosing an Ideal Window Manager Is Hard

Like with other things on Linux, you’ll be overwhelmed with the number of window managers available at your disposal. Although this increases the scope of choice for some users, for others it is a red sign that comes with indecision and frustration.

Which one you should go for depends on what features you want. Do you prefer stacking or tiling window managers? Perhaps you need a window manager written in a language you’re familiar with. In any case, you’ll have several options to choose from.

7. Window Managers Can Be Hard to Adapt To

Getting familiar with the desktop when you first installed Linux was difficult. And so will be shifting to a window manager. But if you’re ready to work hard and invest your time, you will quickly overcome the initial learning phase.

Since you’re going to customize the desktop yourself, you’ll already know most things about your system. Launching programs, switching between workspaces, and modifying the utilities are some things you need to learn. The best way to familiarize yourself with the interface would be to install a window manager alongside a desktop environment and use it as your daily driver.

Should You Use Window Managers as a Newcomer?

New Linux users might feel overwhelmed when exposed to window managers. Although there’s no rule saying you can’t use a WM as a beginner, it’s still not recommended generally considering the complexity associated with window managers. But Linux is meant for tinkerers and people who like to try new stuff, and you’re free to install and use anything you want.

You should replace your desktop environment with a window manager only if you are determined to persevere with all the grinding that comes with it. If you’re not ready to switch to a window manager yet, consider installing different desktop environments and see which one fits the bill.